"No more stress in the classroom and tears at home".

Help your child through the outdated school system: teach them to enjoy learning on their own in 5 steps so your study time at home is cut in half
Duration: 90 Minutes

Free Learning Coaching Masterclass for Parents and Teachers: With our new free masterclass, you'll learn how to help your child or student master learning independently and with joy.

In this masterclass you will learn:

How your child can cut their study time in half and get better results at the same time, leaving more time for hobbies, family and friends
How your child discovers and strengthens his intrinsic motivation to learn, so that he enjoys doing his homework on his own.
how your child rediscovers the joy of learning and experiences school with enthusiasm - despite the outdated school system
How your child will navigate the rapidly changing world and take advantage of new opportunities in the coming years

Every day you see your child suffering under the pressure of the ailing school system

Homework is a daily struggle, and the joy of learning seems to be lost.

The school system neglects the individual needs of students. Classes are overcrowded, resulting in a lack of individual attention.

Outside, the world is spinning faster and faster, but in the classroom, people have been teaching the same way for 150 years.

The truth is, if it continues, your child will be thrown into a world for which he or she is unprepared.


Imagine your child coming home from school full of energy and enthusiasm

Instead of being tired and stressed, it is ready to sit down to homework independently and with motivation.

No arguments, no tears, just a child ready to learn and grow.

What would that feel like? And what if you could cut your child's learning time in half?

What could your child do with that extra time?

Maybe discover a new hobby, spend more time with friends or just be a kid.

What about you? You could spend more quality time with your family without the constant pressure to push your child to learn.

How would that change your life? Markus Hofmann's Masterclass is the key to unlocking your child's full potential and paving the way to self-confidence and self-efficacy.

Step by step instructions
Valuable input
Scientifically proven
The right questions
Free access

About Markus Hofmann

Markus Hofmann is one of the most successful memory trainers in Europe and has already helped more than 350,000 people improve their memory in his lectures. The author, keynote speaker and trainer is not only the winner of the German Continuing Education Award, but has also been named Speaker of the Year several times.

As a trainer of the Learning coach training he lives his vocation of showing people with the right tools that learning can be really fun.

He not only knows the various memory techniques, but also simple and effective ways to convey these methods optimally. Whether for children, teenagers or adults: Markus Hofmann knows what is important in learning and how the learned knowledge remains in the head for a long time.

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