Learning discipline: Your key to professional success

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No pain, no gain: This well-known wisdom is absolutely true. If you want to be successful, you need discipline. Below we show you how you can learn discipline and strengthen it.

Learning discipline: what is it?

Discipline is a desirable Traitwhich is closely related to your willpower. Other common synonyms include self-control and Self-control. It is the ability to channel one's strengths toward a specific goal. This also includes being able to control emotions and impulses that are necessary for the Achievement of this goal are counterproductive.

To put it simply: (self-)discipline means being able to inner bastard to overcome. You have a clear goal in mind and don't give up at the first difficulties. You also complete unpleasant tasks conscientiously because you always focus on the desired end result.

Another definition of discipline is the observance of rules within a community or group. The latter is indispensable for peaceful coexistence at work and among friends and family. This also applies if individual rules contradict you.

Learning discipline: Why is discipline so important?

Especially in career matters, if you want to achieve your goals, discipline is required. Luck and talent are undoubtedly useful, but in many cases they come second. Disciplining yourself helps you to continuously work towards achieving your goal and not to give up even in the face of setbacks.

In addition, discipline and Routine Hand in hand. This means that without discipline, your (career) plans lack structure. The danger of getting bogged down and giving up in a demotivated state increases. Disciplined people, on the other hand, don't even have to overcome themselves to complete formerly unpleasant tasks. They simply become Habit have become.

In a professional context, you may be familiar with disciplinary management. A disciplinary manager is responsible for employee development and Satisfaction responsible. This is of great importance for ensuring consistent work quality: only satisfied employees bring the necessary discipline and commitment to their work. Motivation to perform well.

discipline meaning

Can discipline be learned?

The good news is that learning discipline is actually possible. First, you need to admit to yourself that you have a discipline problem. Awareness of the problem is the first important step in changing it.

Quite a few people regularly look for excuses why they are not actively tackling certain issues. This is convenient, but it will never lead to the desired success. If you recognize yourself in this description, it's time to declare war on your inner pig.

To learn discipline, you need a concrete goal. It is important that these are your own goals. Keyword: intrinsic motivation. If you only want to fulfill other people's expectations, this plan is doomed to failure in the long run.

Learning discipline: 8 practical tips

As you now know, it is indeed possible to use the self-discipline strengthen. In the following, we would like to give you eight practical tips that you can implement directly in your (professional) everyday life.

1. discipline I Learn discipline: Become aware of your goals

As mentioned above, you need a concrete goal to strengthen your discipline. Therefore, ask yourself the following questions: What Career plans do I really have? What is my heart burning for? What do I want to change? What do I want my life to look like in ten years?

2. discipline I Learn discipline: set realistic goals

Utopian goals boycott self-discipline. If you know deep down that your plan is not feasible anyway, you will involuntarily put less effort into it. Therefore, set realistic goals that you can achieve in a manageable period of time.

3. discipline I Learn discipline: prioritize your tasks

Without a clear structure, there is a danger that you will not use your energy in a targeted manner. Therefore, create a to-do list and sort the tasks according to their importance.

4 Discipline I Learn discipline: Set yourself small milestones

Nothing is more demotivating than a confusing mountain of tasks that threatens to overwhelm you. Therefore, divide your big goal into several small stages that you can achieve in the foreseeable future. The sense of achievement will strengthen your Discipline.

5. discipline I Learning discipline: working according to the biorhythm

Are you more of a night owl or a morning person? For the tasks that are particularly difficult for you, you should choose the time of day when you are most efficient. The technical term is Chronobiology the speech.

6 Discipline I Learn discipline: Set yourself a deadline

Putting resolutions into practice is much easier if you set a concrete deadline in advance. Otherwise, you run the risk of putting off unpleasant tasks in particular.

7. discipline I Learn discipline: look for role models

Surely there is a person you admire for their success, be it someone in your circle or a famous personality. Realize that this person achieved his or her status only through persistent discipline. Take your cue from your role model's routines and behaviors. It may even be possible to exchange ideas in person.

8. discipline I Learn discipline: don't let yourself get insecure

There will always be doubters who view your goals with skepticism. It is important that you do not let yourself be unsettled by outside opinions. Self-doubt are poison for your self-discipline. You know who you are and what you can achieve with discipline.

The benefits of discipline: Why it pays to stick with it

Staying disciplined is not always easy, let alone pleasant. If, despite all your efforts, the longed-for success is not forthcoming, it is all too human to think of giving up in the meantime.

Why it's still worth sticking with it is easily explained: You will be rewarded for your discipline sooner or later. Faith even if it may not feel like it at the moment. Besides, it would be really annoying if all your efforts so far were in vain.

How to stay disciplined for the long haul: 5 strategies and techniques

Internalizing discipline is a process that can be subject to certain fluctuations. To stay disciplined over time, the following five strategies and techniques can help you:

1. the sandwich rule

With the sandwich rule, you combine already existing habits with new goals. For example, if you want to do research for a professional project at home, put the documents directly on your breakfast table. From now on, you read the relevant technical literature in the morning instead of your usual newspaper. The cell phone remains switched off to avoid any distractions.

2. visualize your goals

To stay disciplined, you need to be as specific as possible about your goals. The desire to be promoted or to improve self-employed is not enough. Rather, you should ask yourself which positive changes you hope to gain: more money? Recognition? Personal fulfillment? Imagine exactly how it will feel when you have achieved your goal.

3. 21 days rule

It takes 21 days for new activities to become established routines. Only after this period of time does the overcoming weaken. This finding is supported by a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology published study. It is therefore all the more important that you stick to your plan for the first three weeks.

4. three things per day

Want to achieve a big career goal? One proven technique is to set aside three small tasks each day that will move you closer to your goal. Below is an example of a planned Self-employment:

  1. Make an appointment with my bank advisor
  2. Research premises
  3. Create social media survey

5. the community technique

To strengthen your self-discipline, it is advisable to let those around you in on your plans. After all, you don't want to give yourself the nerve to give up too quickly in front of other people. The thought of being able to show off your successes will in turn boost your motivation. Perhaps there is even someone who can support you in the realization of your plans?

Discipline I Learning discipline: the foundation for success

The topic "Discipline I Learn Discipline" is of essential importance, especially in business. Nevertheless, there can always be internal as well as external factors that affect your self-discipline.

In order to sustainably strengthen your self-discipline, the application of business coaching skills is of great advantage. Business coaching skills support you, among other things, to focus on your goals and to improve your self-discipline. Communication Skills improve your performance. In addition, the special coaching skills arm you to deal constructively with unforeseen events and setbacks.

Tip: An efficient way to acquire the business coaching skills you need for your business is to take advantage of our in-depth Greator Business Coach Training for the self-employed, entrepreneurs and executives.

Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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