Overcoming Fears: How to finally live in ease

Reading time 4 minutes

Imagine that you wake up tomorrow and an infinite and positive energy of life flows through you! You feel full of joy and lightness. You are so clear and full of love. And you feel in your whole body: This will be your day! A wonderful day full of enchanting moments. Filled with authentic laughter and a feeling of happiness that has expanded throughout your entire body. You can feel it everywhere... Why don't we always wake up like this? Because we love to fill our time with head movies, live by old patterns out of habit, and let our fears and doubts guide us.

Who would you be without your fears and doubts?

Feel free to close your eyes at this point.

  1. Ask yourself the question: What do you think when you believe the thought: I am full of fears and doubts. Take your time and write down the answers on a piece of paper. If you get answers like, "I'm blocked," "I'm not myself...
  2. Ask yourself now: Who would you be without these fears and doubts? Free, light, without pressure, full of Joie de vivre, happy, creative, yourself... What answers rise up in you when you ask yourself this question?
  3. How do you know these Fear from the past? At what point in your childhood did you ever go through these feelings?

Release old beliefs that are blocking you!

Remind yourself again now that within you lies the power and strength to choose anew today who you really want to be. You are the creator of your own life every second - whether you are aware of it or not. You shape it yourself a little bit every day with your attitudes, thoughts, and energy. But to get to your dream life, you can lovingly listen to your own heart, follow your heart's desires, and old beliefs that are blocking you and slowing you down.

You are what you think

Because psychological studies show again and again: We become what we think and expect. If you assume that a successful life is waiting for you, then you will most likely lead one soon.

  1. What image do you have of yourself?
  2. What beliefs do you have about yourself and life?

So on a subconscious level, beliefs can really block you. But you deserve the most beautiful life you can imagine.

Let go of your past with all its fears

So how do you release that power? Let go of your past, release Negative beliefs to rediscover and live your own value. If you want to connect properly with your heart, some blockages have to be cleared out of the way first. Your negative beliefs can only really cause trouble until you discover them, bring them into the light and thereby take away their destructive life of their own within you.

Meditate to release your fears

This can be achieved, for example, when meditating! Because through this you really get in touch with yourself. You get to know yourself in a way that you would never have thought possible. And when you start to turn your energy inwards, suddenly many things change in your life in a miraculous way. Allow yourself to be yourself now!

  • In the Meditation you discover your feelings or fears and can heal or transform them
  • You give your life a chance to change
  • You make a new decision

With courage comes joy and happiness

Fear may now advise you: Don't do it, others are doing it better than you. But love will tell you: You can create unique things. Your creative path will bring you much joy and happiness. Go now for your heart's desire! Take control of your life to feel empowered and self-determined. When we make space for ourselves in our lives, we will gradually unearth our hidden desires and dreams. Only you yourself must have the courage to stand up for your dreams. You may be preoccupied with:

  • What can I do to make my wishes come true?
  • What kind of partnership do I want?
  • What values are important to me?
  • How about my other areas of life like health, family, finances....
  • Where do I see myself in six months, where do I see myself in the future?

You run your life by the choices you make

You see - life is waiting to be actively created by you. Direct your destiny consciously through your thoughts and decisions.

If you are now really hungry to make a change in your life, then find out more about our Training as a coach. You now know what a great influence positive as well as negative beliefs can have on your entire life. But always be aware that ultimately only you decide what you believe in. It is possible to transform negative beliefs. Admittedly, this requires courage and perseverance on your part. However, it is worth taking the necessary steps.

Life inventory

Your trainers Walter and Christina Hommelsheim show you step by step how to spice up your life. How much energy do you put into your job or your relationship? What are you missing? Maybe it's friendships, maybe relationships - you can only find out if you start taking stock of your life now.

You will see how quickly you get clarity for more and more areas in your life. And above all: How you come closer to your visions step by step. You have probably never before dealt with your visions in such detail. Beliefs and fears ... Open yourself to it! Look forward to wonderful Meditationsthat will pick you up where you are right now. Does this sound interesting to you? Here you can find more information about the Greator Coach Training.



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Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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