Self-love exercises for every day

Reading time 7 minutes

How often do you look at yourself in the mirror and think: "Yes, I'm happy with myself"? Can you remember the last time? If not, now is the time to get interesting. Everyone is talking about self-love exercises. It's about much more than just accepting yourself. Self-love exercises convey an attitude to life that gives you satisfaction and self-confidence.

What is self-love?

Contrary to what the term suggests, self-love is not primarily about loving yourself completely. It is a process that begins with accepting yourself as you are. Self-love exercises are not about trying to change yourself in a desperate attempt to chase after a perfect image that is impossible to achieve.

Everyone has their rough edges and that's a good thing. They are exactly what make you unique. Rather, loving yourself means accepting them and knowing your own worth, even if you're not perfect. Because seriously, who is?

Why should you practise self-love exercises?

Self-love is an important prerequisite for increasing self-confidence. If you don't accept yourself and your flaws, how can you appear confident? You are who you are and that's a good thing, because everyone else already exists.

Countless people make their own value dependent on ideals:

  • They are not sporty, so they don't love themselves. 
  • They are not slim, so they don't love themselves. 
  • They don't wear the hottest styles, so they don't love themselves.

Most people focus on their flaws or the things they see as such, even if they are not really flaws at all. They only get the feeling that they are finally worthy of loving themselves once they have successfully worked on them - often not even then. But true self-love should never be tied to such things, it should always be unconditional.

Recognizing your own worth is incredibly important for your own well-being. Only when you see with open eyes how many reasons there are to love yourself will you discover your personal strengths. It is precisely these that you should focus on and not your supposed flaws. You will see how your self-esteem grows and how much your self-love will positively influence your life.

practical exercises for self-love

5 tips for implementing self-love exercises

Practicing self-love exercises overnight, as if from nowhere, is not that easy. Learning to love yourself is a process that takes time. Our 5 tips will help you along the way.

1. be realistic

Higher, faster, further - this motto almost seems to be printed into human genetics. But this is not always an advantage. Don't try to chase after ideals that are unattainable in the real world. Even the richest celebrity in the world doesn't lead a perfect life, even if the media likes to make it look that way. But what you see on TV or on social media is only a small slice of their entire life. Be realistic and don't expect perfection from yourself.

2. be grateful

Have you ever said "thank you" to yourself? Probably not, right? But there have certainly been countless occasions when this would have been appropriate. Have you already completed a task today that shouldn't actually be ticked off until tomorrow, but you know that it will make tomorrow much easier for you? Then you can definitely say thank you to yourself.

Have you landed a new customer for your company? Yes, you can also thank yourself for this success. This may seem strange at first. But it's always good to hear a "thank you". Even if it comes from yourself.

3. accept your flaws

Everyone has rough edges. You have them, your friends have them, even your biggest idol has them. They are simply part of being human. You are good the way you are. You are allowed to have flaws, just like everyone else. You may not be able to do everything, but you have very individual personal skills that others don't have. And that's worth a lot! Others would be happy to be able to do the things that you can.

4. treat yourself

You should treat yourself the way you treat your loved ones. Do you like to surprise your partner with a delicious meal? How about simply cooking your favorite meal? No one will blame you for that. You haven't eaten your favorite chocolate in a very long time? Then it's high time you did! What's wrong with treating yourself once in a while? Absolutely nothing.

A nice side effect of these self-love exercises is that they trigger the reward center in your brain and your body emits feelings of happiness. This automatically puts you in a better mood and makes you feel better about yourself. This makes self-love exercises much easier for you over time.

5. take time for yourself

Me-time, self-care, ... you've probably heard all these terms, right? So why don't you practise them? If you are permanently stressed, you have no opportunity to focus on yourself and your strengths. If you're permanently under stress, it's completely normal that you only see construction sites and see yourself as a perpetual construction site. Whether this is justified is another matter entirely.

Take regular time to take a deep breath and focus on yourself. Nobody expects full power from you 24/7. Your mind and body need to rest. This does not necessarily mean sleep. Self-care plays an important role. Relax and watch your favorite movie, read a book, order something delicious to eat or have a fun evening with friends!

You will see how quickly your mind relaxes and you can finally shake off all the baggage that you impose on yourself. You will see yourself with more open eyes and realize that you are not the aforementioned permanent construction site - an important step towards self-love.

Practical exercises for self-love

Self-love exercises have to be learned. No master has ever fallen from the sky, not even in this respect. Our 3 practical exercises will help you to see yourself in a new light and accept yourself as you are.

1. look in the mirror

Stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself from top to bottom. Say to yourself: "I accept myself as I am." Did you find that easy? If you're reading this post, probably not. Don't worry, most people find it difficult to say this sentence to themselves. Look at yourself every day from top to bottom, say these words and you will see that it will become easier and easier for you.

2. introduce a negative piggy bank

Yes, you read that right, a negative piggy bank. It works in a similar way to a curse fund. Every time you think something bad about yourself, a euro goes into the piggy bank. You will quickly realize how quickly the piggy bank fills up and be amazed at how often you think badly of yourself - and usually wrongly! In this way, you open your own eyes and automatically allow more positivity into your life.

3. answer these questions honestly

When you look at yourself, do you only see flaws? Do you primarily think about your flaws? Have you forgotten the last time you were proud of yourself? Do you answer "yes" to all of these questions? Then you have probably already realized for yourself that you are focusing far too much on the negative. Recognition is the first important step towards improvement.

How coaching can help you to release blockages and implement self-love exercises

No matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to take your eyes off your supposed flaws? Do you really want to focus on your skills and great qualities, but some invisible force inside you seems to be stopping you?

A coach can help you to release these invisible blocks. They will show you how to overcome the barrier and finally turn away from negative things. They help you to recognize your own value and focus on the countless good things about you.

Your coach will work with you to find your strengths. He not only paves the way for you and shows you exercises for self-love - he also walks it with you. The aim is to turn your self-esteem into something positive so that you can go through life confidently and at peace with yourself.

Resolving trauma and imprints

Perhaps you sometimes feel "wrong" and don't know exactly why. Are you often stressed, worried or anxious? You are not alone in this. There are good reasons for your feelings. In the free masterclass "Recognizing trauma and imprints" - How trauma knowledge helps you make peace with your past"experienced coaches and trauma experts Christina and Walter Hommelsheim will tell you where these feelings originate and how you can finally live the life you deserve. 

If you want to solve your problems permanently, the key usually lies in your past.

Christina and Walter Hommelsheim show you where the real cause of your problems may lie. You will learn how to recognize imprints from your childhood and even traumas and how to treat yourself with love.

They will show you why certain events still influence you today and what steps you can take to make peace with your past and be more joyful in the here and now. You can learn to recognize and change these imprints. Because you have the power to break the negative spiral.

This Masterclass gives you the tools to lead a self-determined life and finally feel the freedom you desire.


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