You're rushing from one appointment to the next, you're under pressure and even in the evening you find it difficult to switch off and you just can't fall asleep. You can't even remember the last time you had a relaxing coffee with your friends, let alone the last time you had time at home just for yourself. Do you recognize yourself here? Then one thing is clear: you urgently need to reduce stress!
Do you also have the Feelingthat times are moving faster and faster, that the pressure to perform is increasing from year to year? That it is becoming increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd and successful to be? Appearances are not deceptive, because many people are like you. True to the motto "higher, faster, further", people have always strived to drive progress. That's also a great thing, there's no question about it!
But when it comes to mental health, this is precisely what is associated with numerous compromises. Expectations are getting higher and higher, better and better performance is required and even results that were considered unbeatable just a few years ago are now only mediocre. Technical aids are used in countless places and processes are automated. In some cases, people have to achieve the utopian in order to keep up and secure their place in the world of work.
The population's stress level has never been as high as it is now and the figures are likely to continue to soar in the coming years. It is therefore all the more important to develop functioning strategies for Stress Management that protect mental - and in the long term also physical - health.
Stress is an everyday problem. So measures to reduce stress should be part of our daily Routine belong. "How am I supposed to do that? Time ", you ask yourself? Don't worry, reducing stress should of course not result in even more stress.
That's why we have 7 practical tips for you that will help you to effectively minimize everyday stress and increase your well-being.
The term Mindfulness is on everyone's lips, but what does it actually mean? Mindfulness means nothing more than being present in the moment. It's about being intensely aware of the moment and not passing it by. Only when you become aware of the situation you are currently experiencing can you avoid stress as much as possible.
Are you having a great afternoon with your loved ones? Then pause for a moment and soak it up. Let all the Feelings of happiness into your body and simply enjoy yourself. You should also actively become aware of this in stressful situations. What exactly is stressing you out right now? What circumstances are making you feel uncomfortable? What is positive about this situation that you can hold on to?
Practicing mindfulness is actually quite easy. All you have to do is Ask questions:
Surely you know that your cat purrs when it feels good. No, you shouldn't start doing the same now. But do you know why she does it? Because it puts itself in a state of Relaxation. That's why she purrs when she's resting, for example.
But purring also has another effect: the resulting vibration stimulates the metabolism and the formation of new cells. In other words, your cat is essentially promoting its own regeneration while it relaxes. This helps them recover twice over.
Unfortunately, that doesn't work with humans. But still, cat purring is incredibly relaxing, isn't it? So the next time your little ball of fur wants to snuggle up to you to sleep, don't send it away. Enjoy the warmth, the cuddly feeling and the soothing purr and look forward to the endorphins your body releases as a result.
We're certainly not telling you anything new when we say that breathing techniques can reduce stress. But have you ever tried it? If not, it's high time you did. You'll be amazed at how much more relaxed you'll be afterwards. Just try the 4-7-8 method. You can do this exercise at any time and in any place when you feel like your mind needs a short break.
Sit up straight and take a deep breath. Count to 4 and then hold your breath for 7 seconds. Then exhale slowly while counting to 8. Repeat this at least three times and you will notice that you feel much calmer.
The great thing about this exercise is that you don't need any equipment, it can be done anywhere and you can do it inconspicuously. You can even do your breathing exercise in the middle of a meeting without anyone noticing and be even more productive with a relaxed mind.
One major factor that always causes stress is time. We all have far too little of it, don't we? But unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day and we have to manage them somehow. So all we have left is to make the most of them by planning our day well. This can start with the smallest things.
For example, think about what you want to wear tomorrow the day before. Also, prepare a few breakfast options in your head so that in the morning, when your mind is still half asleep, you don't spend minutes standing in the kitchen without a plan.
Do you have a few things to do tomorrow? Then think carefully in advance about the order in which you want to complete them. Which route is the smartest so that you don't waste valuable time by driving twice?
Diary writing is only for children? Nonsense. It can also be useful for adults. It's less about writing down your entire everyday life and more about identifying certain triggers.
Record moments in your diary when you were stressed. Describe as precisely as possible how your day went and what circumstances framed the stressful situation. How did you feel? Did you manage to stay focused and calm? Did the whole thing perhaps even become too much for you? Did you use relaxation techniques and if so, did they help?
In this way, you can find out which circumstances are particularly stressful for you and work specifically on minimizing them.
Did you know that in Japan, walks through the forest are prescribed by a doctor? It's no secret that Asian medicine has a much broader understanding of the interplay between body and mind. Walks in nature have a calming effect on the mind. Peace, fresh air and the calming rustle of the leaves are pure relaxation if you let yourself get involved.
What's more, exercise is also good for your body. It helps it to transport more oxygen through its cells, which in turn supports your regeneration. This has a positive effect on both your physical and mental well-being.
Between all the stress and lack of time, filtering out stress factors yourself and finding effective relaxation methods is not that easy. In the Coaching we can help you with this. We help you to analyze stressful situations and find out what exactly it is that sometimes stresses you out so much.
We will also find the right techniques to help you offer your mind small relaxation breaks in everyday life. Together, we will develop suitable coping strategies for you that will help you become more resilient in the long term.
Why not try out our Meditation Challenge! 5 days with 5 exciting meditations await you here. They will all support you on your path to more serenity, calm and peace of mind. Clarity. Sign up for free!
Stress reduction is all about you and no one else. For once, you are only acting in your own interests and that is incredibly important! Never forget yourself amidst all the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
But reducing stress is not just an important act of self-care. A permanently elevated stress level can have serious consequences for your health sooner or later. At some point, your body will put a stop to it because it simply can't take any more. And you don't want it to get that far in the first place. Reducing stress is therefore an essential part of a healthy and healthy lifestyle. fulfilled life.
Reduce stress: How to succeed
You're rushing from one appointment to the next, you're under pressure and even in the evening you find it difficult to switch off and you just can't fall asleep. You can't even remember the last time you had a relaxing coffee with your friends, let alone the last time you had time at home just for yourself. Do you recognize yourself here? Then one thing is clear: you urgently need to reduce stress!
Do you also have the feeling that times are getting faster and faster, that the pressure to perform is increasing from year to year? That it is becoming increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd and be successful? Appearances are not deceptive, because many people feel the same way you do. True to the motto "higher, faster, further", people have always strived to drive progress. That's also a great thing, there's no question about it!
But when it comes to mental health, this is precisely what is associated with numerous compromises. Expectations are getting higher and higher, better and better performance is required and even results that were considered unbeatable just a few years ago are now only mediocre. Technical aids are used in countless places and processes are automated. In some cases, people have to achieve the utopian in order to keep up and secure their place in the world of work.
The population's stress levels have never been as high as they are now and the figures are likely to continue to skyrocket in the coming years. This makes it all the more important to find effective stress management strategies that protect our mental - and in the long term also our physical - health.
Stress is an everyday problem. So measures to reduce stress should be part of your daily routine. "How am I supposed to find time for that?" you ask? Don't worry, reducing stress should of course not result in even more stress.
That's why we have 7 practical tips for you that will help you to effectively minimize everyday stress and increase your well-being.
The term mindfulness is on everyone's lips, but what does it actually mean? Mindfulness means nothing more than being present in the moment. It's about being intensely aware of the moment and not passing it by. Only when you become aware of the situation you are currently experiencing can you avoid stress as much as possible.
Are you having a great afternoon with your loved ones? Then pause for a moment and soak it up. Let all the feelings of happiness enter your body and simply enjoy it. You should also actively become aware of this in stressful situations. What exactly is stressing you out right now? What circumstances are making you feel uncomfortable? What is positive about this situation that you can hold on to?
Practicing mindfulness is actually quite easy. You just have to ask yourself these questions:
Surely you know that your cat purrs when it feels good. No, you shouldn't start doing the same now. But do you know why she does it? Because it puts itself in a state of relaxation. That's why she purrs when she's resting, for example.
But purring also has another effect: the resulting vibration stimulates the metabolism and the formation of new cells. In other words, your cat is essentially promoting its own regeneration while it relaxes. This helps them recover twice over.
Unfortunately, that doesn't work with humans. But still, cat purring is incredibly relaxing, isn't it? So the next time your little ball of fur wants to snuggle up to you to sleep, don't send it away. Enjoy the warmth, the cuddly feeling and the soothing purr and look forward to the endorphins your body releases as a result.
We're certainly not telling you anything new when we say that breathing techniques can reduce stress. But have you ever tried it? If not, it's high time you did. You'll be amazed at how much more relaxed you'll be afterwards. Just try the 4-7-8 method. You can do this exercise at any time and in any place when you feel like your mind needs a short break.
Sit up straight and take a deep breath. Count to 4 and then hold your breath for 7 seconds. Then exhale slowly while counting to 8. Repeat this at least three times and you will notice that you feel much calmer.
The great thing about this exercise is that you don't need any equipment, it can be done anywhere and you can do it inconspicuously. You can even do your breathing exercise in the middle of a meeting without anyone noticing and be even more productive with a relaxed mind.
One major factor that always causes stress is time. We all have far too little of it, don't we? But unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day and we have to manage them somehow. So all we have left is to make the most of them by planning our day well. This can start with the smallest things.
For example, think about what you want to wear tomorrow the day before. Also, prepare a few breakfast options in your head so that in the morning, when your mind is still half asleep, you don't spend minutes standing in the kitchen without a plan.
Do you have a few things to do tomorrow? Then think carefully in advance about the order in which you want to complete them. Which route is the smartest so that you don't waste valuable time by driving twice?
Diary writing is only for children? Nonsense. It can also be useful for adults. It's less about writing down your entire everyday life and more about identifying certain triggers.
Record moments in your diary when you were stressed. Describe as precisely as possible how your day went and what circumstances framed the stressful situation. How did you feel? Did you manage to stay focused and calm? Did the whole thing perhaps even become too much for you? Did you use relaxation techniques and if so, did they help?
In this way, you can find out which circumstances are particularly stressful for you and work specifically on minimizing them.
Did you know that in Japan, walks through the forest are prescribed by a doctor? It's no secret that Asian medicine has a much broader understanding of the interplay between body and mind. Walks in nature have a calming effect on the mind. Peace, fresh air and the calming rustle of the leaves are pure relaxation if you let yourself get involved.
What's more, exercise is also good for your body. It helps it to transport more oxygen through its cells, which in turn supports your regeneration. This has a positive effect on both your physical and mental well-being.
Between all the stress and lack of time, it's not easy to filter out stress factors yourself and find relaxation methods that work. In coaching, we give you a helping hand. We help you to analyze stressful situations and find out what exactly it is that sometimes stresses you out so much.
We will also find the right techniques to help you offer your mind small relaxation breaks in everyday life. Together, we will develop suitable coping strategies for you that will help you become more resilient in the long term.
Why not try out our Meditation Challenge! 5 days with 5 exciting meditations await you here. They will all support you on your path to greater serenity, calm and clarity. Register for free!
Stress reduction is all about you and no one else. For once, you are only acting in your own interests and that is incredibly important! Never forget yourself amidst all the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
But reducing stress is not just an important act of self-care. A permanently elevated stress level can have serious consequences for your health sooner or later. At some point, your body will put a stop to it because it simply can't take any more. And you don't want it to get that far in the first place. Reducing stress is therefore also an essential part of a healthy and fulfilling life.