Learning tips - the 5 best strategies to learn faster and more effectively

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Learning is a lifelong process that begins as early as babyhood. During the school years, a lot of knowledge is imparted and new things are learned every day. Often the learning material to be mastered is very extensive. Good learning tips would be welcome now.

Studying for hours on end can be very exhausting, especially when there is little time left for hobbies and private interests. Sometimes simply lacks the Motivation for learning. To professional success and to achieve the career goals you have set for yourself, constant learning is necessary.

Anyone who wants to study or further successful wants to graduate, has to learn a lot. Education increases the chance of finding an interesting job. Learning techniques are suitable for more efficient and learn faster. There are also methods for retaining what you have learned in your memory for longer. Find out here how to motivate yourself to learn and which learning tips really help you learn.

How do you build up motivation for learning and overcome your inner obstacle?

You would like to dedicate yourself to your studies, but you lack motivation? Sitting bored in front of textbooks or study documents is a common occurrence. If the learning content is too extensive or too demanding, learning becomes difficult. Often, the preparations for a presentation, a paper or a class assignment are postponed again and again.

Learning under time pressure is stressful. How can you motivate yourself and learn more easily? Set yourself concrete goals. Imagine how good it feels to pass an exam or to be praised for a paper!

One of the most motivating study tips is the 10-minute trick. With this method, you take ten minutes to complete a certain task. This time is deliberately chosen because ten minutes is a short period of time. Thus, there is no excuse to postpone learning.

Motivation returns

Once the start is made, the brain gets used to the new challenges. Motivation returns and learning becomes fun again. After ten minutes, just keep going. Make sure that no expectations are too high the Learning process block.

Ambitious goals can have a de-motivating effect. You want to be the best? Learning goals are important, but they should be realistic. Do not put yourself under pressure. Define your goals and set partial steps. That way, you can monitor your progress as you learn. Reward yourself for every learning success. This will increase your motivation.

Learning tip: Ask others for support

Focus on simplicity when learning. Don't make things too hard for yourself. Learning does not have to be complicated. Start with a simple task. Once you've successfully completed it, move on to learning content that requires more attention.

Do you need help learning? Then ask others for support. Learning in a team is a particularly effective Learning method. If necessary, you can ask questions, learn from others, and be motivated by the participants in your study group.

learning tips for students,

The best learning tips for students

High demands at school mean that more and more students are stressed. Doing homework takes up a lot of time. How do you learn? It is advisable to divide the learning material into small portions. Other learning tips for students that have proven successful are:

  1. Take a break regularly
  2. Use mnemonic devices
  3. Mark learning content in color
  4. Use index cards
  5. Schedule repetitions

Learning for too long overtaxes the brain. People can concentrate for a maximum of 45 minutes. If learning takes longer, the material is no longer stored. Take regular breaks and allow yourself some variety.

Learning tip: Use mnemonic devices

Use mnemonic devices to help you remember what you have learned. A mnemonic helps you to remember what you have learned. Get creative and make rhymes. Proven mnemonic examples for the classroom include: Form sentences whose words begin with the same letters as the learning content or mnemonic sentences depicted in drawings (picture mnemonic bridges).

Strong colors attract attention. Color-code important words and phrases. Write down formulas or vocabulary a few times. This helps your brain to remember content.

Learning tip: flashcards as a mnemonic aid

The use of flashcards is a popular method of learning. The procedure is to write a specific term on the front and write down the definition on the back of the card. The flashcard method is excellent for learning vocabulary as well as memorizing various formulas for math classes.

Check your knowledge through repetition. Practice makes perfect. The more often the subject matter is repeated, the better the content remains in the memory.

The best learning tips for adults

Learning is a lifelong process that does not end when you graduate from school. After successfully completing a degree or vocational training, learning continues on the job. Further training, specialization, seminars and courses are on the agenda. Every step forward in learning increases career opportunities. However, it can become a challenge to still learn alongside professional obligations.

Appropriate adult study tips to help you learn include:

  1. Learn with plan
  2. set priorities
  3. Avoid distraction
  4. Use all senses for learning
  5. Find personal learning style

Learning without a plan is not a good idea. A concept is needed for extensive learning content. Divide the learning material into several units. Use lists to structure information clearly and concisely. A learning plan helps you to more easily understand complex content in the Memory to retain. When checking off the learning list, progress can be checked. At the same time, it is determined which learning material still needs to be learned.

Set priorities. Learn to distinguish between the important and the unimportant. Get an overview of the learning content. Which topics will be asked in the test? Everything that is not relevant for an exam can wait. Concentrate on the essentials. Core content is more important than details. Tasks that are covered in detail during a seminar, during studies or during further training should be mastered. This content will be tested in the exam.

Learning tip: Avoid everything that disturbs you while learning

Avoid everything that disturbs you while learning. Loud radio music, constant cell phone ringing and the television are disruptive factors that make it impossible to concentrate on learning content. Create a quiet environment. Tidy up your desk so you don't have to spend a lot of time looking for books, documents and other learning materials. This will make learning easy for you. The more concentrated you are, the faster you will finish learning.

Use your senses to memorize learning content. Write down vocabulary words and read them aloud. Pick up the textbook, read important passages aloud and walk around the room while doing so. Learning with all your senses helps your brain to memorize learning material better.

Find your personal learning style. Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the evening? Is memorization your strength? Do you need support to memorize learning content? Do you prefer to study in a group or alone? Experiment with different learning methods until you find your individual learning strategy.

learn easier

How to retain what you have learned for a long time?

Anyone who invests a lot of time in learning wants to retain what they have learned in their memory for as long as possible. To learn successfully, it is important to understand how the brain works. It often takes a lot of effort to learn complicated subjects. In the process, up to 90 percent of the knowledge learned is soon forgotten. The human brain thus wants to make room for new knowledge.

By repeating learning content, it is possible to retain what has been learned for longer. During learning, the synapses in the brain are activated anew each time. This strengthens the contacts between the individual nerve cells. This dynamic can be used to recall knowledge that has already been learned. Repeat the learning material regularly. This promotes long-term storage of information and content in the memory.

Our brain is a muscle that can be trained just like the other muscles to function better. Do you want to learn as easily as possible, process learning content better and store it in your memory? Then challenge your brain by exercising it regularly.

Combine several learning methods. Read textbooks on the subject and then watch learning videos. Write down the most important key points on a piece of paper, listen to a podcast about the subject matter and memorize essential facts. The different preparation of the learning content helps your brain to remember the material better.

Learning tips for short term learning

Sometimes learning has to happen quickly. With these learning tips, you can succeed in learning material when there is only little time available:

  1. Focus on the learning topic
  2. Use waiting times
  3. Repeat the learning material before going to bed
  4. Summarize learning content
  5. Memorize important facts

Concentrate on the actual learning topic. Avoid unimportant details and focus on the most important facts. Use waiting times at the train station, at the doctor's office or at the bus stop to quickly learn some vocabulary.

Repeat the learning material again before going to bed. This will help you remember what you have learned. Summarize learning content in bullet points. Memorize key data and write them down on a sheet of paper as an aid to memory.

Learning mistakes you should avoid

The best learning tips are ineffective if mistakes are made while learning. If you want to learn easier, then you should avoid these learning mistakes at all costs:

  1. Learn without learning plan
  2. Allocate too little or too much time for learning
  3. Do not take breaks
  4. Postpone learning again and again
  5. Letting others make you feel insecure

Study with a plan when faced with a large amount of material. Allocating too little or too much time to study is not helpful. It is more important to divide the learning content into several sections. This makes learning easier.

Take regular breaks while studying, otherwise you will overload your brain. Make sure you take a break, go for a walk or tidy up your room. Short breaks make the Head free. You get new energy and the motivation increases.

Learning tip: Don't postpone your tasks

Don't keep putting off learning. The night before an exam, when you are nervous and excited, is not the ideal time to learn something new. Create a study plan and start studying on time.

Don't let others make you feel insecure. Are your classmates, fellow students and colleagues better prepared? Trust in your knowledge and your abilities! If you focus on learning, use proven study tips and study well, there is no reason to be insecure.

You can find even more learning tips in the e-book: Fun and success in learning. In this free e-book, you'll learn how to learn with less effort. The ten tried-and-tested learning tips from Markus Hoffmann, one of Europe's most successful memory trainers, have already helped numerous people achieve a better memory. Use the learning tips of the learning expert, keynote speaker and trainer to better understand the learning material and to internalize the learning content faster.


The 10 best tips for 
Fun and success in learning

In our free e-book you get 10 tried and tested tipsthat will help you to support your child in learning in the best possible way.
Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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