My child does not want to do homework: What can I do?

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My child does not want to do homework: What can I do?

Homework is a subject in itself. Almost every child goes through a phase at some point when they just don't feel like doing it. He or she would rather play and meet friends, because the world has so much more to offer! Sure, your child doesn't want to do homework when there are so many other things to discover. He doesn't really understand why he has to go to school at all and then sacrifice his free time for it.

Such phases are quite normal. But it becomes problematic when they don't want to end at all. Your child doesn't want to do homework, no matter what you do? Don't worry, we'll help you!

Your child doesn't want to do homework: why?

Your child doesn't want to do homework? Have you ever asked him why not? He will probably answer, "I don't want to." Or maybe he will give you a more detailed answer. If you have a close emotional connection with your child and you are always very open and honest with each other, you have already created the best conditions for answering this question. So why doesn't your child feel like it?

Often, there is pressure to perform behind it. In some cases, this pressure leads to students making an extra effort. In other cases, however, the exact opposite can occur. When teachers or parents put the Children too strong When students put themselves under pressure, they may well put on blinders. They associate learning and homework with something negative, when it should actually be fun to learn new exciting things. If this joy is taken away from them, however, everything to do with school becomes a nasty business.

It is also possible that your child is overwhelmed in class. He or she has lost the connection, doesn't understand the tasks and has the feeling that he or she is doing everything wrong. Why should he do the homework at all? In his eyes, it's pointless.

However, the exact opposite may also be the case. He may be underchallenged and bored. Your child doesn't want to do homework because he simply doesn't see the point. He already knows everything about the subject and can answer the questions spontaneously if he is asked about it in class.

Should children do homework on their own?

Homework is designed so that your child can do it alone at home. Everything they need to know they have learned in class or can read about in a textbook. It is not your job as a parent to take on the role of teacher at home. Your child should do the homework on his own and consolidate what he has learned.

If your child has not yet understood the material correctly and still needs help, then you can of course offer this. However, it is important that you do not solve the tasks for him, but only support him. They will find their own way, you just point them in the right direction. In this way, they can discover the solution themselves and be proud of themselves in the end.

child refuses homework

Your child doesn't want to do homework because he can't do it?

There are days when your Child simply longer for his homework. Perhaps it is distracted or must first briefly recall what it has already learned. Memory call back before it can start. But if it takes more time than average every day, you should pay attention.

It's best to talk to other parents in the class first and ask how their children are doing. If they feel the same way, it's most likely because the workload is far too heavy or the children have to spend a long time acquiring the necessary knowledge on their own because they didn't get enough in class. If this is the case, the appropriate teachers are the next port of call.

If other children don't need as much time for their homework, then you need to find out why your offspring can't do it. Here, too, teachers can provide important information. Maybe your child has problems in a certain subject and can't keep up, or he simply doesn't pay attention in class. Or maybe your child is doing a great job and can't get the assignments done at home because he or she simply doesn't want to do them because they bore him or her. In this case, you can work with the teachers to find a way to get your child to do better. Support child individually can.

Is homework useful?

Homework should complement school work. They are there to reinforce what children have learned in class, to gain additional knowledge, and to encourage independence. In addition, they provide you as a parent with information about where your child currently stands. In this way, homework is a link between the classroom and the home. If all of these criteria apply, then it is really useful.

Doing homework, on the other hand, is less useful if it has nothing whatsoever to do with what is going on in class. Even if they are not discussed and compared in class, they are not useful because the children cannot check at all whether they have understood the tasks correctly and solved them correctly.

Simply asking teachers if children have questions about the assignments or feel the need to compare them is not enough. Many students are reluctant, Ask questions or will say they don't think comparing is necessary so as not to incur the displeasure of learners who have not completed the tasks.

Your child doesn't want to do homework, but does he or she have to?

Homework is the order of the day at school. It is simply part of being a student to do it. Only very few people question whether it is really compulsory. But you want to know exactly?

The answer is: Yes! It follows from the school laws of the individual federal states that homework is of a compulsory nature. Exceptions apply if the teachers have explicitly declared certain tasks as voluntary.

When giving homework, however, teachers must not demand too much from their students. The scope must remain manageable. In some federal states it is even laid down by law, for example in Brandenburg, Bremen and Saxony-Anhalt. The amount of time required is usually staggered according to grade.

Your child doesn't want to do homework? The best tips!

Your child doesn't want to do homework and you are getting desperate? It is important that you do not bury your head in the sand. You won't help your child if you just look the other way. Now more than ever!

Perhaps your previous attempts simply failed because they were not appropriate for your child's age. Tricks that work for elementary school students won't work for teenagers. Of course, the same is true the other way around. That's why we've put together some great tips for you that are suitable for different age groups.

Tips for children of primary school age

Your child doesn't want to do homework and is currently attending elementary school? Then it's especially important to work on the basic attitude and establish routines. We'll show you how to do it!

1. find the perfect time

One question that will probably forever divide parents is, "To do homework right after school or not?" There's no one gold-digit answer to this. Your kid doesn't want to do homework, no matter when? Then you'll at least have to figure out what he or she is more comfortable with.

Doing homework directly after school offers many advantages. The child's mind is not yet fully occupied with leisure time, and it may be easier for him or her to concentrate once again. In addition, the child is motivated to complete the tasks quickly so that it can finally play. They know that they will finally have free time and won't have to do any more chores.

Other children, on the other hand, feel more comfortable playing a bit after school. They let off steam - after all, they had to sit for most of the day. Once they've released all their energy, they sit down at their desks and do their homework. This variant offers the advantage that the children are not anxious for their long-awaited free time and do their homework rather badly than well, so that they can finish it as quickly as possible. On the other hand, there is a risk that they will then be unable to get their act together or concentrate hard enough.

2. set a place

In some families, homework is always done at the kitchen table. In others, the children do it in their rooms. Some families allow the children to sit in the parents' office to do their homework.

Basically, it doesn't matter where your child does his homework. The important thing is that they can concentrate there and that there are no distractions lurking everywhere. At best, your child associates the chosen location exclusively with homework and nothing leisurely.

3. eliminate distractions

Young children are particularly easily distracted. That's why it's incredibly important, especially at elementary school age, that you take care to keep distracting factors away from your offspring as much as possible. There are no toys in the immediate vicinity, the TV is turned off, the radio is not playing and the siblings are playing in another room.

4. give praise

The be-all and end-all of learning is Motivation. Of course, this also applies to homework. So praise your child when he or she has completed a task and motivate him or her to continue with the same level of concentration.

In elementary school, you lay the foundation for your child's future attitude toward learning. If you associate it with something positive and motivating from the beginning, this association will, at best, remain even when your child attends secondary school.

5. do not compare your child with others

"Your sister/brother was much more diligent than you!" "The neighbors' kids like to do their homework!" Sentences like these slip quickly over parents' lips, but they are anything but purposeful.

Imagine that at work, your supervisor is always comparing you to colleagues who have the same position as you, or co-workers who did your job before you came to the company. And you are always the person who does poorly in that comparison. What does that do to you? Does that motivate you or do you lose your ambition because you feel you can't please anyone anyway? With children, the latter would be the case.

Your child doesn't want to do homework? Then check your own behavior. Negative comparisons are out of place and form the ideal breeding ground for Uncertainties and self-doubt.

Your child does not want to do homework - tips for teenagers

Teenagers need space. They are currently in a particularly exciting phase of their lives, in which they are finding themselves and their place in society. They also need space when it comes to school matters. Give them the chance to decide for themselves when to do their homework and don't force them to stick to set times. Let them figure out on their own when they can concentrate best. As long as they work through their assignments, everything is in the green.

By giving your teenage child this freedom, you show him that you trust him and believe that he can take responsibility for his own performance. But don't make them feel like you're leaving them alone to do their homework. Make it clear that you are always there when your child needs help and that you will not reprimand him if he has a question or doesn't understand something right away.

At a certain grade level, you may no longer be able to help your child with homework, and that's not a bad thing at all. After all, the subject matter is becoming more and more complex and your school days were a while ago. There are things that you simply forget if you haven't had to use them since. Then you can call in external learning aids to support your child and ensure that he or she doesn't bury his or her head in the sand and shut himself or herself off from homework.


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