You want to attract positive change and finally uncover the secret of a happy life? Then start by searching for your own personal destiny. Because you will find your personal happiness in a fulfilled, self-determined life!
To work with To go through life with more serenity and awareness, you should start by letting go of your expectations and start loving yourself more. and mindfulness into your life. Because if you want to become really happy, you should not only avoid inner pain, but also the Find the meaning of your life and live it up.
Be who you really are. Make sure the eyes of the positive people around you shine and that Satisfaction inside yourself. Find out how this works and which steps you should take in our five best keynotes on the topic of happiness. In them, coaches and experts give you valuable tips on how to make your own world shine. Collect moving moments and recognize the power of true happiness, because you only have this one life!
Thomas Prehn supports other people in finding themselves and finally to be happy. In his exciting keynote, the expert explains how you can easily find out what you really want in life.
Denys Scharnweber reveals why stress, anxiety and panic affect your free will. How you negative beliefs for good, you'll find out in our expert's inspiring keynote.
Dieter Lange explains why you should let go of your expectations and go through life with more serenity and awareness. Curious? Then watch the video!
Tobias Beck reveals in his keynote why it is so important to have more courage, to collect moving moments and to recognize the difference between fun and real happiness.
Maike van den Boom takes an entertaining look at the happiness of our neighbours, the rest of the world and of course at the happiness of ourselves at the 2nd Berlin Speaker Night.