How to solve school problems together and at eye level

Reading time 8 minutes

Your child comes home from school in a bad mood, goes to his room without a word and crawls away. You go after them and ask what's wrong, and the answer is always the same: "Nothing." Secretly, though, you know that's not true and something must have happened at school. Almost every child or teenager is plagued by school problems from time to time.

Your job as a parent is to be empathetic and helpful to your child, but never pushy or angry. For many students, school problems are a sensitive topic that they don't like to talk about, and they quickly close themselves off when talking about them.

But don't worry, we're here to help you through these difficult situations! We'll show you why school problems happen in the first place, how to recognize them, and how to help your Child best can help. Read on and become a rock for your offspring!

How to recognize that your child has school problems

In most cases, you can tell that school problems have crept in by the fact that your child's behavior is increasingly changing. The cheerful nature suddenly turns into a rather withdrawn personality. You notice that your child daydreams a lot and is hardly enthusiastic about the things he used to enjoy. Lack of drive spreads and your child quickly reacts irritably and defiantly, perhaps even aggressively, even if there is actually no tangible trigger for this.

Problems at school are often reflected in grades. Of course, if your child associates everyday school life only with negative things, he or she will hardly have any MotivationThe students are not able to participate in the lessons, let alone study at home.

parental help with school problems

What can be the causes of school problems?

If your child is suddenly totally reluctant to go to school and the previously good lines are dropping, it is quite normal that you may be at a loss at first. In order for you to solve the problems together, it is important that you find out exactly where the cause lies. That's where we want to help you! That's why we've compiled a list of the most common reasons for school problems and given you a few tips on how you can solve them together with your offspring.

Quarrel with classmates

At school, countless children meet each other and they spend a large part of the day together. Of course, it is then stressful when arguments arise, because you can't just avoid each other for a while. When the children sit in the same classroom, the conflicts are always present and like to come to the fore as well. It is then difficult to concentrate on the content of the lesson.

As a parent, of course, you can't march into the school and take the argument out of the way. What you can do, however, is explain to your child that the conflict isn't worth forgetting about school and maybe even jeopardizing their promotion or even graduation. You don't have to get along with every classmate, and that's perfectly fine. It's much more important to strengthen all the great friendships your child makes during school and draw strength from them.

Conflicts with teachers

Conflicts do not only occur with classmates from time to time. Problems can also arise between your child and a teacher, and this can have very different causes. Perhaps the teacher sees a lot Potential in your child and wants to challenge him, but your offspring perceives this as incredible pressure and feels unfairly treated.

Under certain circumstances, there really is unfair treatment. Whether this is the case must be clarified urgently. It is essential to talk to your child first and then to the teacher, if your offspring agrees. Don't be afraid to take your child along to the discussion! This way, all parties involved sit at the same table and misunderstandings can be cleared up right away.

Stress and pressure

School sometimes just means stress, as I'm sure you can attest from your own past. There's an incredible amount to learn, homework piles up, and sometimes all the tests and exams just fall at almost the same time. For some students, this simply becomes too much at a certain point. Successes fail to materialize and that is demotivating.

Then it is important that you as a parent are a support on different levels. Meet your child with understanding and show him that it's okay to feel a little overwhelmed sometimes. Be there, take time and talk openly with him about his doubts and Fears. Show your offspring that you are always there for them and, above all, be an emotional support. Together you will make it through thick and thin!

School problems because of Learning difficulties or lack of concentration

You don't consider your child to be unintelligent, but he still has difficulty learning. He simply finds it difficult to concentrate on a subject and therefore also has problems recognizing complex correlations. It is possible that there is a lack of concentration or even a Dyslexia behind it. Sometimes, however, this can also be due to visual difficulties. Your child simply has problems reading things on the blackboard and perhaps does not dare to say it.


Sometimes lessons are just boring, we all know that from the past. Surely you too preferred to occupy yourself with something else from time to time, when the topic that was currently on the agenda was of no interest at all, right?

But maybe your child is not fundamentally disinterested, but underchallenged! The lessons are simply not challenging enough. If you feel this is the case, then talking to the teachers is the way to go. Maybe it's possible to skip a class or incorporate a few challenges into the lessons.

The 10 most common school problems and how you solve them

Almost every parent has experienced that their own child came home from school sad, angry or simply depressed. Of course, you would like to take the burden off his shoulders as quickly as possible. But you can only do that if you know what the problem is. That's why we'll show you the ten most common school problems that can plague your child.

1. bad grades

Is your Child unexpectedly with bad grades home, give him comfort. A loving hug often says more than a thousand words at this moment. Then get to the bottom of it together so that your child doesn't lose touch in class!

2. loneliness

Your child just can't make friends in class, and of course school isn't any fun that way. Contact the class teacher. Perhaps she/he has not even noticed this situation. This way, the contact person can react and act directly.

3. shyness

Some children just don't dare to actively participate in class, and performance can suffer as a result. Motivate your offspring to show how intelligent they are! Ask your child if he or she might Fear has and try to take it away from him.

4. test anxiety

Your child doesn't really have any problems in class, but as soon as it gets serious and there's a test coming up, all the things they've learned suddenly seem to be forgotten. Often this is a sign of Uncertainty. Your job as a parent is then to take that away from him and back him up.

5. school problems due to bullying

It is quite normal that there are arguments at school from time to time. But if the whole thing degenerates into Mobbing there is an urgent need for action! Contact the liaison teacher or the class teacher and ask for a joint discussion with the parents of the bullies.

6. class clown

Your child is always disrupting the class and making jokes instead of listening. He is constantly being admonished, but he doesn't care. Explain to your child that he does not have to entertain the class. The other students may even feel disturbed by this.

7. misunderstandings with teachers

Every teacher has different methods. Perhaps your child simply doesn't respond to them, but feels that he or she is being discriminated against. Clarifying discussions are needed here.

8. ADHD or lack of interest

When there are minor problems with concentration, people quickly talk about ADHD. But this is not always the case! Sometimes there is simply a lack of interest. Whether ADHD is really present, you should be medically clarified.

9. dyslexia

Especially if there are problems with reading and writing, dyslexia could be present. Here, a visit to learning therapists or psychologists is the right way to get to the bottom of the matter.

10. school problems due to giftedness

Your child is curious, smart as a whip and incredibly interested, but still has poor grades? If so, he or she may be completely underchallenged and bored in class. Actively talk with teachers to find ways to help your child improve. Promote child.

problems at school

If your child has school problems: 6 tips for parents

When their offspring have problems at school, many parents feel that their hands are tied. The school building is the children's terrain, where you as a parent tend to spend little time. That's why you don't know what's really going on there. 

It's incredibly difficult to find the right way to help your child. To make things a little easier, we have six tips for you.

Remember that this is not about you, but about your child. Of course, it bothers you when your child has problems at school, and maybe you're disappointed when his or her grades get worse. But how do you think your child feels about it? He/she is the one who suffers, not you.

2. work with the teachers and not against them. You can only solve school problems by working together. There is no point in shooting only against the teachers and their methods. Talk openly with each other and find a solution together, how you can help your child with united forces.

Make it clear to your child that he or she is largely responsible for his or her own academic performance. It's not for nothing that the saying goes, "No pain, no gain." Homework and studying are part of every student's job, and your child needs to understand that.

Help your child with homework, but don't do it yourself. Simply help your child if he or she has questions or is at a loss. Don't give the answers, but help your child to understand and solve the problem himself.

Be careful when criticizing teachers your child complains about. Of course, you should not go against them, but it is important that you do not fuel the negative mood.

6. not only you as a parent have a difficult job, but also the teachers. It's not easy to be completely individual with each student, especially when classes are particularly large. This is exactly why communication is incredibly important.

School problems don't have to be a permanent condition!

If your child has problems at school, that's no reason at all to bury your head in the sand. With a lot of Empathy and understanding, you will succeed in getting your offspring to open up to you. Then you will have the opportunity to solve the school problems with united forces.

Finally, we would like to give you a great tool to help you out: our E-Book! In it you will learn how to make your child successful through the school years, finally has fun in class again and can learn optimally.


The 10 best tips for 
Fun and success in learning

In our free e-book you get 10 tried and tested tipsthat will help you to support your child in learning in the best possible way.
Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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