What is important in life: These are the values that matter

Reading time 6 minutes

What is important in life? Do you ask yourself this question so often and can't come to a sensible conclusion? Or have you realized that you have set the wrong priorities in the past? Then the following article could be enlightening for you.

What is important in life? An introduction

Life doesn't always go the way we want it to. Especially in challenging times, it is helpful to focus on the aspects that really matter. However, it is not always easy to recognize these. Sometimes it takes (painful) experiences to realize what is really important to you in life and what is not.

Once you have managed to recognize and appreciate the important things in life, you can lead a happier life overall. You will be able to invest your energy in the important things instead of spending it on unimportant things that won't make you happy in the long term.

The importance of relationships: Family and friends

A stable social environment makes it easier to cope with crises and strokes of fate. But even in good times, it is beneficial to spend time with loved ones and share experiences with them. Friends and family are therefore among the most important things in life for the vast majority of people.

Do you tend to be introverted and like to be alone? One does not necessarily exclude the other! It doesn't depend on having a huge circle of friends and going out together every day. The important thing is that you know you can always rely on certain people in difficult times.

what is important in life

Self-realization: finding your own path

What is important in life? Your self-realization is also very important. Quite a few people know the feeling of being stuck in a life they never really wanted to lead, be it professionally or privately. Therefore, before making any far-reaching decision, consider whether you really believe in it or whether you just want to fulfill social expectations.

Take a look at your interests and talents: What would you do if all options were open to you? There is always a way to realize your dreams or at least come very close to them. Have you always wanted to start your own business? Then take the first step.

What's important in life: 5 tips for leading a fulfilling life

1. mindfulness

Mindfulness means consciously escaping the hectic pace of everyday life and noticing the little moments. This gives you a feeling of deep inner peace so that you remain more relaxed even in stressful situations. You can find an overview of the best mindfulness exercises here.

2. gratitude

It's easy to complain about everything you lack in life. If you long for more inner contentment, you should consciously change your focus. Direct it towards the things you are grateful for. Keeping a gratitude diary can help enormously with this.

3. target setting

What is important in life? If this question is bothering you, you should set yourself a goal that really matters to you. Living aimlessly into the day makes you unhappy in the long run. Think about what you want to achieve and what you need to do to achieve it.

4. self-care

Take care of your needs. Your physical and mental well-being is the basis for a fulfilled life. Self-care includes getting enough sleep, taking care of your body, eating a healthy diet and taking enough breaks in your everyday life. You can find even more tips on the topic of self-care here.

5 Pursue your passions

We've already mentioned it briefly: Pursue your personal goals! What is your heart burning for? Projects that are started with passion are generally more successful. Don't let anyone tell you that your passions are a waste of time.

What is important in life? The role of values and beliefs

Everyone has their own personal values and beliefs. These help you to stay true to yourself and make decisions that feel right for you. If you act against your inner values, you will feel it immediately. You may already be aware of certain body symptoms - such as back pain, headaches, discomfort - when a situation arises that you don't like. Learn to listen to your body more and more. It wants to talk to you in this way and point out something that is not in balance.

It is not uncommon for beliefs to change as a result of certain life experiences. You don't have to hold on to old beliefs if they turn out to be wrong. Basic values, on the other hand, are constant. These are, for example, honesty, respect and tolerance.

What is important in life? Health and well-being

Health isn't everything, but without health everything is nothing ... I'm sure you know this often-quoted wisdom. If you are doing well, which is of course desirable, you may sometimes lose sight of everything you could be grateful for. This is especially true when it comes to health.

Are you annoyed about a few extra pounds? You can do something about that. The impact is less when you are fighting a serious illness. That's why you should be proud of your healthy body and value it. Maintain a healthy lifestyle to feel good and prevent illness as much as possible.

What is important in life: the power of strong thoughts and sayings

What is important in life? If you are looking for meaning, the sayings and quotes of other people can inspire you a lot. We have put together an overview of the most beautiful sayings below:

  • "It's not the years of your life that count. What counts is the life within those years." Abraham Lincoln
  • "You can build something beautiful even from stones that are put in your way." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • "Life is a gift. You can't change what happens to you, but you can decide how you react to it." Unknown
  • "The only important things in life are the traces of love that we leave behind when we go away." Albert Schweitzer
  • "There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the way." Buddha
  • "The happiness of your life depends on the nature of your thoughts." Marcus Aurelius

Nothing: What is important in life - a critical reflection

Do you know the novel or the movie "Nothing: what is important in life"? This book for young people by Danish author Janne Teller was the subject of much controversy following its publication. It deals with the meaning and meaninglessness of existence.

One day, a boy decides to stop going to school and just sit in a plum tree because nothing makes sense. His classmates try to convince him otherwise and sacrifice things that are of value to them. The "mountain of meaning" is created. However, little things later turn into cruelty.

From a philosophical perspective, it can be said that the novel shows that something meaningful does not have to be of a material nature. Even when the "mountain of meaning" is later burned, memories remain. The children's obsessive desire to prove the meaningfulness of life to their classmates with the help of sacrificial offerings ultimately caused great damage.

What is important in life: the role of coaching in life discovery

What is important in life? In many cases, coaching can help you answer this complex question. Together with your coach, you reflect on your past and your inner beliefs: What is blocking you? What issues are you wasting unnecessary energy on? And above all: what drives you personally?

There are several methods for finding out what is really important to you as part of professional coaching. The first step is to differentiate your own wishes from the expectations of those around you. This is often easier said than done, as the two can easily become blurred. The coach teaches you the skills you need to get to know yourself better.

Conclusion: What really counts in life

What is important in life? Answering this question is not easy, as it ultimately depends on your personal idea of happiness and life satisfaction. However, you can start reflecting on yourself today: Which things, which values and which people really mean something to you? To do this, you need to be honest with yourself.

In order to recognize the meaningfulness of your life, you should also treat yourself well and listen to your inner voice. Be grateful for what you have and work on yourself if you are dissatisfied. Show your loved ones how important they are to you. Value your body and take care of your health. Because what really counts in life is that you are happy.


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