We humans develop most quickly when we focus intensively on ourselves without distractions. Experiences also change our subconscious mind sometimes very quickly. These experiences can really push us and strengthen us in what we wish and dream for. Every now and then, however, negative experiences occur. And there they are, the Self-doubtthat demotivate and slow us down.
Fortunately, it doesn't have to be! Christian Bischoff, successful personality trainer, keynote speaker and life coach knows: "We spend our lives making ourselves smaller than we really deserve. We often fail because of this. But a law of life says that when we give positivity to others, we tend to always get it back, just delayed." All you have to do is challenge and resolve your self-doubt. How is that going to work? Christian Bischoff reveals it to you in this magazine article!
Don't you sometimes wish you could reach for the stars? To not let anything or anyone throw you off course? To be really unstoppable? Christian Bischoff: "To be unstoppable means to go through with what you have started. Accomplishing the goals you set out to achieve. No matter what!" This requires the following three core competencies:
How to conquer your self-doubt, an unstoppable mindset and live life to the fullest. Christian Bischoff explains step by step how you can experience the world you want and create for yourself.
Many people spend their lives telling themselves they are not good enough. They have doubts and feelings of shame. Does that sound familiar? Is that self-doubt? Christian Bischoff says, "There is no such thing as self-doubt! All self-doubt is doubt from other people that you've allowed to take up residence in your subconscious, and from there they systematically sabotage your success."
Most of the time these doubts come from our past, from our childhood or from certain events that have shaped us. But instead of constantly analyzing where these self-doubts come from, just leave them behind! Tell yourself that it's beautiful that you exist. Once you've conquered your self-doubt, you can move on to the second step.
Everywhere there is talk of mindset. But what exactly does it mean? Christian Bischoff describes a mindset as "the thoughts you think, the beliefs you have, the deep faith you have about yourself, your life and the world". Often it's not other people or events that block our success. Often we block ourselves through wrong thinking - through a bad mindset.
A small example from the expert: "Who loves can be deceived. But who does not love, cheats himself. Please don't miss the most beautiful thing in life, love, out of self-protection. Of course, if you love, you always run the risk of being hurt. But love should not stay in your heart. Love isn't love until it's shared." Starting today, don't let self-doubt plague you, aim for the stars and land on the moon. Starting today, you change the world!
Christian Bischoff: "The truth is: If you don't stop yourself, nothing and no one can stop you! Unstoppability begins in the mind. In the second step, you have to anchor this attitude in your subconscious. As soon as you develop an unstoppable minimum, the following will happen: You will always more energy get! Why? Because your body no longer needs this energy to cover fears. And you use this energy to get into action as quickly as possible. Because success is always doing. You need to experience that once to anchor it in your subconscious."
The last and also very relevant step to become unstoppable is: experience life in its diversity. To do this, you need to understand the archaic cross. Christian Bischoff: "The archaic cross is a life reality concept that shows you how life really is. On the vertical axis is your lifetime. It begins with your birth and has the goal of developing you into a wise, old you. On the horizontal axis is the polarity of life. On the left side is the permanence of life. This includes things we all need: security, routine, Security, belonging, family, love, harmony, peace, loyalty."
We all need the components on the left side of the archaic cross. But there is also a right side and that is the wild side of life. This includes aspects such as variety, seduction, lust, play, war, hatred, the forbidden and impermanence. Both sides together form the totality of life. Christian Bischoff: "What is life about? About personal development into a wise, old self. Into a person who has fully experienced and lived through life and can therefore speak from experience. We all know it: In the end, it's not about that, Achieving goalsbut what kind of person we become."
But why do most people fail to evolve into a wise, old self throughout their lives? Christian Bischoff knows the answer: "Because at some point in life we get stuck on one side of the archaic cross. Imagine a 40-year-old man who's been married for 20 years, working the same job for 15 years, owns two kids, a duplex, and two cars. He has all the things of the left side of the archaic cross. Yet, at some point, he is completely empty inside, without drive, without energy, and thinks to himself, Why is my life so boring? Quite simply, because the right side of the archaic cross, the other component, is completely missing."
On the other hand, of course, you can also get lost on the right side of the archaic cross at some point. Imagine, for example, a rock star who plays in front of thousands of people every night. He is the superstar, is adored, and spends his nights partying, drinking, drug excesses and sex. Christian Bischoff knows: "If you stay on this side for too long, you will eventually be completely empty inside. Not infrequently we have heard of such people committing suicide. Why? Because the right side of the archaic cross also leads to soul emptiness in the long run."
So what do we learn from this? Christian Bischoff: "To develop into an old, wise you, you have to live both sides of the cross! As a tendency, the younger you are, the more you are on the right side. The older we get, the more we move to the left side." There are only two rules:
Christian Bischoff: "The archaic cross is a life reality concept that helps you accept life as it really is. And that allows you to do two things: have understanding for other people and develop understanding for yourself." And now it's your turn: create positive thoughts - and don't let others ever turn them back into self-doubt.