This is a project that is absolutely close to our hearts. We want to make a positive impact internationally with Greator and do something good in the world - and you can join us now!

For many years we have maintained a close, friendly contact with Dr. Auma Obama and her foundation, and this has become a wonderful collaboration.
It is a great honour for us to be able to support the Sauti Kuu Foundation with the Greator Community.
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The Kenyan sociologist, journalist and author established the foundation "Sauti Kuu" (Kiswahili for "Strong Voices") a few years ago. This organization impressed us from the first moment with its mission statements and initiatives.

It helps children and young people in Kenya to find ways and create structures that help them - psychologically, socially and financially - to become independent.
And that is currently more important than ever before.
Meanwhile, almost half of Kenya's population is under 15 years old. Many of them who live in the cities live in slums, well below the poverty line. But many in rural areas also live in poverty. According to Welthungerhilfe, 37.9 % of children suffer from chronic malnutrition. They often lack access to health, education or social services completely. That is why Sauti Kuu helps children from precisely these areas to recognize the strength of their own voice. With new strength and self-confidence, they should manage to use the local resources and make something of their lives.
Dr. Auma Obama is particularly concerned with teaching young people that they do not have to be victims of the social system or their environment. She says:
The young people should understand that they can take their fate into their own hands. They then realize that if they participate themselves, they can achieve much more. They are motivated and work hard. They just need the opportunities and our support.
Dr. Auma Obama

We have a common vision

With Greator we want to support people to live their own potential. We focus everything we do on accompanying people on their individual path to self-realization. We want to make personal development accessible for EVERYONE - worldwide.

Sauti Kuu conveys exactly this conviction in Kenya.

That's why it quickly became clear to us: We have to pull together to make our vision of "self-realization for everyone" possible internationally.

Greator in Kenya

October 15, 2019 was the first time we traveled to Kenya for a week to see for ourselves what the situation was like on the ground. We took some of our best coaches with us and lent a hand where our help was needed.

Our managing directors Dr. Stefan Frädrich and Alexander Müller, together with Daniel Aminati, Silvia Doberenz and Tim Taxis, held workshops for more self-confidence with the children.

And our experiences were really insightful: We saw, felt and experienced the attitude towards life with which the children and young people grow up and how the work of Sauti Kuu bears fruit - these children get real perspectives and skills to stand on their own feet in their country.
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The concept of Sauti Kuu 
is based on 4 pillars

To achieve its goals, Sauti Kuu has developed a 4-pillar concept. These pillars are exactly aligned to the needs of Kenyan children and youth. We are fully behind this concept and would therefore like to briefly explain what lies behind these pillars:

"Only the children themselves can shape their future"


Sauti Kuu helps young people develop a wide range of skills such as personal development, self-esteem, confidence, empathy, tolerance, teamwork, decision-making and much more. In teaching these skills, Sauti Kuu relies particularly on the positive impact of sport. It is used to break down cultural and social barriers. In addition, sports act as a powerful medium to engage and effectively mobilize large numbers of youth. Targeted character-building workshops additionally ensure that the young people can finally admit to themselves that they have the right to lead a better life - and claim this right.

"With a high school diploma, doors are opened"


Through Sauti Kuu, children from the poorest backgrounds are given the opportunity to attend a secondary school and to graduate from an otherwise almost impossible school. Young people who achieve above-average school-leaving qualifications should, through sponsors, also be given the opportunity to complete an apprenticeship at a college, vocational school or to study at a university. The completion of the training opens the door to a paid job for the young people.

"Use of available resources for a self-determined existence".


Food shortages are a major problem in rural Kenya, largely because agriculture, especially as a source of income, is not widespread. Many young people flee from the countryside to the cities because they hope for a better life there. A fatal fallacy, because most people there live in poverty in slums. Sauti Kuu specifically supports people in rural areas to recognise and use their locally available resources to improve their living situation. To do this, the organization shows smallholder families how to make the best use of their land while being ecologically responsible. Under the 'Grow to Eat' and 'Grow to Earn' projects, they learn composting and the basics of organic farming. The core message behind this pillar is 'use what you have to get what you need'.


The main objective of Sauti Kuu is to create an environment that enables holistic growth and development of children and youth.
Greator SloganGreator awards: Innovation Champion 2024 from Focus, Kununu Top Company 2023-2025, Great Place to Work certified 2020-2024 and World's Best Employer 2023.
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