Releasing inner blockages Activation of joie de vivre inner motivation
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I too, like many other wonderful souls, have borne inner scars. These scars show themselves in impossible moments over and over again and make us anxious and tired. Then, consciously or unconsciously, we try to suppress them, because we don't have time. We still have to do the laundry, the children have to be taken care of, food has to be on the table and don't forget the work, the money has to be earned. Responsibility upon responsibility. For everyone and everything, but for myself? That's too exhausting, I'm not important. If the others are doing well, I am doing well too! For the MOMENT, this is a temporary way out, but it always catches up with us. And this is what my coaching is all about. I lovingly bring you into a meditative state and together we release your inner blockages.You will experience lightness, joy of life and happiness. It will be wonderful and above all magical! I am looking forward to you!

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