Learning methods - the 10 best methods to help your child!

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Some children learn more slowly than others and therefore have difficulties in school. The ability to learn is individually different and depends on various factors. A lack of talent or motivation is not always the cause of poor performance at school. Often the right learning method is missing. In addition to personal disposition, the general willingness to learn is also a decisive factor in determining whether an Child good grades brings home or not.

School and education are enormously important and can make or break your career and success in life. With the right learning techniques and study methods, your child will learn more efficiently and quickly. A good learning strategy can make all the difference, even in elementary school. Which learning methods school uses depends on the educational institute.

Learning is a skill that every child possesses. The motivation to learn and continue learning can be increased with proven learning methods. However, learning methods are only helpful and effective if the ability to learn is also promoted outside of school.

Learning method - What does it mean?

Learning with a method? Can it work? What are the learning methods? The term learning is defined as the acquisition of knowledge. In order to facilitate learning and make it more efficient, various learning methods have been developed. These didactic measures are intended to:

The way in which the subject matter is taught is also crucial to learning success. If the lessons are perceived as boring or the learning topic as uninteresting, learning is difficult.

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Good learning methods take into account the child's age, development and level of knowledge. At the beginning of every learning method is the learning plan. A good learning strategy consists of individual learning units based on the child's needs. Regular breaks are important so that students are not overwhelmed.

The 10 different learning methods

What learning methods are there? The answer to this question is: There are a variety of methods, measures and strategies to facilitate learning and support learning ability.

The following learning methods overview can serve as an orientation and decision-making aid:

  1. Flash (Brainstorming)
  2. Cornell Method
  3. Expert discussion
  4. The keyword principle
  5. 5-step reading method
  6. The 3-2-1 method
  7. The Leitner algorithm
  8. Mindmap
  9. The Loci Method
  10. Set learning routine

Learning methods are based on pedagogical insights. Each learning strategy is based on a specific principle. Which method is best for your child depends on various factors. Decide together with your child which learning method to use or simply try out several!

With the flash method information on a specific topic is collected and written down. This is intended to promote retentiveness and the ability to recognize connections.

Clear notes are available at the Cornell Method in the center. This ensures that nothing is forgotten. In the expert discussion, the child specifically seeks contact with classmates or adults who have specialized knowledge on the topic in question. In this way, the child's own knowledge pool is expanded.

The Keyword principle is based on a brain-friendly principle. In this method, unknown or abstract material is transformed into images. The brain processes visual knowledge more easily.

The 5-step reading method consists of reading a text thoroughly, underlining important information and summarizing individual sections of meaning.

The 3-2-1 method works in three steps and should help to remember foreign words more easily. At Leitner algorithm you work with flashcards. You can also use the cards outside of school to learn more easily.

Mindmapping is a proven cognitive technique used in learning and comprehending complex subject matter. The Loci method is a mnemonic technique that is easy to learn and also memory athletes use. Establishing a learning routine helps the child to focus better on learning.

learning methods overview

Why do children often find learning difficult?

There are many reasons that diminish the joy of learning or reduce the ability to learn. Most of the time, children look forward to finally learning to write, read and do math. Only a few first graders have Learning Difficulties.

One reason for a lack of motivation to learn is often the teaching style. Conservative or outdated, pedagogically unfavorable or authoritarian methods reduce the interest and fun of learning something new.

Goes your Child reluctant to go to school? Does he or she find it difficult to do homework or bring home poor grades more often? Talking to the teachers helps to identify the reasons for the learning frustration. Be sure to talk to your child if you have the impression that he or she is reluctant to learn.

In order for your offspring to enjoy going to school and enjoy learning, you should first find the causes of the learning problems.

The most common reasons for learning frustration are:

  • High pressure to perform
  • School Anxiety
  • Bullying at school
  • Difficult social environment
  • Family problems (Separation, divorce or birth of a sibling).
  • Health disorders such as ADHD or autism

In addition, partial performance deficits related to skills such as arithmetic, writing, or reading can develop into learning disabilities.

The most common types of learning disabilities in children are:

  • Lack of concentration
  • Reading and spelling disability (dyslexia)
  • Arithmetic impairment (dyscalculia)

How learning works

Our brain can be compared to a powerful computer. Within a few seconds, it stores and processes huge amounts of data. While we quickly delete most of the information again, data that we link to previously stored prior knowledge is retained in short-term memory.

This information is passed from nerve cell to nerve cell in the brain. Among other things, the number of active synapses and nerve cells determines the ability to remember and the success of learning. Information that is presented visually, acoustically and haptically at the same time can be absorbed more easily by the brain.

In the course of life, new synapses are always formed, but there is also the possibility that these contact points in the brain become weaker. In order for what is learned to reach the long-term memory, it must be repeated regularly. The transfer of data and knowledge takes place primarily during sleep.

The body uses the nightly rest period to generate itself. Make sure your children get enough sleep. This strengthens the transfer from short- to long-term memory and they can remember learning content more easily.

What children need

Children who dislike learning not only need the right learning methods, but also a positive learning environment. Make sure your child is undisturbed when they want to learn. Praise them for good performance. Refrain from unjustified criticism or punishment. A Child should never be blamed for bad grades be punished.

Don't lose patience if the little ones don't get everything right right away. Learning is exhausting. That's why children need regular breaks. Plan play breaks and make sure there is enough time for sports and other hobbies. A pleasant learning atmosphere promotes motivation.

Every child should have a permanent place to study. This means a room or area equipped with a desk, back-friendly chair and computer. It is important that children perceive learning as interesting and meaningful and not as punishment. Your learning methods will help your child enjoy learning.

learning methods examples

5 tips for recognizing individual learning styles for your kids

There are so many learning methods that any enumeration would be incomplete. The best learning methods are considered to be techniques that strengthen the child's individual learning behavior and motivation.

This Learning Method Examples and our five tips should clarify how you can recognize the best learning strategies for your children.

  1. Consider your child's strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Distinguish between the four main types of learning styles.
  3. Use digital learning methods.
  4. Review learning progress regularly.
  5. Talk to your child's teachers.

In order to find the right learning method, you should Strengths and weaknesses of your child take into account. Every child learns differently. While some prefer memorization, others like to look at pictures or take notes.

Younger children learn primarily by touching, moving and doing. There are Four main types of learning styles namely:

  • Auditory (learning by listening)
  • Kinesthetic (learning by moving and doing)
  • Tactile (learning by touch)
  • Visual (learning by seeing)

Digital learning methods

The most modern form of learning is digital learning methods. With the help of digital tools such as tablets, computers and smartphones, knowledge can be made more accessible. Is e-learning an option for your child? Two possible alternatives to computer-based instruction are. Blended Learning and Mixed Learning.

The mixture of face-to-face and online teaching has proven to be an efficient learning method. Cooperative learning methods promote collaboration in the group. They are therefore particularly suitable as learning methods for students.

Take time for your children and check their learning progress regularly. This will help you to quickly recognize whether your child is learning well or whether there are learning deficits. The optimal learning method is one that is geared to the child's learning speed.

Do you suspect learning problems in your child? Talk to the teachers and ask for an objective assessment. Together with the teachers, you can then choose a suitable learning method for your child.

Here's how you can help kids learn better

Learning support is basically the task of the school. As a parent, you support your child's learning by encouraging motivation. Educate yourself to Learning Coach further and help your child develop and improve learning skills in a professional way.

The most important tasks of a learning coach consist of recognizing Learning Disabilities and learning deficits as well as in the development of individual solution strategies. Promote your child's sense of responsibility and guide him or her to work independently. With your learning method you contribute to the fact that your child works on tasks independently and has fun in learning!


The 10 best tips for 
Fun and success in learning

In our free e-book you get 10 tried and tested tipsthat will help you to support your child in learning in the best possible way.
Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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