Dieter Lange on wisdom and true wealth

Reading time 5 minutes

Go back to the time of your birth. Now turn the clock forward another nine months - on that day, a job was advertised for which about 500 million applicants applied. Some didn't understand the point of the event and resigned. With playful ease, there were only 10 applicants afterward, and those who always wander in the footsteps of others need not be surprised if they leave no impressions. "That means you once proved to 500 million competitors that you're a great guy. And today you don't believe in yourself anymore! Because the ability of that time you have unfortunately forgotten. At the same time, we were given our most beautiful gift back then: this life!", reads Dieter Langes Setting.

Dieter Lange wisdom: "Children speak the signs of adults!"

"Because at the latest at the age of two, when our children get something like an education, their eyes go to discovery, and then they speak the signs of adults," explains the coach. After "mom" and "dad," our third word is "more." "We are infected with the virus so early that we think more is better. It's the same with asking children, 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' That implies that we are nothing. Because we have yet to become."

Go back to the time of your birth. Now turn the clock forward another nine months - on that day, a job was advertised for which about 500 million applicants applied. Some didn't understand the point of the event and resigned. With playful ease, there were only 10 applicants afterward, and those who always wander in the footsteps of others need not be surprised if they leave no impressions. "That means you once proved to 500 million competitors that you're a great guy.

And today you no longer believe in yourself! Because you have unfortunately forgotten the ability from back then. At the same time, we were given our most beautiful gift: this life! Dieter Lange clearly. "Because at the latest at the age of two, when our children get something like an education, their eyes go to discovery, and then they speak the signs of adults," explains the coach. After "mom" and "dad," our third word is "more." "We are infected with the virus so early that we think more is better. It's the same with asking children, 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' That implies that we are nothing. Because we have yet to become."

In today's hectic world, where we often focus on the pursuit of more, we may lose faith in ourselves. However, Dieter Lange reminds us that we are endowed with the precious gift of life from birth.

This is where we come in and want to help you believe in yourself again. With our Masterclass "The School of Life we offer you a unique opportunity to discover the true meaning of your life. In doing so, we support you in freeing yourself from societal expectations and discovering your inner wisdom. This trip will enable you to recognize your true talents and passions and live a fulfilled and authentic life.

Dieter Lange: "What is not given, never try to hunt."

Just the same Dieter Lange the view that we are born with talents. "Don't let anyone tell you they are making something out of you: painter you must be, you can't become that. What is not given, never try to hunt for, that is a futile effort in life. The mere fact that you grew up in a wealthy home does not mean that there are talents lying dormant in you that a little well-off person does not have," he clarifies and appeals, "Whatever you achieve, Mount Everest still remains!"

Dieter Lange: "Never work for money - love what you do!"

The expert has a wonderful tip for you, which he explains with a story: Several children annoy a man. He says, "Whoever annoys me like that again tomorrow will get €1 from me." The next day, the man comes around again. The children tease him. The man says, "Whoever annoys me again tomorrow will get €0.50 from me." The children ask why they only get half? The next day they tease him only half-heartedly. Then the man promises the children €0.10 for being annoying. A day later, he promises nothing more and they stop teasing.

"What has happened? The joy of doing in itself has been replaced by a reward. Therefore, I advise you: never work for the money - love what you do. But note: I'm not saying don't take money for your work. Because money is potential energy that is allowed to flow," explains Dieter Lange. Likewise, happiness is not defined by success. There is nothing you can do for happiness. But you must not be passive either. Be ready for it! Is there actually an increase of happiness? Dieter Lange says, "Happiness is always an acceptance of what is. Say yes to life!"

70-80 % of all marital problems remain unanswered

Did you know that men marry their mothers and women marry their fathers? "It depends on how you were opposite-sexed in your first two years of life. Don't kid yourself!" the expert knows all too well from his coaching sessions with married couples. Likewise, that 70 - 80% of all marriage problems can't be answered.

So you always get what you want

By the way, Dieter Lange also knows a very simple formula how you always get what you want: Acceptance! "Whenever you are disappointed, it has only one cause: you had an expectation! Don't confuse this with agreement we make with our partner or a customer. "It is desire that constantly drives us forward. You fight the great battles only within yourself, and if you think you can plan your life, you may now understand that this is utter nonsense. If you want to make God laugh - then tell Him about your plans," says Dieter Lange. In his view, the really important events in our lives were not planned. But the fate meets us erroneously often on the ways on which we have tried to avoid the fate. This is then called the irony of fate!

True wisdom

In the Vedanta, the Holy Book of the Hindus, there are two indications that someone has understood what wisdom is:

  1. You don't get upset anymore. Because only the ignorant becomes angry, the wise understands. Change your basic attitude. Look at more things with humor and Serenity and breathe away excitement.
  2. Inner silence: When this has come to you, you experience coincidences that have nothing at all to do with your plans. That triggers so much peace in you. We can relearn this basic trust that we had as small children.

Dieter Lange: "Don't live in action all the time".

What you may find again in the same way is the balance of nature: our breathing in and breathing out. "Don't live in action all the time. You need just as much the Relaxation. When a cat hunts, it does so with all its heart. When a cat lies lazily on the blanket, it does so with all its heart. And it is exactly this balance that many of us have lost. Find it again for yourself! Success is what follows when you follow your purpose. You need a North Star towards which your life is aligned," is Dieter Lange's recommendation.

Money and wealth have nothing to do with each other

Who among us doesn't associate money with wealth? "Money and wealth have nothing to do with each other," the speaker makes clear. "Money is wealth. Wealth is when you have ideas, are creative, have energy, show assertiveness, and have primal confidence. That's the real wealth. Claim it for yourself and you will never lack money either. For it is not the happy people who are grateful, but the grateful who are happy!"

with Dieter Lange

"The School of Life"

Actually, you have everything you want: success, house, family.... From the outside, everything seems perfect - but you have the feeling that something is missing. Let Dieter Lange show you how to find your purpose in life and experience true success.
approx. 60 minutes
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