Why are so many people unhappy, especially in the Western world? Even though they have everything they need to be satisfied. And why are especially successful entrepreneurs affected by inner emptiness, disorientation and restlessness? Dieter Lange knows the answer!
Our multi-option society today keeps you on your toes: there are numerous ways to be more productive, more powerful or healthier. You want more from lifeThat's why you continue to educate yourself so that you are always up to date and continue to be successful.
Standstill is not an option for you. You find it hard not to do something "productive" for a change, like read a book for pure entertainment, go for a walk, or take a bath - because you could use that time effectively for your projects.
Then, when you do get a moment's peace, you ask yourself:
What are you working so hard for? For the numbers you are constantly improving? For the goals you achieve one after the other? For your company? Or for yourself?
Suddenly you feel a terrible emptiness and futility in your activities. What is it that you really want to achieve?
You wish more energy and time for your family, friends and hobbies - but you just can't really switch off after work.
You find it hard to enjoy the moment, because your head is already three steps ahead. Time passes and the years go by. You have the feeling that your life runs through your hands like sand and you can't hold on to a single moment.
Dieter Lange reveals in an interview with Alexander Müller where the inner urge comes that there must always be something going on, why it is so difficult to be present in the moment and how a Fulfilled life through a clear direction really succeeds.
In this interview, you'll learn how to fill inner emptiness and again in your midst arrive. You'll also learn how to help others with the same problem and how to create a inspiring model can be.
Now is your time to arrive at yourself and live a fulfilled life!
Dieter Lange is one of the most renowned experts for personal development and leadership in Germany. With his extensive experience, he inspires people to find their true purpose and shape their lives with confidence.
Dieter Lange is a psychologist, top management trainer, economist, author and an outstanding source of inspiration. He has been one of the leading experts in change processes for over 30 years. He coaches top athletes, executives, entrepreneurs and board members worldwide - including at companies such as Audi, Bayer, Siemens, Unilever, ProSiebenSat.1, Gruner & Jahr and many more.
What makes Dieter Lange unique
His bestseller "Winners are recognized at the start, losers too" and his seminars have already inspired thousands to change their perspective and lead a fulfilled life.