Introvert, extrovert - how do you rate yourself?

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Some days you just want to have your peace and quiet and be by yourself. Other days you feel more comfortable in company. So what are you - introverted, extroverted in turns? Or do you tend more in one of the two directions? Sometimes it's not so easy to identify your own personality. Who knows, maybe you're ambivert - that's a mixture of introverted and extroverted characteristics, so to speak.

What is the difference between introvert and extrovert?

What does introvert and extrovert mean anyway? The Definition itself shows you the differences between introvert, extrovert.

Basically, it's about the inner and outer world that we all live in. When you are active in the outer world, you act extroverted. If, on the other hand, you concentrate on your own thoughts and feelingsOn the other hand, you are introverted. Driving, talking to other people, working in a team is extroverted. Reading, thinking and Meditate is introverted.

The differentiation introvert, extrovert has developed since the 1920s, based on the studies of psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung and other psychologists such as Eysenck and Cattell.

By the way: Extroverted is the colloquial synonym for the technical term extraverted.

What does it mean to be extroverted?

Who extravert is directed outward. You can recognize extroverts by their sociability. They are team players and approach other people openly. The Downside of this outgoing personality shows itself in lonely hours: Then it is difficult to bear being alone.

Extroverted characters are not constantly outward looking. Extraversion is not a unique category, but a dimension. This means that extroverted traits can come in different forms. Typical characteristics for extraversion are

  • Call for new activities,
  • a cheerful mood,
  • a certain dominance in the conversation.
introvert extrovert difference

What does it mean to be an introvert?

Introvert People appear shy and reserved. That's why this basic attitude can be quickly confused with Uncertainty confuse. In this case, introverts only focus inward and are more interested in thoughts and moods. They do not need external stimulation to feel good. Noticeable characteristics are:

  • Seriousness
  • a detachment in appearance
  • the desire for tranquility.

What does ambiversion mean?

Introvert, extrovert - sometimes you feel more like a lone wolf, other times you want to be in the middle of the action. In fact, most people move between these extremes. Do you feel the same way? Then you are probably ambivert.

By the way, fluctuating between introvert, extrovert has some advantages, especially in professional life. It has something to do with adaptability: Depending on the situation, your introverted or extroverted qualities come out. In your private life, too, you show your best side with your ambiversion.

How do I know if I am an introvert or extrovert?

Introvert, extrovert: Want to know which way you lean? By now you know what extrovert and introvert mean. But few people are clearly identifiable as introverts or extroverts. The extremes are conspicuous, but the hybrids (i.e., the ambiversions) are not always clearly identifiable. With a Personality Test you find out which side suits you more.

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Extraversion and introversion in personality tests

The following scenes will help you find your place on the scale of introvert extrovert.

  • You feel at home in many situations: at the meeting, at the party, walking alone through the park, reading in the evening.
  • You think long and hard about every major decision. Ambivert individuals do not rely only on their own thoughts (introvert), but also like to get advice from friends (ambivert).
  • You have empathy, a good knowledge of human nature and a keen sense of moods.
  • You have your emotions under control and don't usually snap.
  • You are perceived as likeable by many people.
  • You have no problem losing or backing down - but are confident about it and sometimes love the spotlight.
  • Openly approaching other people - you have no problem with that. But you take time to get to know them better before you make friends.
  • Depending on the situation, you change roles without pretending: You are sometimes the star, then again the caretaker; sometimes the listener, sometimes the narrator.
  • Introverted, extroverted - you can't identify with either extreme. It's the balance in between that appeals to you.
  • You can be a lone wolf, but you can also be a team player, depending on what's important at the time.
  • Your performance is stable in different phases - hectic does not make you nervous and in calm times you stay motivated.
  • There are several ways for you to recharge your batteries: Spending a few hours quietly on the couch, a cozy evening with friends, team sports or individual training.

Self-test: Am I introverted, extroverted or ambivert?

Who is ambivert, moves between introvert, extrovert. There can be a stronger expression in one of the two directions. With the Greator Personality Test you will be able to assess yourself better. This test is based on psychological findings and works with proven questionnaires.

With the test results, you will be able to see through your own behavior and learn about your inner motivations. This, in turn, is very helpful when you Potential want to take full advantage of.

You're not locked into one extreme for the rest of your life. Stay open to new things - and use your adaptability. Whether you're an introvert or an extrovert, both have their merits. Use your strengths and don't bend yourself. This is the only way to remain emotionally balanced and stable. This is the only way to achieve success.

Is it better to be an introvert or an extrovert?

What is extrovert and introvert - you can easily answer that by now. But which tendency is better? At first glance, extroverted personalities have it easier in the meritocracy. On the other hand, introverts need less input from the outside in order to happy to be.

Someone who is extremely extroverted can quickly become annoying. He talks non-stop and is relatively loud. This can catch others off guard. In the worst case, the extroverted characters take over and act as the decider. This can lead to problems at work or in the family.

Too much introversion is also problematic. Extremely introverted people withdraw and avoid social contact. They are not team players.

Both extremes have their disadvantages: That is why the ambiversion is a happy medium. This is also shown by the so-called Big Five. This model of personality psychology is also called the five-factor model and includes the five most important dimensions on which each person finds his place:

  • Openness/Open-mindedness,
  • Perfectionism,
  • Extraversion/Sociability,
  • Agreeableness/empathy/consideration/cooperativeness,
  • Neuroticism/emotional lability.

Introverted - extroverted - ambivert: How are you yourself?

So how introverted, extroverted or ambivert are you? With the results from the Personality Test you can see where you are on the scale. You are probably in the middle range and can adapt quite well.

But your personal qualities can be developed. You can come out of a too introverted or extroverted corner. Take your chances and don't get stuck on one extreme. Find your very own balance between introvert, extrovert.

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