Train your memory: How to increase your memory performance

Reading time 6 minutes

The human brain processes millions of sensory impressions every day. This information initially ends up in short-term memory. Around 50 percent of all perceptions are forgotten after just one hour. With increasing age, the ability to concentrate decreases. Forgetfulness is one of the first signs of declining memory capacity. However, the brain remains capable of learning and can be trained just like a muscle. Training the ability to remember is a good approach to facilitate thinking processes and to improve the Concentration to improve.

The ability to remember numbers, facts and content forms the basis of memory power. A good memory is not innate. But we can train the ability to remember in order to increase memory performance.

Why is a strong memory important?

Good retentiveness will get you ahead in your career. Mental strength is a characteristic that distinguishes people with leadership potential. Memory disorders, on the other hand, impair the ability to remember.

With poor memory skills, meetings, interviews and seminars become a challenge. Can you remember the names of your conversation partners and address them correctly? Poor memory can be embarrassing. Often, forgetfulness makes you feel embarrassed.

Do you forget appointments that you made beforehand? Do careless mistakes creep into your well-researched presentation? Memory lapses are often due to stress. Multitasking overwhelmed the brain. The following factors have an unfavorable effect on memory:

  • Sleep deprivation and poor sleep quality
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Lack of exercise
  • Unhealthy Nutrition
  • Excessive alcohol consumption or drug abuse
  • Distraction due to noise and mobile devices
  • Natural aging of the brain
  • Neurological diseases (dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's)
  • Drugs with influence on brain function

Good memory skills are useful in learning, at work and in private life. The ability to remember details is important so that information and content can be processed and stored in long-term memory. To improve the ability to remember contribute:


The basics of memory

The basics of retentiveness are concentration, the recognition of logical connections and the ability to understand complex information. The brain perceives visual, verbal and nonverbal stimuli simultaneously. The contents received are classified in the memory.

The more of our five senses are involved, the more likely it is that this information will be stored in the brain. Orient yourself to this way the brain works to increase your ability to remember. Improve memory span through memory exercises.

Auditory perception consists of the recording of sounds and tones. This refers to the recording of what is heard as well as its content and not to hearing. By singing and dancing, you can train your auditory memory and counteract auditory memory weakness.

brain train memory

5 tips to increase your memory

Want to train your memory? Use memory techniques to improve the brain's data processing speed. Practice regularly so that you can remember things and contexts better. Proven memory techniques that you can use to train your memory are:

  1. Mental arithmetic
  2. Memorization
  3. Mnemonic bridges
  4. Visualize
  5. Think positive

Mental arithmetic helps to Feeling for numbers. Children and adults train their memory skills by calculating without aids. This method makes it easier for you to compare prices in the supermarket and calculate costs. With mental arithmetic you can improve your memory and solve complicated math problems more easily.

Memorization encourages the retention of less important content. Read a newspaper article or a section of a book aloud. Try to remember the most important information. Reproduce the memorized text in your own words.

Use mnemonics if you want to train your memory skills. Mnemonics are practical memory aids that make it easier to remember simple and complex facts. An example of this is: "Not at all" is not written together. The mnemonic method is one of the mnemonics.

Train the ability to remember through visualization and positive thinking

Visualize. Visualize things if you want to train your memory skills. Visualization possibilities such as pictures, graphical representations and tables have a memory-supporting function.

Think positively, because your mood affects your ability to remember. Negative thoughts and feelings cause things to be forgotten and make learning difficult. The brain has more capacity when you are happy and carefree. Thinking positively is the simple method if you want to train your memory.

Mnemonics and memory strategies

An Memory training consists of different exercises. The Setting Goals is to increase the brain's ability to remember. People with excellent Memory often use mnemonic exercisesto remember important information. These mnemonics can improve memory skills:

  • Loci or route method
  • Mindmaps
  • Rhymes and mnemonic sentences
  • Number Form System
  • The number rhyme method

The loci or route method is a pictorial learning technique that promotes spatial memory. It involves linking memories of specific places with information.

A mind map is used to clearly represent tasks, elements or concepts that relate to a central theme. Mindmapping takes into account our way of thinking and perceiving information.

Rhymes and mnemonic sentences train memory skills and improve memory. The number-form system is a mnemonics Association technique. In principle, the method is similar to the number-rhyme system. The number-shape system associates numbers with shapes. Thus, the number "one" can be perceived in its shape as a candle or an axe.

The number rhyme method is about remembering numbers and number sequences using rhyming words. You can use worksheets to train your memory. This simplifies your memory training.

Healthy habits for better memory

The natural aging process also affects the brain. With increasing age, the ability to remember decreases. This development is unstoppable. With healthy Habits you provide a better memory.

A varied diet that contains all the necessary vitamins, trace elements and minerals supports the brain. Foods that contain complex carbohydrates are considered "brain food. These include, for example, fruits, vegetables and whole grain products.

Healthy drinks such as green tea, herbal teas, mineral and tap water, and orange juice provide the body with fluids. This improves blood circulation in the brain. The nerve cells communicate better with each other and retentiveness increases.

Sports and exercise also have a positive effect on blood flow to the brain. Endurance sports such as jogging, swimming or Nordic walking are suitable as efficient brain training if you want to train memory skills.

Sufficient sleep strengthens the memory and promotes cognitive performance. The optimal length of sleep is between six and ten hours. Although the brain is constantly active, brain cells regenerate during sleep.

Mental training and exercises

Mental training and exercises can train the brain, improve memory and increase the capacity of memory. Mental training is also used to reduce stress.

A variety of methods exist that are suitable for improving memory, concentration and emotional skills. Learn Mindfulness through meditation. Focus entirely on yourself during yoga exercises.

Solve crossword puzzles or Sudoku to improve your mental agility. With ten minutes of memory training per day you can train and improve your memory.

Applying your improved memory skills to everyday life

People with excellent memory skills have an easier time in everyday life. They remember many things and important details and can fall back on their memory later. With a high memory capacity, you score points at work. At home, good memory skills help ensure that nothing is forgotten in the household routine.

You work faster and more efficiently when you remember everything. Long searches for lost keys or misplaced smartphones are a thing of the past. Past an. The well-developed retentiveness enables you to keep track of your tasks.

Conclusion: Your journey to a stronger memory

Your journey to better memory starts with simple memory exercises. The brain is capable of learning. Efficient brain training can improve the Increase brain power.

Invest in your memory and experience the benefits of a sharper mind in everyday life

Acumen is the ability of the mind to quickly grasp the essentials and see through things immediately. Train your retentiveness and experience the benefits of mental peak performance.

Organize your thoughts and concentrate so that you can do your tasks better and more effectively. Use all your senses to understand relationships. Be creative.

Develop new ideas and strategies. Change your perspective and look at things from a different angle. Give your brain a break so it can process the information.

Invest in your memory. We recommend our free Masterclass Memory training. Learn to process information faster. Strengthen your memory and reduce your study time. Practice regularly. With improved memory you will master every work, everyday and learning situation!


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