Enthusiasm: This is how you easily pull it back into your life!

Reading time 6 minutes

You know that feeling when you're really on fire for something? When your eyes sparkle and your heart beats faster? When one hundred percent is suddenly no longer enough for you, but you want to go far beyond your own limits? This feeling is pure enthusiasm!

A feeling with which we should fill our lives much more than we do so far. Do you feel like getting really excited about something again? Then let yourself be inspired and carried away by this magazine article. We'll tell you why enthusiasm so often fades in everyday life. And how you can rekindle it! By the end, you'll know how to rekindle your enthusiasm. It's not that difficult, we promise!

What is enthusiasm?

What is actually the exact definition of enthusiasm? It can be described as a state of joyful excitement, passionate zeal; drive borne of joyfully excited approval, passionate involvement; high spirits or enthusiasm.

Probably most of us wish we felt enthusiasm more often in our daily lives. After all, enthusiasm stands for creative power, passion, and Satisfaction. Enthusiasm also means to do something with conviction and to be aware of the meaning of this thing. Or, in other words, if you do an activity which seems to you to be meaningless and not fun, you will never feel enthusiasm. This could happen in your job, for example: If you do the same tasks and duties day after day, but don't find any fulfillment in them, you will not be able to feel enthusiastic about your job.

So enthusiasm arises because you really like doing something and, at best, find it particularly meaningful. And because you want to become better at it and accomplish goals want. Enthusiasm motivates you from within, without external incentives such as money or recognition. This is referred to as intrinsic Motivation. In addition, enthusiasm is authentic and genuine: If you are really passionate about something, your fellow human beings will recognize that pretty quickly. Enthusiasm is hard to hold back.

Enthusiasm: Quotes and Sayings

"Enthusiasm is so estimable because it instills in the human soul the strength to make and continue its finest efforts," is a quote from Samuel Smiles (1812-1904), English physician, biographer and social reformer on the subject of enthusiasm. But Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), one of the most important representatives of German-language poetry, also created a monument for himself with the quote: "Enthusiasm is not a herring commodity that you pickle for a few years." There is also much truth in the saying of Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1993), parish priest and author: "Enthusiasm elevates life above the mundane and gives it meaning in the first place."

Learning to be enthusiastic

Enthusiasm can be learned, because it is largely based on your inner attitude. The most important prerequisite for this is positive thinking. That doesn't mean you should sweep problems under the rug or gloss over serious difficulties. Positive thinking just means focusing on the positive aspects in life. Because you can always look at things from several sides. If you focus on the negative, it is much harder for you to feel enthusiasm.

Instead, try to focus on the positive aspects whenever you can. You have already taken the first step towards enthusiasm. Now you can move on step by step. Enthusiasm is not rational, but it is inevitably connected to your mind and your Thoughts together.

5 tips for new enthusiasm

Therefore, in the following you will learn five everyday tips that you should internalize. If you can implement all the points, it's only a matter of time until you finally find an activity in which you really enjoy and are passionate about. Have fun with it!

1. listen to your gut feeling

Far too often we do not listen to our inner voice. We do things which our family, our friends or even society think are right. We fulfill the expectations of others and forget what we ourselves want. But how will you ever feel real enthusiasm if you always just do what life dictates?

Enthusiasm starts with being yourself! You don't have to like the hobbies of others, you don't have to think that the lifestyle that everyone lives is right. But you can listen to yourself and your gut! Start to find out who you are and where you want to go. 

2. find your new favorite activity

New activities offer a high potential for enthusiasm. They motivate, often have a great learning effect and bring variety and excitement into your life. Unfortunately, as soon as a routine develops, the euphoria often wears off. Because habit is boring and boredom is the end of your enthusiasm. Therefore, make sure that it doesn't get that far in the first place. You can do this, for example, by looking for a new favourite activity and always creating new incentives for yourself.

This can be variety within the activity or working towards a goal. For example, with sports: You can be an enthusiastic runner - if you run the same route every day, you will eventually find it boring. Therefore, regularly explore new running routes and thus bring variety into your training. Or work towards a goal - for example a half marathon. You will see that you will remain an enthusiastic runner for a long time.

3. set goals and rewards

Speaking of goals: They can also help boost your enthusiasm mode. Because a goal motivates you and really spurs you on. You get into a competitive mode, you give 110 percent and you're right. Desire to improve and develop yourself. Therefore, define achievable goals! Of course, you can also celebrate small stages on the way to the big goal. Reward yourself regularly for everything you have achieved or accomplished so far. This will give you new momentum and ensure that your enthusiasm lasts for a long time.

4. provide compensation

If you're really enthusiastic about something, you sometimes lose your sense of space and time. That's great! Nevertheless, you should shift down a gear every now and then and allow yourself some time off. Whether you're passionate about your hobby or your work, if it consumes too much time and energy, you'll become stressed and unbalanced. A lack of energy is a real enthusiasm killer. Therefore, take time for other things, relax and gather new energy. Inspirations. After a break you start again with fresh ideas and new drive!

Tips for new enthusiasm

5. do not be afraid

Do you remember what excited you as a kid? Surely you dared or tried new things without thinking of all that could go wrong. Today, it's different. Throughout our lives, we learn to consider consequences, weigh pros and cons, and assess risks. That's all well and good, but fear and worry are not always conducive.

On the contrary, they inhibit your enthusiasm. Therefore, learn not to think too much about what could go wrong. If you're constantly worrying about being disappointed, wrong Making decisions or being ridiculed, then you feel insecure and hesitate. Instead, you should live out the things you are really passionate about!

If you're into modeling and you'd rather spend your weekends with model airplanes than cocktails at the nearest club, that's totally fine. Find like-minded people and stand by what really makes you happy. That way you'll experience a real surge of enthusiasm! You can find a beautiful meditation on this topic here.

Attract enthusiasm into your life

Maybe you've heard about vision work? It is aimed at helping you to find for yourself inner clarity and calm find. You might be able to use this method for yourself to get excited about things in your life again. Take time to become aware of the areas of your life where you still feel lacking. Gradually detach yourself from things that may have been blocking you for a long time. Think about what you are actually burning for and what your heart beats for. And then you may take the first, courageous step to bring this vision into life!


A guide for your future
- Find your true vision

Do you know what really drives you at the core? With just three simple exercises, you will be able to visualize your energy, identify your desires, and define your biggest goal!

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