The power of personality analysis

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What is a personality analysis? What role do personality analyses play for companies? Markus Brand, expert for personality analysis, knows the answer and reveals it in an interview with Dr. Stefan Frädrich: DISCPersonality Development helps people realize what they are really made of. Many people think they are something they are not really. Or they think they can or want something that they actually can't or don't want." Both are detrimental! Both the professional career, as well as the private sense of happiness.

Further claims Markus Brand:

But there are also people who totally underestimate their own potential because they don't even know that they have certain things in them. Or because they have never tried certain activities, because these activities have not been demanded of them so far." The consequence: Self-underestimation makes in the long run just as unsuccessful as self-overestimation.

Personality analysis: Your two personas

Markus Brand defines the topic as follows:

Personality development means finding out what is at the core of a person. Because we all have two personas. One is the authentic persona. When you're home alone, you behave differently than when you're in your role. That's the second persona: When you're in the office or with friends, you automatically conform. You take your role. Personality analysis and personality development means first looking at who you really are."

This leads to the question: Is there a real and a fake side to our personality?

Markus Brand's answer to this question is:

"There is an authentic side and an adapted side. And both sides are totally important. If we were only authentic all the time, we'd get a lot of Potential give away. But of course it's also about adapting to a situation - and that's what we do with the second page. One big benefit of personality analysis is getting to know yourself better. The other benefit is getting to know your peers better, too."

Personality analysis: behaviour and life motives

Through a personality analysis you will succeed in character traits and learn more about your qualities in your private and professional life.

A personality analysis also helps to find out whether someone is more extrovert or introvert is. In addition, a personality analysis can be used to find out in which proportions the characteristics are pronounced in each case.

Markus Brand comments: "It can be used to explain and even predict certain behaviors."

If you have analyzed your personality, you will be able to assess yourself, your own desires and goals much better.

How can this knowledge now be transferred to the areas of business, career and self-employment?

Markus Brand: "There are people who are self-employed and then suffer from the fact that they have no contact with other people. Now if these people knew that contact with others was one of their motives in life, they could, for example, go into an open-plan office and work more effectively from there."

At this point, another example.

For some people, independence is a big motive in life. Compared to the first example, these people prefer to close the door and be alone.

An open plan office would be their downfall. Provided they know that, they can adjust to the situation.

The clearer you are about your own motives, the better you function in everyday life. Because one has less energy loss and motivation problems. This makes you more productive and in the end, goals are reached faster.

Personality Analysis: Reference Values for Personality Traits

Personality analyses are often a mirror with an aha effect. Thanks to them, you become aware of what makes you tick.

Markus Brand's statement on this is: "These analyses are an objective benchmark. They allow you to classify yourself with a population and say, 'This is who I am and this is okay.' When you work with personality analyses, you learn to respect and tolerate your personality traits."

The expert knows that a person's personality consists of different facets. On this basis, he has developed the 'onion model of personal identity'.

Markus Brand comments: "In fact, we assume that the human being is made up of four different levels."

Curious? Then watch out, here come the four levels.

Level 1: Motives

The deepest level in every human being consists of motives. These can be identified by asking the following questions: Why am I doing something? What is important for me?

Markus Brand answered these questions as follows:

"Motives are anchored in time and cannot be changed. That's why our principle is: recognize, love and live your motives. Not: Recognize and change them."

The theory: We can change in many things, but not in our implicit drivers, that is, in what we really want. A person's motives remain throughout his or her life.

Level 2: Values

What does change, however, are our values. To identify these, you can ask yourself the following question: What is right in my life?

Markus Brand: "If my motive is to live without financial worries, then at that level I can determine how to financial freedom achieve. And this is where we differ: One robbed a bank. The other wants to earn his money honestly. The third wants to get money with as little effort as possible."

So the way you achieve your motives depends on your values.

Level 3: Behavioural preferences

The third level tells how you achieve your values.

Markus Brand: "Some people are very extroverted, others are more introverted. Some people think rationally, others are predominantly emotionally driven."

The DISG model, for example, is a great way to find out what your behavioural preferences are.

We'll explain what the DISG model is all about later in the article.

Level 4: Impact and capabilities

The outermost layer of the onion shows what abilities you have. Ask yourself the following questions: What do I radiate? What is my effect?

Markus Brand: "That's something that's very easy to change. If you have strengths or weaknesses in that area, you can change that. But even if you learn to perform differently or improve your skills, you're not going to change your motives and your innermost core with it."

What follows from a personality analysis

Sometimes certain values in your life are so important that you neglect individual motives.

Markus Brand comments: "For example, many young entrepreneurs forego certain motives in their start-up phase because pecuniary value is very important to them. This is more the case in the first half of life. That's when you want to achieve something, represent something. For many young people, that's an incredibly important value."

However, from the second half of life onwards, professional and private values change. These can sometimes shift dramatically. Thus, life is completely turned upside down and suddenly other things are much more important.

Markus Brand's opinion is: "The 'higher, faster, further' then becomes a desire to achieve goals together with others. The 'we' contact comes more into play at an advanced age."

The individuality of a person is therefore constantly growing. And the better you know your own personality, the easier it is for you to make career decisions and achieve success.

Personality analysis according to the DISG - Model

You probably know this too. Some colleagues you just think are great. You're on the same wavelength and get along famously.

With other colleagues, however, you can just shake your head. However, in most cases you have no choice, which is why you have to get together.

Just at work come the 4 types of people together. It can happen from time to time that these people clash and it comes to an argument.

For this reason, it is even more important to understand your counterpart better. The DISG model can be a great help here.

What is the DISG model?

The DISG model is a model of the Personality Testwhich is based on the 4 basic types Dominant, Initiative, Steady and Conscientious.

Your proficiency is determined by a questionnaire. We would now like to tell you how the respective question types differ.

D - Dominant (red) type

The dominant type is characterized by willpower, determination and ambition. This type is a born entrepreneur. He likes to face challenges. Through his natural charisma he can convince people of a cause.

In addition to a strongly pronounced Self-confidence and the ability to think strategically. In addition, the red type convinces with its assertiveness and the ability not to be thrown off track by setbacks.

Of course, the red type also has its negative sides. At times, the red guy can seem arrogant to those around him, which is why he doesn't always make friends.

In addition, the red type is sometimes too direct. He has little regard for the feelings of those around him and can sometimes be hurtful. Especially with particularly sensitive people, the red type can cause offence.

The red type likes to delegate and developed strategies of Employees to be implemented. That is why red types are not only entrepreneurs, but often also executives or leaders in politics and public relations.

Here are a few famous personalities you might know: Steve Jobs, Franklin D. Roosvelt or Margaret Thetcher. Roosvelt or Margaret Thetcher.

I - The initiative (yellow) type

The yellow type loves to be surrounded by many people. He likes to be the center of attention and draws the attention of those around him.

If his environment gives him recognition, his self-confidence benefits extremely. If he is not given enough attention, his self-confidence can suffer extremely.

The yellow guy is thus a born salesman or keynote speaker. He also has no problems getting in front of the camera and using his innate Charisma convince crowds of his message.

Analytical processes, on the other hand, are rather boring for the yellow guy. He finds it difficult to sit down in front of the PC and analyse numbers. In addition, the yellow type behaves rather distant in argument situations, rather he tries to avoid them.

A yellow guy is therefore best placed where he belongs - in the spotlight! In the context of self-employment, he should focus on the external impact and marketing of the company.

Well-known yellow guys are for example: Eddie Murpy, Elton John or Steve Irwin.

S - The steady (green) type

The steady type is characterized by friendliness, helpfulness and a strong social awareness. He likes to support his fellow men and is therefore the perfect team player.

Harmony is the cornerstone in the life of the steady type. That is why he always tries to make his colleagues or employees feel good. Because only then, according to the opinion of the steady type, they can provide the best performance.

However, since the steady type is permanently concerned with harmony, he often avoids quarrels and difficult situations. He thus often avoids difficult conversations, which are, however, often necessary.

In addition, the steady type often gets stressed, which in turn affects his self-confidence. Thus, the steady type is often characterized by self-doubt, which can prevent him from progressing.

Famous steady (green) types from the public are: Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa or Barack Obama.

G - The conscientious (blue) type

The conscientious (blue) type feels comfortable with numbers, data and facts. He has strong analytical skills and thus attaches great importance to accuracy and a strategic approach in order to achieve his entrepreneurial goals.

In addition, the conscientious (blue) type is characterized by a high level of education. Furthermore, he is diligent, always concentrated and has an above-average perseverance when it comes to it, Achieving goals.

However, the blue guy is rather reserved. He likes to be by himself, shies away from the limelight and prefers to ride alone than with a team. There, he can completely live out his order, whereby he can be Perfectionism also likes to get in the way.

Sometimes, however, the blue type seems rather cool and distant, although there is no malicious intent behind his behavior. Therefore, it is important for the blue type to start listening to his gut instead of just his head.

Famous conscientious (blue) types: Angela Merkel, George Washington, Bill Clinton.

Personality analysis - Dr. Stefan Frädrich knows what makes you tick

Finally, we have put together a very interesting video by Dr. Stefan Frädrich prepared. In it, the founder of GEDANKEN tanken explains what characterizes the 4 types of people.

In addition, you will learn through various examples how the different types of people communicate with each other and how to react to any discrepancies in communication in order to achieve your goals.

This way to the entrance:

Conclusion: Personality analysis

In this article, you learned how important personality assessments are for personal development.


Those who understand themselves and their fellow human beings better will also reach their goals much faster in their private and professional lives.

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