40+ top speakers

Laura Malina Seiler, Mareike Awe, MD, Greta Silver, Susan Sideropoulos, Robert Betz and many more.
Inspiration & Transformation

The best keynotes, meditations and sharing with the community
100% free of charge

grow, network, support

Female Empowerment Summit

40+ top speakers

Laura Malina Seiler, Greta Silver, Susan Sideropoulos, Robert Betz and many more.
Inspiration & Transformation

The best keynotes, meditations and sharing with the community
100% free of charge
grow, network, support

Over 200,000 participants are enthusiastic

It's time for a new chapter of powerful femininity - It's time for YOU!
Be inspired by over 40 impressive speakers, coaches and Entrepreneurs inspire and discover your irrepressible female power.
New videos every day on the current topic of the day. From Self-confidence via Communication up to Work-life balance and Leadership you will receive the concentrated knowledge of our experts until midnight every day.
Find out, who you are and how you can Achieve the biggest goals can - with the Support great women and a strong community.
International experts for all areas of life

Our Line-Up

Laura Malina Seiler

Visionary, Empowerment Coach,
Bestselling author

Wim Hof

"The Iceman", Founder of "Wim Hof Method".

Mareike Awe, MD

Physician, nutrition expert and founder of intueat

Robert Betz

Psychologist, coach, seminar leader, author

Bahar Yilmaz

Coach, speaker, trainer for spirituality and author

Christina Hommelsheim

Life coach, expert for femininity, trainer of Greator coaches

Susan Sideropoulos

Actress, television presenter, author

Céline Flores Willers

Entrepreneur, LinkedIn expert and top influencer

Richard David Precht

Writer, philosopher, publicist and presenter

Walter Hommelsheim

Life coach, expert in relationships, trainer of Greator coaches

Greta Silver

Speaker, Bestselling Author, YouTuber, Mindblower for Age

Jingsi Lichtenberg

Speaker, World and European Champion & former trainer in vaulting

Lea-Sophie Cramer

Founder of Amorelie & Starstrike Ventures, Entrepreneur and Investor

Mariam Guede & Lioba Jarju

Founders of the networking platform "Black Female Business

Miriam Höller

Ex-stunt woman, speaker and presenter

Denys Scharnweber

Academy founder and teaching trainer of the academy

Victoria Jancke

Model and actress

Debora Karsch

persolog Managing Director, Impulsgeberin & Author

Elisa Becker

Entrepreneur & coach for brand and store building

Jackie Friday

Founder, Speaker, Author

Lea Ernst

Entrepreneur, podcaster and owner of Classy Confidence.

Pierre Franckh

Actor, director, motivational speaker, entrepreneur and author.

Melody Abdollahi

Co-Founder of Haus von Eden, former management consultant

Mia Pejic

Mindset coach and entrepreneur

Natascha Wegelin

Founder of Madame Moneypenny, bestselling author and mentor

Sabina Kocherhans

European Speaker Award winner, author and entrepreneur

Emilia Bartoeck

Speaker, Podcaster and Social Media Specialist

Sarah Anna Lyv

Health Expert, Longevity Coach & Entrepreneur.

Annabell Whitney

Entrepreneur, international speaker and speaker trainer

Dr. Renée Moore

Positioning & Sales Expert, Speaker, Motivational Expert

Dr. Carmen Mayer

Entrepreneur, big thinker, coach and stock market expert,

Juliane Schreiber

Founder of Mama Meeting 

Maureen Burgstahler

Life & Purpose Coach

Kerstin Hardt

Speaker, Expert for Health & Mental Training

Carola Nahnsen

Style coach and owner of the style consultancy "Image & Outfit

Mareike Schneider (formerly Spaleck)

Personal trainer, nutrition coach and fitness model

Lotta Katharina Laabs

Business, Personal Branding Photography & Brand Building Mentor

Yvonne de Bark

Actress, author, coach and speaker on the subject of body language

Michaela Merten

STERN bestselling author, coach, retreat leader

Selma Lebdiri

Entrepreneur and Influencer Marketing Expert

Yvonne Schönau

Trainer, lecturer and co-founder of the Emotional Leadership Company

Nisane Sümer

Money & Success-Mindset Mentoring for women (known from Vox)

Carolin Kotke

Author, nutrition coach, healthy living blogger and breast cancer activist.

Monique Bogdahn

Moni from "Procrastination was yesterday", podcaster

Jana Misar

Entrepreneur, podcaster, investor and ex-investment banker

Carola Ferstl

Business journalist, speaker, moderator and stock market expert

Chrissy Joy

Speaker, Coach, Podcaster

Diana Huth

Psychologist, moderator, speaker and podcaster

Tayler and Anika Schweigert

Founder of Love Life Passport

Alisha Belluga

Founder of Intu Grace and metaphysical business mentor

Julia Schindelmann

Master hairdresser and co-founder of long hair girl

Stephy Beck

Author, tech entrepreneur and founder of the FemEngery Foundation.
More speakers coming soon!

These topics await you at the Female Empowerment Summit

For the development of your feminine strength
Female Coaching
"It's not important how big the first step is, it's important what direction it takes."

We women tend to multitask all the time. We keep the wheel turning and always have everything under control. But as a result, we sometimes get in our own way. Our coaches ask the right questions and give helpful impulses at the right time - because sometimes we need someone from the outside to break through our thought spirals so that we can achieve new goals.

You will be given methods and tools to help you overcome the hurdles of your everyday life more easily. 

Look forward to numerous moments when something "clicks" and you suddenly notice how your thoughts change for the better, how you manage conflicts and how your relationships with other people improve significantly.
Personality Development
"When was the last time you did something for the first time?"

It's been a while? Then take the chance and join us at the Female Empowerment Summit.

Growth always means testing one's limits. This requires courage and a good dose of self-confidence, which we may sometimes lack in everyday life. But if we put things off or look for excuses, we unfortunately don't get anywhere.

That's why we encourage you to step out of your comfort zone a little further, step by step. There are so many wonderful adventures out there waiting for you!

Let our speakers motivate and inspire you to discover the feminine power within you and set the course for your wonderful future.

"To succeed, you only need one chance!"

And that's what you'll get at the Female Empowerment Summit: Here you'll have the opportunity to gain exclusive insights into the lives of successful women who have made the leap into business.

Well-known entrepreneurs and business experts share their insider knowledge with you and give you valuable tips that you as a woman can apply to your own success:

How did they manage to realize their dreams? What crises have they experienced and what have they learned from them? What advice would they give you along the way? And what do they strongly advise you not to do?

And who knows, you might even make some valuable contacts here?!
Communication & Rhetoric
"A strong woman speaks her truth whether anyone is listening or not."

The Female Empowerment Summit brings together 40+ of the most influential speakers. Not only will you hear compelling and inspiring stories from them, but you'll also learn how to harness the power of language for yourself.

How do you use your body language to convince others of who you are? Which words should you use and which should you avoid in order to appear authentic? How do you immediately recognize what kind of person is standing opposite you and how do you best communicate with them?

Language is power - and you can learn it!


Get inspired









What to expect at the Female Empowerment Summit

Keynotes from the best speakers, coaches & entrepreneurs

Inspiring speakers will give you new impulses every day for your personal and professional growth as a woman! They make you think - but most of all they bring you further!

Entertainment & Mindfulness

Energy for body and mind. This is the prerequisite for real change in your life! Therefore it will daily guided meditation by Christina Hommelsheim as well as a powerful yoga session.

Community chat

You're sure to have some aha moments! Exchange ideas with the community via live chat And share your insights with other great women.

Take you further.

Release your blockages & experience your personal breakthrough
Deepen your relationships - 
professional and personal
Find your calling &
 your why
Bring your business 
to the next level
Fill up with inspiration & motivation 
for your life
Set up your mindset 
Happiness & Success from

Who is the Female Empowerment Summit right for?

For all women who: 
itself Develop personally and her Self-confidence strengthen want
their Targets and Visions want to realize
on Management positions are and new perspectives and Inspirations search
their Communication Skills want to improve
as Women entrepreneurs or Founders want to expand their network and advance their business
Part of a supporting Community be and share with others strong women want to network

Emotions in pictures

Collect unforgettable moments with us 

It's that easy to join!

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Just sign up for free in the form above.

Check mailbox

We will send you your personal access link by e-mail.

Log in & grow

Just click on the link in the mail and get 3 days of valuable input for your life. Empower Yourself!

Voices about the Greator Festival Online

Voices on the Female Empowerment Summit

"Why Greator? Because it brings personal development to many people in a very personable way."
- Laura Malina Seiler -
Visionary, Empowerment Coach,
"A high quality content and professionally organized online festival."
- Joey Kelly -
Musician, extreme athlete,
"Wonderfully rich, fun, and well organized."
- David Allen -
Author of Getting things done,
International top speaker, founder
"Greator is the most awesome personal development platform in Europe!"
- Tobias Beck -
Top international speaker,
Bestselling author
"At Greator are great people, highly competent, super professional, and with insanely beautiful visions."
- Daniela Ben Said -
Keynote Speaker, Trainer

"Already 6 years ago I was allowed to record my first video at what was then GEDANKENtanken. I like the makers behind it. I've known Stefan for a very long time and appreciate him very much. And that's why I'm glad to be involved."
- Patric Heizmann -
Fitness expert, coach,
Bestselling author

Greator is known from


Answers to your questions

When and where will the Female Empowerment Summit take place?
The Female Empowerment Summit will take place from Friday, March 31 to Sunday, April 02, 2023 online held.

Every day you get access to new videos and impulses from experts on the current topic of the day. This way you have daily 24 hours timeYou can watch the videos that interest you the most.

The individual presentations usually last between 20 minutes and 1 hour.

To participate, you can simply make yourself comfortable in front of your laptop and every day the keynotes of your favorite speakers View
Is participation really free of charge?
Yes, your ticket is 100 % free of charge. There are no hidden costs - neither now nor afterwards.

All you have to do is register using the form above log on and you are already there. With your Free ticket you can participate in all the content and features of the Female Empowerment Summit.
What topics are covered?
With over 40 speakers and coaches from all areas, you are sure to find exactly the topics that will help you in your life.

Here is just a small selection:

Personal development & self-realization
Business & Entrepreneurship
Physical & mental health
Love & Relationships
Mindfulness & Meditation

and many more topics ...

In addition, there are deep meditations with Christina Hommelsheim.
How do I get my free ticket?
Simply enter your name and email address in the registration form on this page and click on "Secure free ticket".

After successful registration we will send you a confirmation email. On the first day, March 31st, you will then receive your personal access link and go directly to the content.
Until when can I view the content?
The keynotes, interviews and meditations of the day are always available until midnight. This allows you to stay flexible throughout the day and watch exactly the content that interests you - at the time that suits you best.
Will the English lectures be translated?
Yes, all keynotes and interviews in English will be subtitled in German. So you can follow all contents of the Summit effortlessly even without English knowledge.
Now is the time to live your future!
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