Which coaching training is the right one?

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Coach is one of the most beautiful professions there is. What could be better than helping people overcome their blocks and grow beyond themselves to attract more ease and joy into their lives? If you've been toying with the idea of becoming a Become a coachIf you're a coach, you're probably wondering what the right coaching training is. What steps does a coach have to go through in his training so that he is able to help his clients with their problems in the best possible way afterwards? What does the right coaching education look like? We provide you with the answers to your questions!


You know the dilemma: There's this incredibly interesting seminar you've been wanting to attend that takes place once a month on a weekend for two years. You sign up for it full of anticipation and can't wait to soak up the content. In no time at all, the two years are up and you've barely managed to attend 60% of the weekends at the seminar. By the way, this is what happens to 97% of humanity - according to a Harvard study - who dreams of developing professionally or personally. The vast majority simply do not have the time to regularly attend the fixed appointments.

For those who have a lot to do, a Online Coaching Training on. Here you can work on the content at your own pace, whenever you have time. What should not be missing, however, is the personal component. Especially in a coaching training, the personal feedback of an experienced coach is essential. His impulses and suggestions help the aspiring coach to improve his technique. Thus, the right coaching training combines content and workbooks and gives learners the opportunity to ask their questions and get adequate answers to them. In a online coaching Training can all be handled online.

which coaching training is the right one


When you make the decision to go through coaching training, it becomes your biggest priority for a few months. So that you can fully grasp the content and have enough time to work on yourself, we have two tips:

  1. Use some of the time for your own Personality Development
  2. Use another part to learn the methods and tools.

The right coaching training should start with working on yourself. Once you have gone through a transformation, you will have a better Feeling for the methods that you then acquire in such a way that you can use them confidently in your work with your coachees.

In the appropriate coaching training, you should also get more time sometimes when you need it. There are always unforeseen events in life that take up our time. However, it should be your goal to finish the training in the allotted time, because this is the best way to stay on the ball.

The Coaching Method

The success of a coach depends on his method and tools. Over the years, certain methods and tools have proven themselves better than others. Similar to a good craftsman, a coach should have a well-stocked toolbox, which also contains special tools for particularly difficult cases. This enables him to solve even particularly tricky cases.

A good Coaching method combines current findings from various fields of science. Thus, an efficient coaching method should combine depth psychology, neurology, quantum physics and modern vision work. The more comprehensive the approach, the better the results that are later achieved in the work with a coachee.

A good coaching training also provides the appropriate tools with which the method can be ideally put into practice. In the right coaching training, the prospective coach learns both theoretically and practically which tools are available to him and when and how to use them so that he can achieve the best result in his Coachings achieved. This enables him to Change and achieve impressive results with his clients.

Lying Eight as a Coaching Method

Our Greator Life Coach training, for example, focuses on the lying eight - a unique coaching method developed by Christina and Walter Hommelsheim. It combines depth-psychological work with a look back into the past. Past with a preview of your desired future, based on the findings of current brain research and modern vision work.

Our experts will provide you with this tool, with which you can release blockages in your subconscious that have arisen from various experiences in your past. In this way, you redirect the released energy towards a future that you desire. The method thus combines causal work ("Why am I the way I am?") with vision work ("Who do I want to be?").

The method of Horizontal eight of course, other tools are also used or combined with it during the training. So you will not only learn more about "The Work" by Byron KatieYou will learn how to use the technique to check whether the belief system that is triggering you is really true. Likewise, you will be introduced to meditation - to finally find the peace within you, to sort out the clutter of thoughts and to bring body and mind into harmony.

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Start with yourself

In order for you to be able to help other people comprehensively, you must start with yourself. We all carry our (unresolved) issues around with us. Even experienced coaches who have been successful support other people are constantly working on themselves. The more of your own issues you reflect on, the more issues emerge in depth that also need to be looked at and resolved. You penetrate layer by layer to your inner core and gain an awareness of everything that is. You learn how to let go of the old and create new, useful Habits consolidated. Look forward to the inner clarity and calmthat you give to yourself through this. 

A good coach starts by applying the tools and methods he will later use with his clients to himself first. This way he gets a feeling for how his clients will later feel when he works with them. He clearly sees the hurdles and blockages people have to deal with when they seriously want to tackle their personal development. Therefore, the appropriate coaching training begins with the Self-reflection. In the process, the future coach gets to know himself better and answers elementary questions for himself such as "Who am I?" or "How do I want to live?" and "Who do I want to be?".

proper coaching training

Gain practical experience

The second step in the proper coaching training shows you how to apply the methods and tools you have learned in practice. In the right coaching training you should learn in detail the extensive and holistic repertoire of possible actions and solutions that you will later use daily in your work as a coach. Ideally, you learn to think and act like a coach. Automatically, you will continue to work on your own issues and thus promote your personal development.

In your work with clients you will notice that only a holistic transformation delivers sustainable results. Otherwise there are many aha-moments and highlights during a coaching session. But as soon as everyday life returns, everything is forgotten and the old habits take hold again. In the right coaching training you therefore get a large repertoire of possibilities. You learn what matters and how to successfully address and transform all areas of a person in the coaching work.

The practical work during the coaching training should be accompanied by the trainers, who will give you tips again and again and show you what you still need to work on or what you should pay attention to. This is rounded off by the exchange in the community. You will also benefit from the experiences of others during their coaching training. You gain important insights and knowledge that you can later apply in your everyday professional life.

Learning together is easier

We humans are social creatures and only really flourish in the company of our peers. In a community of people who pursue the same interests and goals as you do, it's easier to stay on the ball and achieve better results. You motivate each other, help each other through lows, give each other tips and share experiences. That's why a lively community is an important aspect of a good coaching education. There you have the opportunity to exchange with other people who are going through the same training as you. You can discuss problems or learning together. Not infrequently, friendships for life are formed in this way.

In a good Coaching training there is a community and meetings between prospective coaches who live nearby and are currently undergoing training. Take advantage of the opportunity for local meet-ups! You can meet in small groups online or in person in your city or the surrounding area. At these meetings, you discuss your experiences or practise the coaching method you have learned. Part of the right coaching training is to gain as much practical experience as possible. This gives you a feel for the method and gives you confidence in applying it. This is particularly useful at the beginning of your coaching career, when you may still be a little unsafe are. By practicing with and on each other, you will become more and more experienced and familiar with the method. Later on, when you meet a real client for the first time, you will be able to face them with confidence.

The experience of the trainers

You know the saying "practice makes perfect." This is true in the Coaching Business even much stronger than elsewhere. Over time, a coach develops a feel for his clients. A really good coach sees at first glance where the problem lies with a client. He has an eye for the details. He notices his counterpart, his manner, his posture, his clothing, the smallest subtleties that would escape the untrained eye. A good coach is a master of observation and listening.

Does that mean it takes many decades to become a really good coach? Yes, certainly. But there's also a shortcut, which is learning from those who are already top-notch coaches themselves. A very experienced coach shows a junior coach what to look out for, what fine details make the difference, and how to really manage to help each client along confidently. This includes, for example, methods and instruments that are used in the sessions with the client. Therefore, the right coaching training should offer the aspiring coach the opportunity to learn from the best in his field, who themselves are already where he wants to go.

For example, the Greator Life Coach Training conducted by Christina and Walter Hommelsheim. The two have accompanied countless coaches to their greatness over the past ten years. Of course, they themselves - as is obligatory for serious coaches - have completed a variety of coaching trainings. Gestalt therapy, for example, systemic coaching, NLP From their wealth of experience, the coaching couple has developed a method that quickly produces extraordinary results and according to which they themselves have been successfully coaching people for decades. In the Greator Life Coach Training they teach aspiring coaches how to apply their efficient method correctly in practice.

References from former participants

Of course, every provider will claim that their coaching training is the best. But how credible is that? It will help you to make your decision if you have references from former participants. What do those who have already gone through the training say? What experiences have they had? How can they apply the methods and tools in their everyday life? Do they recommend the coaching training to others?

A reputable provider usually has various customer testimonials listed on its website. Ideally, you can even contact the former participants directly and ask them about their experiences in the coaching training. This way you get a better feeling for whether this is the right coaching training for you.

You want to become a coach? Christina and Walter Hommelsheim feed you the facts

Brand Presence

There are companies that are synonymous with what they offer. For example, everyone knows what you want when you ask for a "Tempo" or "Zewa". A good company has a reputation that is at least known in the industry, often even beyond. What is true for products is also true for services or even trainings. There are coaching trainings that have a big name behind them that everyone knows. People in the industry know that they can expect the best quality from these coaches. It is clear that the trainers of these companies know their business.

A big name also benefits you when you later enter the market as a new coach. Everyone knows the company where you completed your coaching training. This creates Trust and brings you customers. It makes your start much easier.


Once you've completed your training, you're insanely proud of yourself - and you should be! You want to start helping people solve their problems and get really great results as soon as possible. A good coaching education ends with you holding a qualified certificate in your hands.

A certificate creates trust and is seen by your future coachees as proof that you know what you are doing. Especially in such a sensitive area as coaching, it is important to build trust so that people open up to you and really engage with your methods. This is a prerequisite for you to achieve great results together.

Coaching trainings are still relatively new, but have a huge growth potential because the market is getting bigger every year. More and more people are looking for qualified coaching. Certainly, the number of coaches is also growing: Here you may then stand out from the crowd. The best way to do that is with a meaningful certification from a well-known provider.

Opportunities after graduation

Being a coach is your dream and you want to live your dream full time? You've probably heard that very few coaches can make a living from coaching. Most coach after hours or on weekends, but need another job to cover their running costs. 

How can this be when coaching is becoming increasingly popular? The problem for most coaches on the market is visibility. They have no idea how and where they can reach their target group. Your Business that people even know that you exist!

The right coaching training will prepare you for a life as a full-time coach. Nowadays this includes Online Marketing. In the appropriate coaching training, you will learn how to set up a marketing funnel that automatically generates customers. You will also be shown how to address your target group with the right words and find them online. Finally, you will learn how to design your prices, build your own landing pages and successfully promote your coaching business online.

Especially if you're new to the market, you'll have more success if you have a hair-sharp Positioning you have. You have to find a suitable niche. Because it's easier to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big sea. That's why coaching training teaches you how to position yourself correctly on the market and successfully set yourself apart from the competition. You will also gain Clarity about your unique selling proposition and find your niche in the market. You know what you offer to whom and why someone should book a coaching session with you. You enter the market confidently and competently.

A good network

The right coaching training accompanies the coaches even after their training. This happens, for example, through an internal network in which coaches can recommend each other to clients. This is particularly advantageous if they know that a colleague specialises in a particular field - or if they themselves do not have the capacity for a new assignment at the moment.

Often, providers have a virtual map where interested parties can find coaches in their area who have completed their training with this provider. Here the good reputation of the provider is important. The more renowned he is, the more people look for coaches who have undergone their coaching training with him.

suitable coaching training

The Greator Life Coach Training

The Greator Life Coach Training combines all the points that a good coaching education should fulfill. 

  • The training takes place completely online. 
  • It starts with a part in which the prospective coach works on his own personality development. 
  • In addition to a well-founded method taught by real experts, you will receive valuable tools that will make your work as a coach easier later on. 
  • You are part of a great community from the start
  • After the coaching training you are part of the Greator network, where potential clients can easily find you. 
  • You'll also learn how to find your niche and successfully market your offering. 

So nothing stands in the way of your success as a coach.


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Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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