Melancholy is a particular state of melancholy. Melancholic often appear sad and dreamy. They laugh less often, see many things pessimistically and generally exercise caution and restraint. This often appears strange and worrying to those around them. But melancholic people are not always depressed.
Many people think that melancholy and depression are the same thing. While it is true that many depressives tend to be melancholic and melancholics are more likely to develop depression, there are still differences.
Depression is a pathological state of mind. Depressed people are severely impaired in their emotional world. The illness robs them of the will to live and they feel depressed, sad and listless. Depression requires professional treatment by a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Melancholy alone, on the other hand, does not require therapy.
The fact that melancholy is not synonymous with depression is shown by the fact that many melancholics mourn the beautiful. They enjoy harmonious moments, but also know that these are fleeting and then feel melancholy. Many people know this feeling. Perhaps you feel melancholy in autumn, when the leaves fall to earth and the sun disappears behind a thick blanket of clouds. If you are depressed, then there is only emptiness in you. You are weak and depressed.
In the past, melancholy was one of the four human characters according to the theory of temperaments. The personality model originates from the ancient humoral pathology, a four-juice theory in use until the 19th century. According to this, the predominance of a particular humour determines the temperament of a person. The melancholic was assigned the black bile. In addition, there were the hot-tempered choleric, the lethargic phlegmatic and the lively and careless sanguine.
In modern psychology, melancholia as a clinical picture hardly plays a role anymore. Here, the pathological form of depression is the focus of therapeutic efforts. While depression describes a state of mind that is temporary at best, melancholy is usually part of the personality and indicative of a basic human mood.
Almost all people feel melancholy at some point in their lives. Surely you, too, reminisce now and then and feel wistful. Melancholy is as much a part of life as enthusiasm, anger, joy and sadness. How strongly you feel about a certain State depends on your character.
There are people who are more susceptible to melancholy than others. Melancholy and high sensitivity often go hand in hand. If you are highly sensitive, then you are usually more thoughtful and profound. You think about everything much more intensively and brood more quickly.
Sometimes it seems that highly sensitive people are too sensitive for this world. Their perception is expanded and they often have a pronounced empathy. They are quick to show compassion to others and put their own needs aside for this. They also often find it difficult to distance themselves from negativity and to accept the suffering of others. In short, highly sensitive people are often too soft and yielding, too permeable and susceptible to stress.
Melancholy promotes creative expression. Numerous works of art have been created out of a melancholic mood. These include, for example, the painting "The Scream" by the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch. The painting is a reflection of the artist's inner experience, as Munch used it to process his own anxiety attack. Leonardo da Vinci's famous Mona Lisa also exudes a touch of melancholy.
The creative processing of melancholic thoughts helps to displace the deep sadness and to find new joy in life. Painting, writing and composing have a healing and satisfying effect in a certain way.
The fact that melancholy can be quite positive is shown by numerous examples in art. Many dramas, poems and novels deal with dark themes, which ultimately gives the work more depth, seriousness and intellectuality. We love these stories full of shudder and soul pain.
A world-famous example of melancholy-influenced works is the tragedy Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. The Schimmelreiter by Theodor Storm also fits this pattern. A master of melancholy was also the U.S. author Edgar Allen Poe.
The blues also has a melancholy undertone. Originally developed from the laments of the slaves, the wistful rhythm very quickly inspired music lovers all over the world. Well-known performers include Eric Clapton, Billie Holiday and B.B. King.
Many people find positive aspects to melancholy. A good example of this is the gothic scene with its penchant for the mystical, romantic and beautiful.
The almost eerie silence and contemplation as a counterpart to the shrill, colorful and hectic world bring the mind to rest and restore the inner balance. The escape into the world of the undead and vampires, the penchant for cemeteries and magical places serves to ground and ultimately also to find one's way back to oneself.
The cult of weltschmerz is often accompanied by a longing for the past. Nostalgic feelings are typical. In Gothic culture, this is reflected in a devotion to the Victorian era. The protagonists wear predominantly black clothing, white makeup and historical garb. They seem as if they have risen from the dead. Melancholy is also part of the aesthetic and artistic expression here.
Surely you know the Russian soul, which is inherent in many folk songs and stories of Russia. It is the long cold winters, the gloom and the associated melancholy that shape the character of the people and make them cautious and thoughtful. In general, the disposition of northern and central Europeans differs markedly from that of southerners.
The gloomy autumn months, the cold winters and the challenges associated with them formed a cautious and vigilant character. Melancholy here is a consequence of evolutionary adaptation, which definitely offers survival advantages in a cool and gloomy atmosphere. In southern Europe, winters are mild, summers are hot, and people seem to be bubbling over with temperament and joie de vivre. This is also reflected in their artistic work.
It is interesting to note that most melancholic people do not consider themselves to be gloomy at all, even if it appears that way from the outside. For them, the state of brooding and questioning is completely normal. They do not suffer from it, but are at peace with themselves and very satisfied with their character. Without melancholy, the Germans would probably never be the people of poets and thinkers.
Melancholic people are often more attentive. They recognize potential problem areas more quickly and do not fall prematurely into euphoria, but keep an eye on reality with all possible future scenarios. Melancholic people reflect on their own actions and usually see through the intentions of others quickly.
Generally, people with this tendency are level-headed and calm. As reasoners, they avoid impulsive action and practice self-control. They make sensible decisions, are reliable, conscientious and forward-looking.
Many melancholic people are also particularly creative and musically gifted. Their critical way of thinking helps them to reach perfection. They are able to capture moods in words, images and sounds.
You are often sad and ruminate too often about all kinds of things? Then you should think positively. If this is difficult for you, then self-hypnosis and meditation can help you. In many cases, however, there is no reason for you to change anything about yourself.
It is important that you accept yourself as you are. This includes your melancholic character. Do not try to change yourself too much. Introversion and a prudent and thoughtful nature are good qualities in and of themselves. Keep your critical way of thinking, think thoroughly as well as long and dare to continue questioning. Many great minds are melancholic.
In many cases, the desire to end melancholy leads to depression. The will to adjust is there, but the deeper insight is missing. However, if you yourself find your melancholy burdensome, then you should prevent yourself from sinking even more into gloom.
Relax, give yourself a break and let yourself be pampered. A visit to the wellness oasis, soothing baths and massages will do you a lot of good in such a situation. Realize that life also has its beautiful sides.
If you brood too much, interrupt the scenario with walks in nature. A trip to the café often works wonders, too. Music also lifts your mood. Or you can get together with friends and relatives and spend a few hours in nice company.
However, if you are willing to honestly question this attitude of yours and look at the cause in depth, then the Meditation Challenge an important first step. Meditation is known for its many positive effects on mind and body. Scientific studies by renowned universities and research institutions show: Meditation helps us to face the stress and fast pace of today's world with more serenity - out of survival mode and into relaxation.