
Leander Greitemann 2/3: Why you don't have to be afraid of fear

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Leander Greitemann 2/3: Why you don't have to be afraid of fear

"I have the feeling that people in top management have dealt with the subject of spirituality more than others." Leander Greitemann knows his stuff and knows what he's talking about. Because the 32-year-old has been coaching executives of well-known German companies for many years. In his keynotes and seminars, he talks about personal growth and spirituality.

In the interview, he explains: "The higher up I go in the hierarchy of corporate Lectures holdthe more my listeners have already dealt with it. Sometimes, however, I have the feeling that this doesn't get through further down the hierarchy, although these people, too, have an openness and Enthusiasm for the topic. But what they lack is the same density of continuing education. Those who work in a top management position naturally have a completely different approach to coaches and speakers."

Leander Greitemann about perhaps the most important wisdom

A very old wisdom is a central part of Leander Greitemann's seminars. It says:

You don't see the world as it is, you see the world as you are.

This means that the outside world is always a mirror of your inner world. Leander Greitemann explains: "This wisdom is clear to each of us. And yet it has not yet really arrived at our level of mind and behaviour. I want to help change that. A small example: If you say a sentence that contradicts me, it's because of me, not you. Because I give the sentence a meaning and thereby directly build a separation. And that blocks an awful lot of opportunities."

Your way of seeing the world

Leander Greitemann is convinced that many of today's challenges are based on the fact that we do not realize the following: The way we see the world is only one of many ways of seeing the world. Each individual sees his or her own unique way of seeing the world.

The 32-year-old explains: "If we manage to just let go of this mindfuck, then a discourse can emerge. Then I can still say at the end that this sentence doesn't work for me. But if I go to war a priori and try to convince someone else of my worldview because I think it's the only correct worldview, then I'm making a mistake. And it's that mistake that I try to stop in the first step."

Leander Greitemann: "Reflect on your thoughts"

But how can you avoid judging others? Leander Greitemann: "From a philosophical point of view, I would say with the help of classical reflection. That is, by constantly questioning things and looking at them from different perspectives. Is something like that or do I perceive it that way? That way I get out of the situation and exchange ideas with other people in retrospect."

When you become aware that you perceive the world through glasses, then suddenly everything simplifies. Leander Greitemann: "Sometimes we notice it five minutes later. Then the trick is to tell your counterpart and your brain that you're going to straighten something out. So you have to go back and allow the person to see things as they see them. You have to constantly reflect. Because most of the time the problem is because of our bossiness. So my tip is to go into conversations with a fresh, open mind." Specifically, you can take deep breaths in and out, for example, or take five minutes to go inside yourself and meditate.

Do not be afraid of fear

In his training sessions, Leander Greitemann attaches great importance to letting his participants experience what is being said. He explains: "I try to prove almost every hypothesis with a thought experiment or an interactive experiment. That way, people can decide for themselves whether my hypothesis is true or not. In addition, I always try to include interactions in frontal units. Because I believe that learning works best when you not only have a theory, but an experience to go with it - preferably with an emotion. Then something can really change."

In addition, Leander Greitemann is a fan of getting people out of their Comfort zone to get them. In doing so, he confronts them with beliefs from their own world. Do you also frequently think sentences like "I can't do that" or "So much could go wrong"? Then you should make yourself aware: By doing something, you realize that these sentences are nonsense. Leander Greitemann: "Most disasters only happen in the mind. Everything is fine in the doing itself. Then it can be at most that you find it stupid in retrospect. But then again, you're not doing it. That's why it's so important to do things and gain experience. Quite often your own Fear unfounded."

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