Create a mindmap - use the technique for your ideas and concepts

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Create a mindmap - use the technique for your ideas and concepts

The term mind map was coined by British author, speaker and trainer Tony Buzan. In the 1970s, Buzan developed the cognitive technique, which is still used today as an efficient method for opening up topics, for clear planning and for developing innovative solutions.

The mind map is based on the principle of association. Visual and linguistic aspects are linked together in order to present content clearly. In particular, the brain's ability to form categories is used.

Creating a mind map is comparable to brainstorming. The method is suitable for unfolding thoughts freely and developing new approaches. A mind map can be creative or original, but also classic and conventional. Similar to a road map, a mind map consists of a main street (center) and

Mindmap to facilitate thinking processes

"side streets", which are referred to as ramifications. This creates a networked structure that is intended to facilitate the thought process and make connections easier to recognize.

The mind map can be structured and individualized with various graphic elements. There are a variety of application areas for mind mapping. The creative method is used for structuring information and knowledge as well as for problem analysis. Often the mind map serves as a basis for planning and strategy.

In the professional context, the method is used to prepare presentations or papers as well as to improve operational processes. Basically, a mind map can be used in all areas of life in which the aim is to provide more clarity and Clarity to provide.

create mindmap

Why is it useful to create mind maps and what can you use them for?

Is a new project being planned at the workplace? Operational processes need to be restructured or better organized? Private everyday life is filled with obligations and there is no time for important things? In this context, the creation of a mind map is often considered.

If you are traveling in a foreign city, you will probably use a street map to orient yourself and find important sights faster. Think of the mind map as a kind of mental map.

Create mind map for better overview

Mindmapping describes a process in which ideas, suggestions or goals are recorded as if on a map. The focus is on a specific topic. The contents are then arranged around the title located in the center.

When creating a mind map, you link different subareas with each other. Any number of aspects can be taken into account. A mind map helps to structure topics better and to present them more clearly. The method is versatile and can be used, for example, to:

  • Brainstorming and idea generation
  • Organize meetings and presentations
  • Prepare business trips
  • Planning projects and tasks

In the private sector, the method is often used in the:

  • Learning
  • Structure thoughts
  • Take notes
  • Develop ideas and solutions
  • Budget planning

used. Creating a mind map is always useful when dealing with a complex topic. You want to depict content from your own life, work out personal goals and plan your future? The mental road map makes it easier for you to get an overview, so that you can proceed in a targeted manner and develop suitable solutions.

In contrast to other methods, mind mapping does not simply involve randomly writing down key points. A mind map consists of a main topic and several subtopics that are linked to each other via ramifications.

What is a mindmap and how does it work?

A mind map works on a similar principle as a road map. Every time you come to a crossroads while driving, you have to decide which way to go. The mind map is also meant to encourage you to make a decision.

You could also compare the mind map with a labyrinth. In this creativity method, information and connections are mapped graphically. This makes it easier to recognize important things, find alternatives and work out improvements.

A mind map can basically be created for all areas of life.

Especially often mindmapping is used in connection with:

  • Job and career
  • Study, training and continuing education
  • Family and friends
  • Sports and fitness


What is the benefit of a mind map? The graphical representation helps to clarify thoughts, to break down complex tasks and to rearrange them. At the same time, deficits are revealed. With the help of the structures of your mind map, you recognize connections and learn to distinguish between important and unimportant things.

Mindmap helps to use both sides of the brain

The "inventor of the mind map", the Briton Tony Buzan, recognized that thought processes are assigned to one of the two hemispheres of the brain. Thus, logical thinking and linguistic expression belong to the tasks of the left brain hemisphere. Graphic structures and visual perceptions, on the other hand, are processed by the right hemisphere. Buzan, a learning and creativity trainer, used this knowledge to develop mind mapping, a method that makes it possible to combine the abilities of both hemispheres of the brain for a thought process.

A mind map should help to use both hemispheres of the brain.

The method is considered optimal for:

  • Simplify tasks
  • Conduct meetings more effectively
  • Visualize concepts
  • Communicate and present ideas

and is therefore used both in a professional context and in the private sector.

create mindmap online

Step-by-step guide to creating a mind map

To create a mind map, all you need is a sheet of paper, a pencil, and some crayons. The mind map can also be created on a computer screen or whiteboard. With our step-by-step instructions, you can develop your own personal mind map for your professional or personal project.

1. start with the main theme

Write the topic you want to talk about on a piece of paper. It can be a problem to be solved or a new idea you want to realize. For example, a mind map main concept can be:

  • a planned job change
  • Establishment of a new department in the company
  • Solution of a private Relationship crisis
  • better structuring of everyday life

be. Note that the main theme is the center of the diagram.

2. add individual branches

After the main purpose of your mind map is established, you begin to define other subtopics and add them as branches to your diagram. Referring to the examples in the previous chapter, the branches could be the following ideas:

When changing jobs, it is important to present one's own qualifications and competencies, to find out about potential employers and to plan applications in a targeted manner. Setting up a new department in the company involves many tasks. In your mind map, name the most important tasks and break down the individual areas of responsibility based on their job description.

Do you want to avoid or solve a private relationship crisis? Work out different arguments and possible solutions and enter them into your mind map. By better structuring your everyday life, you will save a lot of time. Develop ideas and suggestions and write them down in the form of bullet points or keywords.

3. use different colors to add more details

Use a different color for each subcategory so that you immediately notice important things when working out the mind map. Structure your diagram by using multiple colors, symbols, or characters to highlight individual key points.

How can you personalize your mind map?

A mind map is initially a standard model. In order for the mental map to be helpful, it should be personalized. Include content from your own life so that an individual mind map is created. Think creatively and "allow" yourself alternative ideas.

Do not write complete sentences, but only short bullet points. Use a lot of details rather than too few. In retrospect, you can better understand your ideas and delete superfluous things if necessary. Write down things that are important to you, not facts that "you" should know. You are a unique personality.

In order for the mind map to serve its purpose, it should reflect your wishes, ideas and perceptions. Invest enough time and creativity in your mind map. Consider your competencies. If you are writing a mind map to better structure a work process, then mention your organizational skills or your experience as a Executive.

Tips and tricks for successfully creating mind maps

Creating a mind map is a complex task. We've put together some tips and tricks to help you optimize your mind map.

Decide on a shape

There are several choices when creating a mindmap layout. You can create your mindmap as:

  • Balanced card
  • Tree diagram
  • Organigram
  • Logic diagram
  • Fishbone diagram


A balanced map contains different branches so that the logical sequence can be seen through visualization. The tree diagram with various ramifications is often chosen to facilitate important decisions. Hierarchical structures are best represented in an organization chart.

A logic diagram is characterized by a vertical layout and is mainly used to represent logical facts. The fishbone diagram is suitable for visualizing cause and effect. This mind map form is often used to analyze causes.

Use images and symbols

Pictures and symbols loosen up a rigid structure and provide more clarity. Integrate graphics, drawings or images into your mind map to make connections easier to see. Use symbols to identify individual categories. Subgroups can be distinguished more easily.

Use different colors and fonts

Colors and fonts are suitable for highlighting essential components of a mind map. Different shades of color help with orientation. Your mind map is easier to read if individual subtopics are distinguished from one another by their color coding.

Be brief

A mind map is a memory log and not a novel. Keep it short and pay attention to structure and clarity. The individual subcategories should ideally consist of only one word. Avoid formulated sentences and choose an appropriate key term instead.

Access web-based applications

Creating a mind map on a piece of paper or a whiteboard takes some time. Nowadays, there are web-based applications that allow you to create your mind map directly in the browser and edit it as needed. The advantage is that you can share digital mind maps more easily with others.

Pay attention to whether the digital version is actually available without obligation or whether costs are incurred for individual functions. If you use the mind map in a professional environment, the investment may be worthwhile. For professional work with a mindmap, export options are advantageous. You can also work on digital mindmaps in a team and present the results as a PowerPoint presentation.


Mindmaps can be a useful tool to visualize and organize ideas and concepts. The method is versatile and you can use it in a professional and private context. Through its graphical representation, the mindmap promotes clarity.

Created in the form of a mind map, information and ideas are easier to recall and connections can be recognized more quickly. In addition, almost any topic is suitable to be represented as a mind map. With the right instructions and a little practice, you can successfully create your own personal mind map.


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Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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