Get rid of procrastination: This helps against procrastination

Reading time 6 minutes

Does it have to be today? You're not in the mood for it at all. And there's so much to do! Tomorrow it might work. Or the day after tomorrow. If you think like that, you're suffering from "procrastination": that's the colloquial word for procrastination.

So many tasks are waiting for you to do them. Soon they'll pile up into a whole heap. That's not laziness - is it? After all, there are usually good excuses for it. The deadline isn't until Friday, you're still missing the right approach ... No more procrastination! Overcome procrastination - with the right tips, you'll learn.

Overcoming procrastination: Why is it so hard?

When you want to start working, obstacles often stand in your way. Typical causes of procrastination are your own mental gyros. Clean up first before you sit down at your desk. Eat something first and then get started. You can handle small tasks in no time: that's no problem. But larger projects seem difficult to conquer.

Learn how to overcome procrastination at Greator. The helpful Tips against procrastination show you how to get rid of your current habits. Better time management, more Self-confidence and a structured plan will move you forward. It's especially important to debunk your own excuses. At the same time you strengthen your Motivation. With the right twist, you'll soon get the hang of it - and can get started without much hesitation.

What are the effects of procrastination?

You want to understand and overcome procrastination? Then you should take a close look at the disadvantages of this habit. There are quite a few of them List:

  1. Procrastination weakens self-confidence,
  2. the Fear before failure becomes greater,
  3. due to time pressure and Mental Load the stress level increases,
  4. the motivation decreases,
  5. there are performance deficiencies,
  6. a negative self-image is created.

Overcome procrastination: 5 steps

In psychology, "overcoming procrastination" is an exciting topic - which, however. Patience requires. To change your personal behavior, you need time - as well as these Study proves. In most cases, procrastination takes place not only at work, but also in private life. For a targeted Personality Development the rethink is definitely worthwhile.

How can you overcome procrastination? The following 5 steps will show you.

  1. Good time management helps you to structure your workload. The topic of time management is combined here with the Self-Management. set priorities, schedule times - with this you can overcome a hurdle of procrastination.
  2. Start with the task you dread the most. Look at your to-do list: Some jobs are easy to do, others are unpleasant. It's those dull jobs that make you feel anxious inside. Do these jobs first and put a big check mark on them. Now it's the easy tasks' turn and you can relax and move on.
  3. Do you have too much to do? Then reduce the work. Rearrange a few topics. Distribute individual points in the team: This way you have more energy for the remaining tasks. You can concentrate better and don't feel so stressed.
  4. Delegating often helps. If you can't manage everything, ask a colleague or relative to do it for you. You don't have to do everything yourself: Many tasks can be taken care of by others.
  5. Multitasking does not work permanently. Stay focused on one thing at a time. Don't start the next topic until you've finished the previous one. This way, you focus your energy on the current task and make faster progress.
procrastination depression

What you can do against procrastination

There are various workshops and seminars on the topic of "overcoming procrastination". Or you can become active yourself. Recognize your ingrained behavior patterns. Plan your work and check off the things you have done. You have accomplished something again - this positive feeling strengthens you.

Overcoming procrastination gives you more Serenity. But as with all projects, this one seems insurmountable at first. Where should you start?

Do it like you read in the tips to overcome procrastination: Break the big project into small parts. This creates small items that are easy to work through. Two pages of homework per day, three tricky tasks per hour - bit by bit you'll approach the goal. Keep an eye on the deadline, otherwise it will be tight.

Avoid procrastination: Eliminate the disruptive factors

Those who suffer from procrastination like to be distracted. Turn off the distractors! Don't answer the phone and put the smartphone out of reach. Now is not the time for coffee either. Get to work on achieving your goal for the day. It's even a little easier with routines. For example, when is the best time for you to work? Schedule the difficult tasks for your most productive time: Optimally, you'll be done with the unloved work by noon.

A realistic assessment of time management is indispensable. Over time, you will learn to structure and prioritize the topics. By the way, some people learn particularly well with a certain amount of time pressure. Are you one of them? If you prefer stress-free work, you should start on time. So keep an eye on the deadlines.

Avoid procrastination with these 15 effective tips

What to do against procrastination? The following tips will serve you as useful tools if you want to overcome procrastination.

  1. Get an overview of the achievable goals. Be ambitious, but don't overdo it: otherwise you run the risk of giving up quickly after a setback. Start with the prioritized tasks and work your way to the less important jobs.
  2. Divide the projects into smaller elements. This way you will reach your goal step by step. Little by little, you check off the completed items. This way you can see how you are progressing.
  3. Think about when you are particularly productive. In which phase is your concentration highest? Which tasks are easy for you in the morning, and which in the afternoon or evening? Are you a late riser or an early riser? Every person has his or her own individual daily rhythm, which is difficult to reprogram.
  4. Determine a day and time when you will start the planned work. Write down the time in the calendar. You start exactly at this time - without excuses. Also write down the deadline: This way you can see how big the time pressure is. Give yourself enough time, but not too much. An approaching deadline may make you especially productive.
  5. Structure your everyday life with positive Habits. Routines are especially useful for long-term projects. Soon you'll be doing certain things automatically, without losing unnecessary energy on small decisions. A regular sleep rhythm also helps you to increase your performance and overcome procrastination.
  6. What to-dos are still due? Has anything changed in terms of deadlines? If thoughts of your projects are buzzing through your head as you fall asleep: write them down. This goes for your to-do lists as well as other things. The moment you jot them down, you'll be able to relax. You forget nothing and are already prepared for the next day.
  7. Ask yourself about the causes of your procrastination. Are you doing well? Maybe it's a little thing that's bothering you at work. But sometimes they are serious reasons. For example, if procrastination and depression come together, you should seek help.
  8. Avoid any possible distraction if you want to work with focus. The smartphone is now off the air. Meanwhile, there are a few tools that can help you do that. An app like Stayfocused blocks messages and certain functions. Other apps control the time you spend with your smartphone.
  9. Stop the incipient distraction with a loud "no." Your fingers are groping for the smartphone? Say, "No." By saying the word, you become aware of your habitual behavior. This is how you regain control: After all, you are not remote-controlled or externally determined.
  10. Brainstorm if you don't know where to start. Write down all your thoughts on the topic on a sheet of paper. This way you collect ideas and stimulate your creativity.
  11. Forget Perfectionism. When you Fear of making mistakes, you feel paralyzed. The important thing is that you start in the first place.
  12. Think positive: Put away your pessimistic, negative thoughts. Consciously change your mindset. Don't say, "This task will take me forever," but rather, "I'll just work thoroughly." Don't say, "I'd rather back out, I'll never make it," but rather, "I'll give it a try and see if it works."
  13. Talk to others about your desire to overcome habitual procrastination. This will make your desire more real and increase the pressure to actually change.
  14. Write down your successes, every day. You have reached a milestone: check it. You have made progress with your work - record this progress in writing. This way you can see what can be accomplished in one day. Looking at the successes you've noted is enormously motivating.
  15. Reward is important. When you reach a certain destination, you deserve something special. A piece of cake, a nice movie night, a spa day - you know best how to reward yourself.


Have you achieved everything - or are you still putting things off? How high are your own performance standards? Goals are not always realistic. You should keep this in mind if you want to overcome your procrastination. Stress, fear and other things influence your personality development.

Help against procrastination is available at the University of Münster, among other places. Here the Procrastination Outpatient Clinic offers a comprehensive range of services for students. With the help of diagnoses, counseling sessions and therapies, problems caused by procrastination can be overcome.

If you can overcome procrastination, the whole thing unfolds Potential of your strengths. What they look like, shows you the Personality test from Greator. Self-control, Setting Goals and motivation are important points here. It's good to know that procrastination is a learned behavior. So overcoming procrastination means that you unlearn it!

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