5 tips for more joie de vivre

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There is a well-known study that says that 95 percent of all decisions are made by gut instinct - no matter who we are. So life is about moving your gut feeling. Entrepreneur and author Walter Kohl knows: "If we understand that, then joie de vivre arises. Then there is a mixture of personal responsibility and the feeling of being able to do something. And that means that we can also overcome our inner weaker self. "Do you sometimes lie in bed in the evenings and wonder what you lived for today?

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Those who experience this feeling frequently eventually reach a point where they fundamentally question where their joy has gone. Walter Kohl: "You ask yourself if you are just functioning, if you are a robot. You think about all the things that have been bad. And then comes the spiral." The downward spiral, mind you. But it doesn't have to be! Instead of thinking about your frustrations, bad or sad situations, look to what gives you joy in life. What that can be, Walter Kohl reveals in his five tips for more joy in life. Are you ready? Then let's go!

1. do something useful for joie de vivre

The first tip for more joy in life is quite simply to do something meaningful. Walter Kohl: "Role models for meaningfulness are everywhere. We can find meaning particularly well in two places: First, in the love of a person - for example, when a child is born and suddenly all the rules of the game change. But there is a second field in which we can find meaning: When we do something for other people or for peace." The expert recommends doing things you can be proud of: "That's rejecting fanaticism and any form of dogmatism. That's humanism."

Surely you also know people who really get into their job. Who are committed and enthusiastic about their cause. How do you do it? Most likely because they're doing something useful. The opposite of doing something meaningful, by the way, is chasing after the expectations of others. Walter Kohl: "If you want to please others and take care of everything except yourself, that's a ticket into the abyss. If we chase after the expectations of others in order to please, then we end up in a dead end. "Yes, expectations of others are important. But they are not rulers of your soul. And the art of politely but firmly saying no should, according to Walter Kohl, be a school subject.

2. for joy of life: love someone

The first question you're probably asking yourself is: Who? Walter Kohl gives the answer: "Well, first of all himself. Find and love yourself! You don't have to be a narcissistic personality to do that. And then ask yourself if you treated the people you love right yesterday. If so, and you answer the question with a Smile If the answer is no, then all is well. If the answer is no, then do something. Now on this day!"

Loving someone, by the way, starts with taking responsibility for your own feelings. Self-love in the right dosage is essential so that we can give this love to others. The reverse is also true: Only those who give love receive love. Walter Kohl: "Love, however, is not a deal. If it were a deal, it would be conditional. And conditional love is something terrible, these if-then stories. Actually, it is not love, but rather emotional blackmail. When people use conditional love as the basis of a Relationship have, then it's not a relationship but at best an association of interests."

3. believe in something

We are enlightened, reasonable and rational. But what do we believe in? What does it actually mean to believe in something? Walter Kohl: "For me, faith means: knowledge without proof. I look at a situation or a person and my belief does not have to be backed up by knowledge. It is simply backed up by the feeling I associate with that person. And I think it is terrible when we forbid ourselves to believe because we find it childish. To be able to believe in something is not to be naive."

The counter-position of faith lies in measuring, counting and weighing. Walter Kohl: "That is not wrong in principle, but many things are beyond the measurable. How do you want to measure responsibility and reliability? How do you want to measure the important things that bring us together or make us as people?" The big challenge is finding the right balance. The expert finds, "Especially when we're Disappointments and have experienced situations where our faith has been shaken, we must not give up, but repair that faith. The greatest pain also offers the place of greatest healing and potential."

4. hope active - Joie de vivre will come

Actively hoping is the opposite of thinking "someday it will be". Walter Kohl: "Just do it! Get up and move your butt! Because you have only one excuse and that is your own inertia. Either you find new answers or you'll be swept away by circumstance." The question, plain and simple, is who is at the helm of your life? The circumstances or yourself? If you actively hope, you don't have to retreat into supposed truths like 'dreams are dreams' or similar sayings. Have dreams, but don't get lost in them! Have goals, but let them be SMART: specific, measurable, accepted, realistic and timed.

5. you are ok

At the end of the day, it's about being who you are. Don't pretend, but develop your personality! The absolute poison pill is to compare yourself. Some people are always in a good mood. That's because these people don't compare themselves, but are content with what and who they are. Walter Kohl sums it up beautifully, "Don't let memory monsters hold you down. Find out what things are important for you personally. Joie de vivre create. Write them down and look at them every day. Do something with your life and be thankful that you can live in a free and peaceful country."


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Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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