Michaela Weber

Self-worth Doubts & Fears Perfectionism Self-employment
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Coach since

Self-doubt and sabotaging thoughts are also your daily companions?

One of my biggest problems was that I was convinced for a very long time that work has to be hard and exhausting. As a result, I developed a perfectionism that I could not keep. Therefore, I had to find a way to get out of it!
By dealing with myself and with the help of coaching, I was able to learn where these blockages come from and how I can deal with them much better and easier than before.

I would be totally happy if we also get to know each other and I can accompany and support you on this path - and you too can finally find out who you are deep inside and become more and more the person you want to be and shape your life with confidence & ease and with more understanding for yourself.

All love,


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