The big presentation is coming up and you're shaking with stage fright. Be brave, your own inner voice whispers to you. Don't be afraid, say your colleagues. But you are, Fear is okay if you overcome it. Learn how to encourage yourself and encourage others in this article.
But what does courage mean anyway? Can you also be courageous as a fearful person?
At Greator Personality Test you get to know yourself better - with your strengths and weaknesses. Face your fears. But also find out, which motivates you. Motivation is, by the way, a strong force that always gives you new courage.
In unsafe situations, you find it difficult to take a step forward. Do you dare? Can you give yourself courage? Are you ready to face the future?
How brave you are shows in the small and big crises, in everyday life and at special events. Before an important exam, while driving, during sports or in your professional life, you can expect very different risks. You could fail, hurt yourself or endanger someone else.
Those who are brave, for example, do a bungee jump or take on a challenging test. The tasks that require courage look so different. Maybe you want to stand up to peer pressure or speak your individual mind: it's hardly possible without courage - like these Study occupied.
Fear and courage are not opposites. On the contrary: if you act courageously, Sync and corrections by n17t01 you thus eliminate the feeling of fear. The daredevil, uncertain situation seems scary to you at first, but with the necessary courage you tackle it.
Courage often starts with a certain motivation. You want to do something even though it is difficult or scary. The first trip by car, the job interview for the Dream job - You need the necessary courage for this. You may also want to fend off a threat.
Through self-determined decisions you can strengthen your courage. Gathering courage, building courage - this often succeeds on several levels at the same time. If you gather enough courage to assert your opinion, you'll get along better everywhere. This starts in your school years and continues later in your professional life.
Courageous people often have a mature, strong personality. They act happy and safe. The good thing is: you can train your own courage muscle and give yourself courage.
Those who are courageous can develop in a self-determined way without depending on others. The Personal responsibility is an important point here. But if you lack the courage, you quickly let yourself be influenced by other people. Sometimes this happens without you realizing it.
"You can't do it anyway - we've always done it this way - it's dangerous/unpleasant/difficult (...)." Such beliefs slow you down. Become aware of where you know them from. Who may have always liked to say them to you in your childhood? Now it is time to decide for yourself whether you want to continue to pay attention to the beliefs and blocking thoughts within you. Or do you want to let go of them? Get braver. The following tips show you how to give yourself courage.
Even after several exams, you are always overcome by fear. Why do the courageous phases pass so quickly? Looking at world events and your own mishaps, it seems only normal to lose courage.
One of the main reasons for lack of courage is a pessimistic attitude. Perhaps you are already imagining how you will cope with the Disappointment deal with. Or you don't even try and avoid conflicts. That doesn't help anyway. The optimistic, courageous people seem like they're from another planet. But you can let yourself be infected by them: If you believe in your success, you automatically feel more courageous.
A second important reason is low resilience. This is often based on bad experiences - such as this one Report describes. Failure weakens your resolve and saps your courage. Who enough Resilience has in itself, also draws positive energy from failure. But if several setbacks follow each other, it will wear you down in the long run. The courage doesn't seem to bring you any further and you give up.
Certain characteristics such as emotional stability, sociability and Self-confidence favor a courageous character. But many people lack this strength, so they need help.
You can encourage someone by putting the positive things in the spotlight. That's how reluctant people first dare to take on small challenges and later on bigger tasks. An independent opinion, unconventional ideas, breaking out of the daily routine and the Personality development - these things require a courageous attitude, because with it you overcome fear and comfort.
If you want to encourage someone, list the many benefits. Courage:
Why didn't you tell me this before? -Shy people sometimes don't dare to tell the truth. They are afraid of hurting the other person. That's why they hold back their own wishes and don't make demands that require courage.
If your partner is anxious and shy, you can encourage him. This is the only way for a loving and equal relationship to work. Relationship. But often arises a emotional dependence, which prevents a courageous and self-confident appearance.
Make your cautious and anxious partner feel that you stand by him/her. Let him/her own make decisions. Otherwise, your relationship will eventually become too stressful for both of you. The following signs may indicate overanxiety and lack of courage in the partnership:
For more courage in everyday life and in your partnership, you must overcome the previous blockades and develop further. This requires willpower and courage. One step at a time, you will get out of this messy situation.
The Comfort zone seems to offer a certain security, but in the long run it gets boring. None of you should be afraid of possible opposition - so encourage each other. Only in this way can you trust each other and at the same time become stronger as individuals.
Very important: Talk openly with each other. No one can see into another person. If you suppress negative thoughts and feelings out of fear, a trusting and loving relationship is not possible.
Children need the help of their parents to become a courageous personality to mature. But how can you encourage your children? Particularly important is the Self-confidence. That can already smaller Children learn by taking responsibility. Choosing and putting on their own clothes, walking to school alone and paying close attention - things like this strengthen self-confidence and make courageous.
Courageous children can assert themselves better and are not easily unsettled. Positive encouragement helps with young children: "You are as brave as a lion, you are as strong as a bear" - with these sayings, even toddlers strengthen their optimism.
Mistakes happen to everyone: If a child drops a plate, it's no drama. Small scratches are also commonplace. Always remember: mistakes are there to be learned from.
When the child does something properly, he is happy about praise and confirmation. However, you should not only acknowledge it when it is successful but also when it dares to tackle a difficult task.
Parents who encourage also encourage their children to ask for help. This gives the offspring more security and confidence.
You can learn to be courageous! If you find it difficult to take action on your own, why not turn to people around you who seem courageous to you? Ask them for help and support. And as already mentioned, reflect on your fears: where and why are you still blocking yourself? Is the well-known Belief Set "I can't do it anyway" really yours? Or have you adopted it more and more as yours over the years? You can also find more help on the topic of "Encouraging" in the Article "The adventure game of life". by John Strelecky! And take responsibility for your destiny now.