Self-love Health Partnership
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From the head to the heart, from thinking to feeling - but how?
As an industrial engineer, I worked a lot until my body reported a serious illness at the age of 35. This was my turning point. My personality development started. During my training as a transformation therapist according to Robert Betz, my image of myself and of people was honestly examined and re-evaluated. As a result, I completely reoriented my life.
Since completing the Greator Coach, I have additionally succeeded in drawing more and more heart's desires and dreams into my life with the method of the "lying eight" and vision work.
What has changed? Today I have a positive feeling about myself and my job, live in a healthy body, love being a woman and live a harmonious and happy partnership.
The fascinating thing is that I was the one who illuminated her issues and changed, and through that, the outside was able to change as well.
You can do that too 🙂

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