Julia Langer

Health and body Motherhood Create trust and enthusiasm
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I know it so well, to fit in, to want to belong and to look what is "right". After a sudden breakup, my partnership of many years, it felt like I was falling apart into a thousand pieces and I could only perceive rigidity and restlessness in my body.
A new look at the situation, and remembering that everything is a part of me, I take responsibility for myself and ahead of all that, the affirmative feeling of what is really there - brings me closer to my intuition. I feel what makes me and corresponds to my nature.
Today I am a mom and a partner and accompany our little daughter out of my intuition.

I am concerned that you are there with full attention, dedication and openness to you and your body, your family and children.
I accompany you body-sensitive and heart-open, through the feeling and we look together with a new view on your situation.

I look forward to seeing you, your Julia

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