It's not just the big events in life that shape you. The small, seemingly inconspicuous moments that settle in your subconscious can also control your reactions and emotions.
For example, if a father has not been at home much, the child can become convinced that "I am not important enough". The child can subconsciously carry this conviction with them into adulthood.
Perhaps you yourself know unpleasant feelings or negative thoughts such as:"Nobody likes me", "I always do everything wrong", "I'm no good the way I am" or "I have to do something to be liked". Such thoughts are the result of old imprints.
The Greator coach trainers and authors of the inspirational book "Heart Over Head" are experts in vision work, meaning & relationships.
For many years, Christina and Walter Hommelsheim have been training coaches with absolute passion. Motivated by their own stories and life crises, the two went through numerous trainings to bring people quickly and sustainably into change and to more ease, confidence and success in life with the right tools and their whole passion.
As trainers of the Greator Life Coaches, they live and love their vocation of guiding people to develop their full potential - authentically, engagingly and in their refreshingly humorous way. Based on Christina and Walter's concept "Heart over Head" and their book of the same name, they developed the holistic success method of the "lying eight". With this technique, they accompany each individual on their way to a self-determined, conscious and happy life. At the heart of their method are lovingly designed, in-depth meditations in which the old is released and the new is focused on.