Nina Berdnik

happy mother Dealing with feelings emotional food
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For me it is important to take every mother as she is. Because every mother has her own story.
When I became a mother for the second time, I got to the point where I realized that I was not the mother, not the wife, and not the wife that I wanted to be. I was a tired, angry, other-directed something that worked. I did not recognize myself.
I decided to get to know myself and my feelings. That was the reason for me to do the training to become a Master Inspirational and Greator Coach.
I wanted to finally be the mother I actually am deep in my heart.
Since then I know that the acceptance of our feelings is the key to a happy and fulfilled motherhood. For me it is a matter of the heart to accompany you on your way into love, joy and lightness and thus into a happy motherhood.
Cordially yours Nina

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