Breaking out of old behavior patterns and breaking through thought structures is not easy. It is especially difficult when you have been working as a manager in a company for years and are one of the old hands. Routines and rehearsed behaviors permeate everyday work - and often seem more comfortable than motivational coaching. Making changes without hedging, that takes a fair amount of courage! "How do you think my employees will react? Will the new thing be well received? Will it even work?" are thoughts that like to settle in your head and make themselves comfortable there.
Then it's better not to take any risks and use the safe, tried and tested methods. After all, it has worked perfectly well all these years. That would be nice if it were that simple. But unfortunately, things don't always work out the way you'd like them to. And then comes the moment when things can't go on any longer. You feel hemmed in by problems and conflicts, there are more and more resignations, the Motivation on the team is down. And you decide for yourself: Now is the time to act. But how?
Motivation is the salt in the soup and the pillar of your company. If this pillar breaks down, it has a negative effect on your success. Take the initiative. Have you ever thought about motivational coaching? A Coach can help you make sure that your Courage grows to implement new things and your fears fade into the background.
Motivational coaching gives you the tools you need to motivate yourself again. To help your inner bastard to say goodbye. However, in order for you to feel motivated again, there are a few things you can set in motion in advance, including your Self-reflection. Motivational coaching can help you with this.
Feel free to take notes on the exercise. And perhaps just the idea of your dream life will release a spark of motivation in you to get a little closer to your dream.
With the help of motivational coaching, you can break new ground and break out of rigid and awkward routines. A coach is a temporary companion and will guide you through a learning process. Uncertainty and doubts determine your behavior? That's okay. After all, no master has fallen from the sky! New behaviors are created by training them. Just because you know how something works doesn't mean you can apply it.
You often stand in your own way. Coaching is then necessary to help you overcome your inhibitions. Together with your motivation coach, you can work out individual motives that are causing you and your company problems. But be careful, a coach doesn't take any tasks off your hands. In contrast to training, coaching does not give you an exact Problem solution that you can implement one-to-one. Your coach serves as your advisor, discussion partner and listener and accompanies you on your own path to your goal. The focus is clearly on "helping people to help themselves".
And also your personal development is in the foreground. Psychotherapeutic methods and techniques are used. (Be aware that coaching is not an option for serious psychological problems). So if you decide to go for coaching, make the choice with great care. Define your goals and your concerns. Where is the problem? Is it the lack of motivation in the team, is it your behavior?
Coaching is mainly about improving your performance and analyzing your perception of the tasks. For this purpose, a coach is at your side in an advisory and observing capacity. Where are there grievances, what behaviors have you acquired over the years that could be responsible for the demotivation of your employees?
As an external person, a coach can perceive and analyse you as a manager and your company from a different perspective. This allows you to understand your own decisions retrospectively and to see possible mistakes better. Your ability to self-reflect is strengthened.
Coaching offers you a framework for developing and improving specific skills. You should take advantage of this. As a process consultant, a coach has a variety of methods that you can use to work together and develop your personality. Coaching is not a type of training. But coaching can include training!
A coach advises in relation to your social environment and your working conditions. This means that you must give him insight into the professional field and the coach should have knowledge in organizational development. It is important for the success of the coaching that you see a sense in it. Your coach is not some kind of friend, nor a stooge who bends to your will. You should be open to accepting the changes you want to make. accept.
Training or coaching: the two terms are often and readily pigeonholed and confused. However, there are significant differences. Whether training or coaching is an option for you depends on various factors. Both motivational coaching and motivational training have their strengths and weaknesses. A preliminary discussion often helps to determine whether there is a need for coaching or whether training is sufficient.
While your coach puts you as a person in the foreground, a Motivational Trainer as a guide and moderator. He analyzes specific behavioral deficits. In workshops or seminars, they emphasize learning content - but they do not coach their participants. They do not focus on your personality and will not give you intensive advice. Their main function is to impart content and specialist knowledge and to develop or reduce specific behavioral patterns.
A motivational trainer guides, gives Feedback and corrects. In contrast to a motivational coach, he does not work in a relationship-oriented way, but conveys his expertise and gives concrete solutions. This means that he instructs you and determines the content as well as the procedure himself. A motivational trainer has no specific target group, whereas a coach focuses on people with management tasks.
Your Team should be on the subject of motivation Receive instructions? Then a training for knowledge transfer is more interesting for you. For this no Coaching necessary. You should consider coaching if you want to break new ground and are not confident that you can implement the necessary changes. Both forms are suitable if you want to improve the performance of yourself and/or your employees and would like to consult an external person.
We hope that now we can lead you to more Clarity and many questions were answered. Whether systemic coach, NLP, motivational coaching or Greator Coach Training - everywhere you have your change in your own hands. You decide how you want to live your life, in which direction you develop - and which opportunities you tackle!
As a Greator Life Coach you come into your full power and are ready to make a lasting difference to the lives of many people. In our training to become a Greator Coach you go step by step through your individual areas of life. Open yourself to bring more and more clarity into your life. The insights will amaze you. You have your Change in your own hands. You decide how you want to live your life, in which direction you develop - and which opportunities you tackle! As a Greator Life Coach, you come into your full power and are ready to make a lasting difference in the lives of many people. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch here on. Or as we say at Greator: Go for it!