Self-love Performance for recognition and love Inner child
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I am a Greator head coach from the bottom of my heart. I used to define myself by performance and external recognition. The question "Who am I if I don't work?" didn't exist in my life. I was constantly driven by the idea of always being well received by others and doing everything for it. Years of work with the inner child and the Enneagram allowed me to find my true self, the real inner happiness. I feel that I have arrived and everything makes true sense. Nevertheless, I may always continue to learn, because life is one coaching session. I invite you to go on a journey to yourself and completely unfold your own powerful consciousness. With a lot of empathy and a wealth of experience I accompany you into your emotions and inspire you full of joy for your vision. My potential is to inspire you and lead you into your heart. Let your light shine! I am looking forward to you

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