Tobias Beck is one of the most successful and sought-after German-speaking speakers. As a passionate expert in human performance, he empowers people to bring out the best in themselves. More than 250,000 participants in his seminars and courses have already experienced what Tobias Beck lives more than almost anyone else: transferring enthusiasm to people. With his team, he himself trains speakers, trainers, Coaches and consultant and helps people to achieve sustainable professional and personal growth. Particularly popular is his personality test based on specially developed types of people, which helps to better understand and assess each individual and oneself.
In his bestsellers Unbox your life and Unbox your relationship Tobias Beck reveals his secret for success in life and in relationships and humorously shows how the best principles of motivational psychology work. No less than 5 million listeners also enthusiastically follow his BEWOHNERFREI podcast with inspiring interviews and impulses to take control of your own life, make dreams come true and live sustainable change.
The little bees and flowers that many parents told us about helped us to explain abstract things. Tobias Beck is only too happy to draw on the animal kingdom to analyze the different characters that come together in every office biotope. Or he draws a comparison to crystal mining: How do you as a manager not only get your hands on the rough diamonds, but also exploit the full potential of your employees over a long period of time? The "people whisperer", speaker, young entrepreneur and consultant Tobias Beck will explain vividly on this evening how you too can navigate safely and successfully in the "shark tank" of the working world with a few behavioral psychological tricks.
There's pretty much everything in this talk: the love between a man and a woman, how to have a successful partnership, an emotional dream journey through your own childhood, and what parallels relationships and businesses have. There are feelings, tears and a definition of what love is. Why you have to take care of children and show feelings. A lecture full of emotions!