Healthy relationships increase the joy of life and motivation

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Healthy relationships increase the joy of life and motivation

What are the characteristics of healthy relationships? What can we do to live permanently in a happy and fulfilling partnership? And above all: How do we recognize if we are living in a fulfilling relationship at all?

We would like to address these exciting questions in this article. In addition, you will receive several useful tips that will help you build a relationship in which you feel completely happy and fulfilled.

Healthy relationships

How to build a healthy relationship - 5 useful tips for everyday life.

A healthy Relationship is the key to a happy life. In order for you to succeed and feel completely happy in your partnership, we would like to tell you five tips below, with which you can achieve a happy partnership.

Open communication

For healthy relationships open communication is the be-all and end-all. Only the constant exchange of feelings and thoughts can bring the partnership to a deeper level. Of course, it is not always easy to express your deepest thoughts. Because every now and then it can be that your own thoughts may disturb or offend your partner. But here, too, the motto applies: Honesty before Fear!

Unconditional trust

Unconditional trust is the foundation for healthy relationships. If this is not present, the relationship stands on an ailing foundation. If there is no trust, jealousy creeps into the partnership. And Jealousy is often the reason why relationships become toxic, quarrels arise and love eventually breaks down.


You and your partner go through life together. You have common goals, wishes and dreams. You can only make them come true if you pull together. You must be a team that always sticks together. And that in good times as well as in bad times. Because it's the bad times that make you grow together and emerge stronger from the situation.

Magic moments

Herbert Grönemeyer already sang: "Standstill is death". This also applies to healthy relationships. Because if you rest on what you have, everyday life and thus boredom creeps into the relationship. That's why it's immensely important to make time for your partner and experience new things. Because a partnership is also an exciting adventure on which you should go.

Also be able to argue once in a while

Couples often try to avoid a quarrel. But this is not always the right way. Sometimes an argument is exactly right. Because an argument, provided it is constructive, can also help to clarify things that have been unspoken for ages. And for this reason, it's important to have an argument every now and then.

Am I living in a healthy relationship? - 8 questions you should answer

Below you will find a total of eight questions. These questions will help you to find out if you are in a healthy relationship. If you answered less than three questions with a definite "yes", you are living in a rather critical relationship.

  1. Is my partner encouraging me to grow?
  2. Do we share common goals for the future?
  3. Do we have the same ideas for our relationship?
  4. Can I be myself to my partner?
  5. Am I accepted by my partner for who I am?
  6. Is our relationship based on give and take?
  7. Is my life better because my partner is there?
  8. Does our time together have deep meaning?
Is your relationship healthy?

Find out, Whether your relationship is toxic! Our free relationship quiz will help you see if you're in a harmful relationship - or if everything is in the green.

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If you answered "no" to most of the articles, then your relationship is probably not doing very well. Even in such a case, you can still use the Hope do not give up. By the way, in another article we have prepared useful tips for you, with which you can improve your Save relationship you can.

If you answered a large part of the questions with a "yes", you can consider yourself lucky. But to make sure it stays that way and you stay happy with your partner in the future, we've prepared a lot of great tips for you in the following, with which you can maintain the happiness of love permanently.

How to maintain healthy relationships - 4 tips from Tobias Beck

Can relationships be compared to a telephone contract? Tobias Beck has come up with his very own theory on this: "In the beginning, it's like acquiring new customers. But the problem with many relationships is that at some point they turn into existing customer care. That's totally sad, because then people stop doing the things they did for each other in the beginning."

The reason for this is the so-called cuddle hormone oxytocin. Tobias Beck: "When you meet someone, your whole body is flooded with it. But after exactly seven years, something happens in the relationship. After seven years, that oxytocin level drops to zero." So the darned seventh year, when most marriages end in divorce, can actually be traced back to biochemical processes in the body.

But why is that? Tobias Beck estimates that people stop doing joint activities with their partner after this time. He also has a hot tip at the ready: "My wife Rita and I go to the airport every year and take the fourth flight from the top. That's our ritual. You can get really lucky there: Two years ago we were in Kuala Lumpur - four days backpacking in Malaysia. Well, last year we were in Münster/Osnabrück. You really have to love yourself to get through four days there!". So humor can't hurt in healthy relationships either.

healthy relationships

Men and women are different

Have you also noticed what serious differences there are between men and women? Better said between the male and female brain? Tobias Beck: "There is one thing that is absolutely fascinating: men and women are really different. When a stimulus hits the male brains meets, it is processed in a very specific way. And that is that men have so-called boxes for each subject area. The stimuli are processed in them, for example football and cars."

So there's a box for everything - even for nothing. Tobias Beck: "I'm formulating this in a funny way, of course, but it's true: Men have a nothing box in their brain. Google that! If you spike a man with a contrast medium and do an imaging procedure with him, for example an MRI, you'll see that certain regions of the brain flash up. And if you show the man something, like a bee, that doesn't mean anything to him, then the nothing box flashes up. Men sometimes just think nothing!"

Now imagine the same procedure with the female brain. Tobias Beck: "The woman is injected with a contrast medium and shown an image, for example of a bee. And what does she do? She connects everything to everything! Period. Remember, men like to go into the nothing box and women connect everything to everything." And what does this knowledge do for us? It helps to understand that sometimes your partner just ticks completely different boxes than you do. The appeal is: Have understanding for it and look at it with humor!

Plus-Plus Relationships

But there is another point that is important for healthy Relationships is important. Tobias Beck: "One thing strikes me again and again - both with young people who form start-ups together and with older people who have been together for a long time. And that is that there are healthy combinations when both sides give." An example: you're self-employed and have completed an order for your client. The customer is happy and pays on time. Tobias Beck: "Money is nothing more than energy. And in this case it is a so-called plus-plus relationship. Both are happy."

Unfortunately, there are also a lot of people who live in unhealthy relationships, for example plus-minus relationships. Tobias Beck: "One gives all the time and the other takes. That can't go well in the long run." He describes an example from the working world: "You give and your employer only takes all the time. That's one of the reasons why so many young people don't want to work for companies where someone from above preaches down to them how they should behave. That's not what young people want - that's an unhealthy relationship."

Finally, there are of course the minus-minus relationships, from which ultimately no one benefits. Tobias Beck recommends simply going through your professional and private contacts and paying close attention to which relationships are good for you and which are not. Because if there is a secret of success for the successful LIFEcoach, then this one: Get involved with the right relationships!

self love

Self-love as the basis for relationships

"When my wife Rita and I met, that's when we decided to work on our love." Tobias Beck is sure that relationships are hard work and just as exhausting as many other things in life. That's why you have to actively work at it. Any other tips you'd like to share? Tobias Beck: "Love is like a journey on the bus of life. Sometimes people sit down next to you and you realize that you don't have the same destination. I wish you had someone by your side that you'd still want to sit next to on the park bench when you're 80."

But there is one person you have to make peace with first: yourself! Tobias Beck recommends, with the help of Meditation go on a little journey: "To a person who lives deep inside you. This is a little boy or girl who has been longing for one person for years. For you! For some people, this consciousness may be a bit bottled up with self-doubt or things they've told themselves over the years. But it's an exercise everyone should definitely try!"

Tobias Beck firmly believes that the next step for our society is to make a difference together in love: "That we become the problem solvers we so desire in others. That we stop pointing fingers at others and do things for others ourselves in love and give back." Last but not least, he has an important plea: "Since everything begins with love and everything ends with love in this world, I have two pleas: take care of your children. And take care of your parents. Thank you!"

Conclusion: Healthy relationships improve your happiness in life in the long term

In this article, you've learned what makes a healthy relationship, how to work on your happiness in love, and what to do when the house is on the rocks. However, before we can succeed in love happiness, we need a clear vision for ourselves. We need to know where our journey is going and what we really want. Only then can we find happiness in love.

What about you? Have you already found your vision? Do you know in which direction your life should lead? What exciting adventures are still ahead of you? We would like to support you in finding your life vision.

In this context we would like to present you our free relationship test to the heart. This helps you to recognize in an uncomplicated way whether you are in a healthy or unhealthy relationship. The test comprises 20 questions and is completed in just a few minutes. You will receive your clear result immediately.

Take the first step back into a self-determined life and put your current relationship to the test.


Is your relationship healthy?

Find out, Whether your relationship is toxic! Our free relationship quiz will help you see if you're in a harmful relationship - or if everything is in the green.
Only 4 minutes
Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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