Gabriel Goetz

Living a vocation (high sensitivity)Develop personalitySet goals
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Coach since
Life Coach: 2022

Hello, I am glad that you are here. I would like to introduce myself to you. My personal journey into change started in 2019. More specifically, during my dual studies in food retail, when I left my then secure job. My goal at the time: to find who I am and in search of where I want to go in life. During this very intensive time, both privately and professionally, not everything went smoothly and I experienced highs and lows. In the course of my personal development, I was able to recognize that it was not the circumstance itself, but the way of reacting to the circumstances that was a challenge for me. Last but not least, I wished for more ease, freedom, mindfulness, basic trust, self-confidence, courage, calmness, serenity and self-determination and made them tangible for me. This is exactly what I want to and can help and support you with. Are you ready for the change you desire!

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