Marilena Knappe

Become who you are. Consciousness: Experience the power of the NOW. Recognize yourself. Unfold your potential. Live your destiny.Enabling clarity, real and sustainable change and transformation. From seeker to finder. From knowing to being aware. From wishing to experiencing success, both privately and professionally.Strengthening people and companies. Life and business coaching.
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Coach since
School of life: 2024

what you have experienced and lived yourself. "It is not the wind, but the sail that determines the direction." Sunzi 20 years of intensive experience in the Western and Far Eastern way of life, in business (change management), psychology and philosophy in combination with therapeutic training, coaching and pronounced sensitivity, enable a special view and the combination of different techniques and tools for your very personal realization and development process. It is my passion and a matter close to my heart to promote awareness and to make the power of the NOW tangible for those who are open and ready for it. Through my self-developed and proven empowering method, I enable clarity, real and sustainable transformation. Always according to the principle: only help for self-help is true help. The combination of current Western knowledge with Far Eastern wisdom also enables a special perspective that opens up new opportunities and paths.

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