Inflationary prices, weakening economy: Are we in a recession? What exactly does recession mean - and how bad is the situation? Here, you'll learn about the correlations and get tips on how to overcome the economic problem phase.
What does recession mean simply explained? The Term refers to an economic downturn. By definition, however, it is only a recession if the economy shrinks (or fails to grow) in two successive quarters at the same time as gross domestic product. This downturn is visible to all market participants, which is why fiscal and economic policy adjustments are often necessary.
Economic performance can be measured by gross domestic product. For this purpose, economists use the values of all goods and services. This is why it is only possible to tell in retrospect whether an economy was in recession.
And how long does a recession last? On average, nine months can be expected. The duration depends on the national and international situation and, of course, on monetary policy in the countries concerned.
The last recession in Germany took place in 2020 - the Corona crisis was the trigger. In the first half of 2023, it looks like the next economic crisis is looming. The thought makes your head spin.
The economic downturn can be traced back to several Characters to recognize. The most important features include:
These problems lead to negative consequences. There are more and more overcrowded warehouses, many companies rely on short-time work and overtime reduction. In the worst case, there are economically induced layoffs.
In the private sphere, people are starting to save. Fewer vacations, inexpensive products: If you don't have enough money, you can't spend it. This in turn slows down the economy and the entire cycle collapses.
Recession often begins with inflation. Main problem: Everything becomes more expensive and therefore your money is worth less. The purchasing power of each citizen decreases. It's logical: if you have less money, you can spend less. They also reduce their consumption. So the companies don't sell as much as before, earn less money - and thus the production capacity of the industry is reduced.
This is often compounded by delivery problems. When these negative factors combine, the gross domestic product continues to shrink. Recession and inflation are thus closely linked.
You have Fearthat your financial resources are dwindling? You're certainly not alone. Fortunately, there are ways to limit the impact of the recession.
What happens during a recession - what problems do you face? Many citizens fear a loss of prosperity and heavy losses. But with the right Tips you can protect yourself from financial difficulties. In the best case, you can even profit from the recession if you are smart about it.
The following five steps will help you keep your money together and even grow it:
Want to protect your own money and position yourself strongly? In a recession it is important to set up a good strategy. Sensible investments in forward-looking companies will help you weather the crisis. If you have enough cash reserves, you can invest in optimistic companies that bring their breakthrough ideas to the market. Positive signs are strong marketing and new product launches.
In the Masterclass Never worry about money again you will learn how to secure your finances and even make them grow. Experienced experts explain the background to investing money. With their help, you'll be able to invest more... financial freedom to get.
The economy is in crisis, but you don't want to let that drive you crazy. When stock prices fall, they have to rise again at some point. That sounds logical, even if the toxic mix of rising interest rates and runaway inflation can initially lead to recession. Speaking of which, what is actually the opposite of recession? - Exactly: economic recovery.
So you sit down and think carefully about how you can secure your capital without great risk or even invest it profitably. The following eight tips will show you how to take advantage of your opportunities.
Overcoming the downturn and remaining financially stable - it's not as easy as it sounds. With the right measures and tips, you can strengthen your economic resources. This will also have an impact on your retirement planning. Minimize your debts and position yourself well.
Learn how to do this in the free Masterclass Never worry about money again. With the appropriate strategy, you'll get through the recession just fine and keep your head up.