The school of life with Dieter Lange

From standard of living to quality of life

Start your new life

Find your true destiny, your personal North Star
Experience real Happiness, serenity and lightness
Empower others as certified Coach according to Dieter Langeto develop their true potential
Arrange initial meeting
*100 % free of charge & without obligation
Your online training in the Greator School of Life 
- In 6 months to your North Star and true satisfaction
- In 9 months to become a certified coach according to Dieter Lange

2-day face-to-face seminar with Dieter Lange included

"You won't be happy if you achieve your goals".

If you're an entrepreneur, executive or self-employed, you know this problem: Our fast-paced modern world with its many options keeps you in constant motion. Your life is determined by goals - it always goes higher, faster, further. With the consequence that you never really come to rest, neither professionally nor privately. The feeling of deep satisfaction is missing.

Do you recognize yourself?

You are on vacation and sit with the laptop on your lap at the hotel pool
Your family and friends complain that they never get to see you
After reaching one goal, you are already tackling the next one
Stagnation is your biggest fear: It's hard for you to be alone and "do nothing productive"
You wonder who you really are

A high standard of living isn't enough for you?

You're successful, but sometimes you wonder what you're working so hard for every day. Maybe you are already feeling the downside of your success at one point or another: Your partner complains that you come home too late, you don't know how your children are really doing and you have headaches more and more often.

Don't let your personal life and health suffer because of your professional success.

You want Orientation in a complex world receive? A high standard of living alone is not enough for you - you also want to feel really happy and fulfilled? Then the School of Life with Dieter Lange is just right for you.

The life's work of Dieter Lange - for the first time and exclusively

The Advanced School of Life is at the heart of Dieter Lange's life's work. In the 6-month program Dieter Lange guides you through a sustainable change process: You will find your purpose (your personal North Star), recognize a way to leave your hamster wheel and come to inner strength and serenity. You will also question your goals and find out if they are really your own.

In the second part of the training, which School of life Pro you will also learn how to teach the art of living to others. You will receive certification as Coach according to Dieter Lange and can optimally pass on your knowledge from the school of life to others.

who are you really?

"At the end of your life, it's not what you've experienced that matters - it's what you haven't experienced"

What happens if you don't participate in the School of Life?

Everything remains the same: You're living a successful life, but the truth is you're unhappy and wondering, "Is that all there is?"
You lack orientation and clarity in our multi-option society
You must make an effort to remain successful.
Yours Health suffers under the enormous stress
You know your Sense of life and your Determination not.
Your Private life suffers under your full commitment in your job
You feel in the hamster wheel of everyday life trapped

What changes in your life when you are at the School of Life?

You will find inner peace, contentment and Clarity
You know who you really are, recognize the sense of your existence
You not only have a high standard of living, but also lead a life with real Quality of life.
You have again Time and energy for your family, friends and hobbies.
Especially stressful situations in life are met with genuine serenity .
You can beautiful moments again enjoy properly.
At the end of your life you can happy look back, because you have used your time wisely and have been North Star followed.
Arrange a free initial consultation now
*100 % free of charge & without obligation
Your contact person
You haven't found an appointment or you want to talk right away. Then call me at 0176/15132612 on!

"I'm giving you your life back."

That's what you learn in the school of life:

Life School Advanced

You start with yourself

The School of Life with Dieter Lange teaches you in 6 months the true values that really matter in life: What is true love, freedom or personal success? How do you find out who you really are? What is still holding you back from feeling happiness and contentment? Dieter Lange shows you how to find answers to these questions.
The core modules 1 - 6 are the heart of the School of Life, where you will learn how to create your North Star Life Plan, which corresponds to your life purpose and gives you a clear orientation. Inspiring video lessons by Dieter Lange and exciting workbooks support you.

You will experience live Q&A sessions with Dieter Lange via Zoom and, as a special highlight, a 2-day face-to-face seminar in the Cologne area. You finish the life school with a theoretical exam and receive a certificate of participation.

Starting with Module 7 (Life School Pro), you'll learn how to help others create their North Star Life Plan.

School of life Pro

You learn how to coach others

In addition to all the knowledge from the Life School Advanced, you can expect 3 additional months in which you will be trained as a certified coach according to Dieter Lange. In this training, Dieter Lange will go into much more depth with you.
As a coach, you pass on your knowledge from the school of life to others in the best possible way. You help people to look at their problems and solve them. At the same time you acquire more sovereignty and directly implement your learned and experienced knowledge. In 3 coaching modules you learn important questioning techniques and automatically improve your communication.

As a bonus, you will also receive 3 business modules to help you position and establish yourself on the market. You will also receive 12 additional Q&A sessions with Dieter Lange and practice coaching sessions to optimally prepare you for your role as a coach.

Special highlight: 2-day face-to-face seminar with Dieter Lange

*Conference fee exclusive
During the School of Life you will have the opportunity to meet Dieter Lange in person. On a 2-day presence seminar in the Cologne area you can bring your most profound questions, which he will answer.

With the other training participants you will experience a unique atmosphere, exchange ideas and personally grow beyond yourself. Through the strong interaction with the other participants you have the great opportunity to meet inspiring personalities and expand your personal network.

We offer the seminar every 6 to 8 months and you can choose a suitable date. Experiencing Dieter Lange live and in color is a special experience that you should not miss!
In 6 months to your North Star
In 9 months to become a certified coach according to Dieter Lange

The curriculum of the school of life

Just click on the + to learn more about the respective modules

Life School Advanced

The king's question: Who am I - if I drop all illusions about it? about it?
"I've never seen myself like this before!" Find other perspectives on your person
How exactly does my mind work? About the thinking, feeling and acting
The illusion of the ego. What role the ego plays - and is it my true self?
The way out of fear. How to remove the most important blockade
Successful - or not? How do I escape the quicksand of constantly changing goals?
Are your goals really your goals? Or are you living someone else's life?
When will I finally be truly successful?
Why do you actually work? Find your true motive
The six stages of gradual completion: Your Plan for Self-Knowledge

School of life Pro

The Life Coach
Your motives for being a coach: goal-directing or hindering?
The essential basics of a highly demanding profession
Winners are recognized at the start: pathos that sells you alone sells
Logos and ethos - the real product behind the coaching


With Dr. Stefan Frädrich and Céline Flores Willers
Positioning and LinkedIn
How am I productive according to my competence?
How do I position and promote myself convincingly?
How do I create my own personal brand on LinkedIn?
How do I achieve presence on LinkedIn and network properly?
From caterpillar to butterfly: how to make the jump from a mere standard of living to the highest quality of life?
No one stands in our way - only ourselves! About the true potentials and possibilities in your life
The true formula for success and unhappiness: Whatever you hold on to - you will feel the consequences
You can do whatever you want. Really?
Success and defeat are indifferent: A universal look at our results
The fine art of self-leadership in business
My business at a truly excellent level: What business is really about
Me as an authentic leader with real follow-me- Aura: From genuine personality and charisma
Passion for selling: The true sales personality
Planning, control, goals: Is that enough today? The path to new flying heights
Your personality, with which everything stands or falls: Authenticity as the highest credo
Your authenticity as a credo/the essence of coaching
Variety of methods - reduced to the essentials
Structure and process of the optimal coaching session
Your repertoire and vocabulary as a condition
With Daniel Velkovski
Online Marketing
How do I create a professional digital presence?
How do I reach my target audience and core persona?
How do I create a landing page and marketing funnel?
How do I sell my products?
The Game of Life: With what does a fulfilling game begin?
Everything in life is a game - you can only play, not win
The great freedom of choice - are we using it?
Winning all games: What has to happen to actually be a to be a winner?
Communication - the supreme discipline for effectiveness and fulfillment in life
My North Star - the meaning of life. When will I finally arrive?
The supreme discipline: finding the North Star through mindfulness and knowing how to follow it
Meditation: High science? Esotericism? Or meaningful engagement with the self and the world?
Where do I actually come from? The path to the highest perspective
Life is a journey: Why even spiritual people never arrive
The Journey of a Coach - the path to permanently growing expertise
How entrepreneurship and leadership excellence are derived?
The North Star, the Book of Life and the Translation of goals into experiences
From the caterpillar to the butterfly: transformation of the essential.
You only sell yourself: Coaching as a carry- over effect. How do you do that optimally?
Bonus Module 9+ with Dr. Frederik Hümmeke
How to maximize your impact in every (coaching) conversation maximize
How do I have effective coaching conversations?
How does effective communication succeed?
What are the principles of effective coaching?
How do I avoid role conflicts and serious mistakes? serious mistakes?
With Alexander Hartmann
Business Mindset
What makes entrepreneurs tick?
How do I manage successes and failures?
How do I retain customers and establish referral business?
How do I expand and scale?
Bonus Module 12+ With Prof. Dr. Jack Nasher
Negotiating and convincing for top salaries
How do I convince with my communication?
The king's question: Who am I - if I drop all illusions about it? about it?
"I've never seen myself like this before!" Find other perspectives on yourself
How exactly does my mind work? About the thinking, feeling and acting
The illusion of the ego. What role the ego plays - and is it my true self?
The way out of fear. How to remove the most important blockade
From caterpillar to butterfly: how to make the jump from a mere standard of living to the highest quality of life?
No one stands in our way - only ourselves! About the true potentials and possibilities in your life
The true formula for success and unhappiness: Whatever you hold on to - you will feel the consequences
You can do whatever you want. Really?
Success and defeat are indifferent: A universal look at our results
The Game of Life: With what does a fulfilling game begin?
Everything in life is a game - you can only play, not win
The great freedom of choice - are we using it?
Winning all games: What has to happen to actually be a to be a winner?
Communication - the supreme discipline for effectiveness and fulfillment in life
Successful - or not? How do I escape the quicksand of constantly changing goals?
Are your goals really your goals? Or are you living someone else's life?
When will I finally be truly successful?
Why do you actually work? Find your true motive
The six stages of gradual completion: Your Plan for Self-Knowledge
The fine art of self-leadership in business
My business at a truly excellent level: What business is really about
Me as an authentic leader with real follow-me- Aura: From genuine personality and charisma
Passion for selling: The true sales personality
Planning, control, goals: Is that enough today? The path to new flying heights
My North Star - the meaning of life. When will I finally arrive?
The supreme discipline: finding the North Star through mindfulness and knowing how to follow it
Meditation: High science? Esotericism? Or meaningful engagement with the self and the world?
Where do I actually come from? The path to the highest perspective
Life is a journey: Why even spiritual people never arrive

School of life Pro

The Life Coach
Your motives for being a coach: goal-directing or hindering?
The essential basics of a highly demanding profession
Winners are recognized at the start: pathos that sells you alone sells
Logos and ethos - the real product behind the coaching
Your personality, with which everything stands or falls: Authenticity as the highest credo
Your authenticity as a credo/the essence of coaching
Variety of methods - reduced to the essentials
Structure and process of the optimal coaching session
Your repertoire and vocabulary as a condition
The Journey of a Coach - the path to permanently growing expertise
How entrepreneurship and leadership excellence are derived?
The North Star, the Book of Life and the Translation of goals into experiences
From the caterpillar to the butterfly: transformation of the essential.
You only sell yourself: Coaching as a carry- over effect. How do you do that optimally?
Bonus Module 9+ with Dr. Frederik Hümmeke
How to maximize your impact in every (coaching) conversation maximize
How do I have effective coaching conversations?
How does effective communication succeed?
What are the principles of effective coaching?
How do I avoid role conflicts and serious mistakes? serious mistakes?
With Dr. Stefan Frädrich and Céline Flores Willers
Positioning and LinkedIn
How am I productive according to my competence?
How do I position and promote myself convincingly?
How do I create my own personal brand on LinkedIn?
How do I achieve presence on LinkedIn and network properly?
With Daniel Velkovski
Online Marketing
How do I create a professional digital presence?
How do I reach my target audience and core persona?
How do I create a landing page and marketing funnel?
How do I sell my products?
With Alexander Hartmann
Business Mindset
What makes entrepreneurs tick?
How do I manage successes and failures?
How do I retain customers and establish referral business?
How do I expand and scale?
Bonus Module 12+ With Prof. Dr. Jack Nasher
Negotiating and convincing for top salaries
How do I convince with my communication?
"The school of life never ends, only the curriculum is constantly being rewritten".

Your path in the school of life

The North Star life plan

With a clear sky you can see it: The pole star or north star. It has provided orientation since time immemorial. Even today, it shows you where north is without a compass.

For this reason, Dieter Lange has used the North Star as a metaphor for the clear direction in life chosen. What gives you orientation? What do you get up for every day?

With the North Star Life Plan Dieter Lange guides you to highlight and apply the most important elements for your personal alignment at a glance: What is the meaning of your life? What experiences do you want to have with a meaningful Make life? 

Through these questions, you reconnect with yourself - because the answers lie within you. The goal of the North Star Life Plan is for you to leave your hamster wheel and devote yourself to the things that really matter to you. Holistically in the areas of Career/Education, Family/Friends, Health/Hobby and Culture/Travel.

As you create your North Star Life Plan, you will find more than just your North Star. You will also determine the title of the book of your life, identify your most important values and goals, and find out what experiences you want to have.

How to set up the North Star Life Plan in the School of Life

In the core modules 1 - 6 of the Life School Advanced you create the North Star Life Plan for youby recognizing your own strengths and weaknesses. Dieter Lange asks you the right questions and guides you to discover your true essence.

In the School of life Pro you will learn from the 7th module, how to help others create their own North Star.Life plan supportedso that they too can find and pursue the meaning of their lives.

With these components of training, you'll find your North Star

Live Q&A sessions with Dieter

to the individual questions of the participants

Video lessons

with valuable content from Dieter for you

Digital Workbooks

with exciting coaching exercises,
Tools and tips from Dieter

Presence seminar with Dieter

2-day live event in the Cologne area

Reflection Sessions

deepen what you have learned with other participants in mastermind groups


Access to the exclusive Life School Community

Maximum flexibility: learn from anywhere and on any device

3-4 hours per week of valuable quality time
location-independent learning
online live Q&A sessions
easily from all end devices

Which version of the School of Life are you signing up for?

*100 % free of charge & without obligation
Your contact person
You haven't found an appointment or you want to talk right away. Then call me at 0176/15132612 on!

Your coach certification according to Dieter Lange

After your successfully passed theoretical and practical final examination of the School of Life Pro you will receive your certification as a 
"Coach according to Dieter Lange".

You will be listed on the Greator Coach Map for 12 months, making you directly visible to potential clients.

You are in the right place at the School of Life with Dieter Lange if you:

want to know your destiny
want to live a life of inner contentment and tranquility
want to escape the hamster wheel and concentrate on the essentials
want to have more clarity in your life
Are an entrepreneur, manager or self-employed and want to lead yourself and others better
Are a coach and want to take your coaching skills to the next level
Arrange a free initial consultation now
*100 % free of charge & without obligation
Your contact person
You haven't found an appointment or you want to talk right away. Then call me at 0176/15132612 on!

About Dieter Lange

Speaker, coach and top trainer
Inventor of the "North Star Life Plan

Dieter Lange is a psychologist, top management trainer, economist and an absolute driving force. He has been one of the most sought-after experts for change for over 30 years. He is a trainer and coach for top athletes, executives and board members in several top companies, including Bayer, Gruner & Jahr, Lindt & Sprüngli, Siemens, Unilever, ProSiebenSat.1 and for many other corporations in Europe, Asia and the USA.

In his seminars and coaching sessions, the successful keynote speaker combines his many years of experience in business, his broad psychological knowledge and cultural wisdom - always presented with brilliant rhetoric and entertaining metaphors.

With his positive, optimistic attitude towards life and radical acceptance of everything that is, Dieter Lange teaches you the importance of personal responsibility and intrinsic motivation on the path to success.

One of the central concepts in Dieter's work is the "North Star Life Plan", which serves as a guiding principle for personal and professional growth. The North Star stands for integrity, clarity, courage and self-responsibility and is intended to inspire people to pursue their goals consistently and authentically. Dieter repeatedly emphasizes that it is important to remain true to oneself and not to be distracted by external influences.

In his work "Winners are recognized at the start, losers too", he not only provides in-depth knowledge, but also practical tips and tricks to support readers and listeners in their personal and professional growth.

This is how the school of life can 
Changing lives

"Dieter Lange is authentic. He has a down-to-earth wealth of experience and wisdom that he can convey in simple words. That fascinated me. A lot has changed in my life, I have turned my partnership and my circle of friends upside down and reorganized them.

I have also progressed professionally and my self-confidence has received a boost. Next year, I'm going to a mountain hut in Austria for three months as an all-rounder, which can only be reached on foot and is supplied by helicopter. That would never have occurred to me before."
- Simone Voß-
"Dieter Lange is authentic. He has a wealth of down-to-earth experience and wisdom that he can convey in simple words. That fascinated me. A lot has changed in my life; I have turned my partnership and my circle of friends upside down. I have turned my partnership and my circle of friends upside down and reorganized them.

I have also progressed professionally and my self-confidence has received a boost. Next year I'm going to work for three months as an all-rounder at a mountain hut in Austria that can only be reached on foot and is supplied by helicopter. That wouldn't have occurred to me before."
- Simone Voß-
"Dieter offers what few other coaches can:
Because of his personal experiences living with primitive peoples, he is able to provide deep insights into valuable dimensions (intuition / spirituality) that receive little attention in our society today.

For me personally, the encounters with Dieter that I was able to experience were an immense enrichment. I got more clarity, focus and joy of life through Dieter's valuable impulses in my life (and it was already on a good level before).

"Today is the most important day in my life" has become a life principle for me and in the last two years I have realized personal dreams that I always had but had put off for a long time. To anyone who is open to embracing new perspectives, I highly recommend Dieter Lange."
- Martin Wunderlich -
"Dieter offers what few other coaches can:
Because of his personal experiences living with primitive peoples, he is able to provide deep insights into valuable dimensions (intuition / spirituality) that receive little attention in our society today.

For me personally, the encounters with Dieter that I was able to experience were an immense enrichment. I got more clarity, focus and joy of life through Dieter's valuable impulses in my life (and it was already on a good level before).

"Today is the most important day in my life" has become a life principle for me and in the last two years I have realized personal dreams that I always had but had put off for a long time. To anyone who is open to embracing new perspectives, I highly recommend Dieter Lange."
- Martin Wunderlich -

How can you be part of the School of Life?


Initial interview

In a non-binding initial interview, you will first find out with one of our experts whether the training is right for you and whether you feel comfortable with us.

Does everything fit?

Great! Then you can make a second appointment. Here you can ask all your questions in detail before we decide on the way together. Afterwards, we will be happy to help you with your registration.

Let's go!

Soon you will start the first round of the School of Life together with all participants and Dieter Lange. You can expect 6 or 12 months full of exciting, educational and transformative content. Have fun on your journey to yourself!

Step 1: Initial interview

In a non-binding initial interview, you will first find out with one of our experts whether the training is right for you and whether you feel comfortable with us.

Step 2: Does everything fit?

Great! Then you can make a second appointment. Here you can ask all your questions in detail before we decide on the way together. Afterwards, we will be happy to help you with your registration.

Step 3: Let's go!

Soon you will start the first round of the School of Life together with Dieter Lange and all participants. You can expect 6-12 months full of exciting, educational and transformative content. Have fun on your journey to yourself!
Arrange a free initial consultation now
*100 % free of charge & without obligation

We look forward to getting to know you!

Talk to your "success coach" on the phone

When you book an interview appointment, you will automatically be assigned to one of our experts.
Each one of them is looking forward to answering your questions about the School of Life and working with you to find out if the program is a good fit for you.
The conversations are of course completely free and without obligation. You should simply have an all-round good feeling.
Call us!

The most frequently asked questions about training

How much time should I invest per week?

We recommend that you set aside approx. 4 - 6 hours per week to work through the content thoroughly. In addition, a 60-minute live Q&A session with Dieter Lange takes place every month via Zoom.

At what times do I need to be available?

The School of Life is deliberately online so that you can flexibly integrate it into your everyday life. You can watch Dieter's weekly videos at any time from anywhere.

However, the live Q&A sessions with Dieter will always take place at specific, fixed times. We will inform you about these as soon as possible in the members area, to which you will get access directly after your registration.

How long will it take to develop my North Star Life Plan? How will it affect my daily life?

During the first 6 months of the School of Life, you will get to know yourself anew and create your North Star Life Plan. Through the coaching exercises, workbooks and live Q&A sessions, you can fine tune your North Star Life Plan until you really get to the quintessence and it feels right for you.

During the School of Life you will also learn how to integrate your North Star Life Plan into your everyday life in order to achieve your true life goals, gain valuable experiences and feel inner satisfaction.

Will I also develop the title of the book of my life?

Yes. As you create your personal North Star Life Plan, Dieter Lange will give you numerous exercises and techniques to help you find the title of your personal Book of Life.

I would like to start my own business as a certified coach according to Dieter Lange. How do you help me with this?

A great decision! With your successful final exam after the School of Life Pro, you will receive your certificate as a "Coach according to Dieter Lange" from us after 9 months. With this you will automatically be listed on our Greator Coach Map for 12 months, which makes you visible and bookable for potential clients.

We also support you with 3 business bonus modules for your positioning, your online marketing and give you a concrete roadmap that you can use for yourself and the start of your self-employment.

I don't want to start my own business as a coach. Is that a problem?

No, not at all. Of course, you can also go through the School of Life completely for yourself. If you are an entrepreneur, manager or self-employed, you can also optimally apply the knowledge from the School of Life in your company.

At Life School Pro, you will gain valuable coaching skills that you can naturally apply in your personal or professional life.
Still here? Then clarify your questions now! :)
* 100% free of charge & without obligation
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Greator Slogan: It's in youGreator awards: Innovation Champion 2024 from Focus, Kununu Top Company 2023-2025, Great Place to Work certified 2020-2024 and World's Best Employer 2023.
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