You've been dreaming of taking a vacation to the Caribbean for a long time - but still you can't manage to save the necessary money. Maybe you just want to save to secure yourself for the future. But all your income goes to the usual little things, and nothing is left over. How can you save money and still enjoy life? Obviously, there are people who can do it.
With the right tips, you too can save money without it becoming too stressful. It's important that your thriftiness doesn't turn into stinginess. Constant renunciation is also not necessary. Saving money still works best when you approach the matter in a relaxed and positive manner. A clear goal also helps you save - and a good balance between frugality and enjoyment. In this way, your savings will gradually increase until you can fulfill your dream.
Why should you save money?
There are several reasons why saving money is worthwhile. With the necessary financial cushion, you can occasionally treat yourself to a little luxury or bridge an unforeseen bottleneck. Perhaps you want to make provisions for your old age or simply put some money aside - for later, for a special vacation or for a dream car.
There are several savings options for the different phases of life. Which money-saving plan suits you depends primarily on your financial situation. Maybe you're looking for an investment to grow your savings. Or you might first set up a financial and savings plan. If you know your personal reasons, it will be easier for you to set up a budget.
Often, you can't put your finger on why you want to save money. You simply feel safer with a certain financial cushion. With your own savings, you can avoid expensive loans and don't get into trouble as quickly. In addition, you have many more options open to you: a trip around the world, your own property, an expensive hobby ... So it's worth saving money at an earlier age.
50 simple tips to save money in everyday life
How can I save money every month? There are many small everyday tips for this. Depending on how much money you want to save, you can start small or think bigger right away. Most of the time, saving money starts small, like the following 50 tips show
Make a plan and set a weekly or monthly limit on how much you can spend. That way, you'll learn to say no to yourself.
Plan your purchases and always start with a list. This will help you avoid impulse purchases at the supermarket or department store.
Make one bulk purchase a week: that way you won't be tempted to buy too much as often.
Think about what food you really need: if you regularly throw away spoiled products, it's going to cost you money.
When you're hungry, don't go shopping. This rule protects you from grabbing delicious but expensive snacks.
Find out about special offers. Many supermarkets offer bonus points or discount promotions that can save you money.
Pay attention to the expiration date when you shop. Remember, this is only the best before date: many foods last longer, so you shouldn't throw them away early.
Don't buy ready-made meals and fast food, but prepare your own food.
Prepare your own lunch and take it with you: It's much cheaper than canteen food.
Do not drink expensive juices and sodas, but rather water. This is cheaper and also healthier.
Tap water is of good quality. This makes it even cheaper than buying mineral water in boxes.
You do many everyday journeys by car. But if you bike or walk more often, you won't have to fill up as often. This quickly has an impact on your expenses.
Switch to public transportation and avoid trips by car: Especially when gas prices are high, this can save you a lot of money.
Do the math on the cost of owning a car and consider whether public transportation and bicycling might be cheaper.
If you absolutely need a car, check out the car-sharing offers. This option is also worthwhile for car owners. Because if you share your own vehicle with others, you get some money in return.
If you want to save money, you should also look at your loans. Look into this topic and check the credit conditions at your bank. A bank advisor may be able to help you find a more favorable solution and reduce your loans quickly.
Do you have multiple magazine subscriptions that are draining your account? Cancel the subscriptions and or look around for cheap subscription offers.
Subscription providers sometimes offer the option of sharing subscriptions to save money. This also applies to streaming providers and other subscriptions.
You hardly ever go to the gym anymore? - Then cancel your membership, because the fee is a waste of money.
Check your monthly rental costs and save money by reducing your consumption. You can do this with energy-saving LED lights and by replacing outdated household appliances that consume a lot of electricity.
Ventilate properly so as not to consume unnecessary heating energy.
Check whether the insulation in your home is in order. It may be worthwhile to make small repairs to the windows to keep the heat in.
Compare your current electricity and gas rates and find out about cheaper rates and providers. Switching can be worthwhile.
Among the more unusual money-saving tips is sharing rarely used equipment. Some communities have a kind of neighborhood hangout where, for example, electric saws or scarifiers are made available for a small amount.
Reading is already an inexpensive hobby, but it can be done even more economically. Instead of new books, you can also buy used books. Or you can borrow books from the library.
There is also a lot of savings potential when buying clothes: shop sustainably and opt for long-lasting quality.
It doesn't always have to be new shoes: new heels and soles are often enough.
In the second-hand store you can get clothes and other products at a great price.
If you cleverly coordinate your wardrobe, you won't need so much clothing and will always have enough space in your closet.
Avoid frustration purchases: If you're not in a good mood, don't compensate by spending unnecessarily.
Don't buy things you don't really need. This tip seems simple, but it's hard to follow through.
You sell items you no longer use - that's how you replenish your account.
Where can you save money when you have expensive purchases to make? In stores with used items. These can be electrical appliances or other items.
Price negotiations are also often possible in stores with expensive original goods or with service providers. However, this requires some negotiating skills.
If in doubt, opt for somewhat more expensive, high-quality products that last longer and offer a better energy balance. You'll spend more money at first, but it will soon pay off.
When something breaks, you immediately call a repairman - but he charges you dearly. You can also repair many things yourself. Short online videos can help you do this.
A defective device does not always have to be replaced immediately. Small things can be repaired. Depending on the situation, however, a new purchase may be cheaper.
When the weather is nice, your annual vacation takes place in Germany: You don't need a luxury trip to Mauritius to relax.
In a vacation apartment, the vacation will be cheaper than in a hotel with half board, because here you can cater for yourself.
Do you really need that expensive premium dishwasher or luxury grill? Take 30 days to think about it.
Search for cheap alternatives: The classic grill instead of the premium gas grill, the self-knitted jacket instead of the cashmere jacket from the brand designer.
Buy your cosmetics at the drugstore and not at expensive stores.
Write down your expenses - that way you'll keep a good eye on everything.
Also write down your savings goal and design a proper savings plan.
Pay with cash and not with a card. When you pay by card, you lose the direct connection to money.
Check your bank statements regularly.
Set aside some money at the beginning of the month, with the firm intention of not spending it.
Put your savings in the bank so the money isn't sitting around at home tempting you to spend it.
Adjust your savings plan if necessary if it's not working.
Use a suitable savings app or other appropriate tool to stick to your budget plan.
How much money should I save?
The Tips and tricks to save money are designed to help you reach your savings goal. But how much money can you actually put aside? To find out, first write down your income and expenses.
For a simple rollover, use the 50-30-20 rule. It works as follows:
50 % of your income goes to fixed costs, i.e. rent and utilities, financing, day-to-day living expenses, and so on.
30 % remain for your personal desires and hobbies, for going out and vacation.
20 % you can save.
So, if you follow this, you will have 20 % left every month. If you have a regular income, you can even save money automatically. If you set up a standing order, the amount will go directly into your savings account each month. This reduces the likelihood that you will withdraw the money and spend it.
Less money worries - more quality of life
Save money every month - these tips show you how to do it without stress. Some tricks quickly become a habit. Nevertheless, you continue to have fun and enjoy life. The Money Flow Masterclass shows you how to reorient yourself and gain an overview of your finances. This not only helps you save money, but also gives you more confidence in your future.
"Never worry about money again"
Immediately applicable tips for permanently more money in life, so that you can finally afford everything you want - without having to limit yourself!