Professional reorientation: Your starting signal for a happy professional life

Reading time 10 minutes

You're never too old to try new things. But does that also apply to a new professional orientation? For many, the job is part of one's identity. But what happens if it doesn't fit the identity we want for ourselves at all? Or what if at some point it simply no longer makes us happy?

Life is from changes and developments. Who is exactly the same person today as he or she was ten or 15 years ago? Our interests change, our life circumstances change, even our idea of a fulfilled life develop further the older we get. Then it may well happen that the profession we originally learned simply no longer suits us, is no longer fun, and simply no longer fulfills us.

When and why is it time for a career change?

Most of us spend the majority of our daily lives at work, and we do so for many decades. That makes it all the more important to have a job that gives pleasure. If that's not the case, no one will be happy in the long run. Over 60 % of employees are dissatisfied in their job. This brings us to the most common reason for a career change: the fun has simply been lost or was never really present.

Everyone deserves to be happy. And in many cases, it is in our own hands. Those who dare to step out of their comfort zone and try something new are often rewarded. You keep asking yourself whether you really want to do your job for another 20 years or even longer and your inner voice is screaming louder and louder: "No"? Then it would certainly do you good to think about a professional reorientation.

More flexibility and financial independence

Poor working conditions are often the reason for a change of career. There is never an end to your workday because you always have to be available and a good work-life balance is completely alien to you? You finally want to spend more time with your family, but are stuck with a completely inflexible employer?

Your achievements are simply not appreciated, even though you give everything every day? Yes, all this can be really frustrating. If your boss is completely against you and doesn't think it's necessary to take a step towards you, a change of direction is often the last resort.

Not to forget the good money. Unfortunately, the salary does not always depend on one's own performance, but above all on the job and also the industry in general. If money is just too tight, simply changing employers is often not enough. You want to aim high financially or at least live with a little less worry? A change of industry can open many doors for you.

Create value and contribute to the well-being of society

Contributing something meaningful and doing something good for society - who doesn't wish for that? Throughout our lives, we are all constantly searching for the overriding meaning of our existence. We want to pursue a value-creating occupation that advances us and our fellow human beings and of which we can be proud.

But that is not the case with you. You have the feeling that you just dully work off tasks in which you don't recognize any deeper meaning. You recognize yourself here? Then maybe it's time to steer your career in a different direction.

A look into the future

The future and all the changes it brings are exciting. But sometimes what lies ahead can also be a bit scary. That's especially true when all the advances make us fear that certain jobs will become extinct. Digitization and technologization are advancing all the time, and that's a great thing. But there are two sides to the coin.

Numerous processes can be automated, which means that fewer and fewer people are needed in some industries. Does this also affect you and are you afraid of being left without a job at some point, even though you haven't done anything wrong? Then don't wait until it's too late, but act! There are countless educational opportunities available to you that will help you move into an industry with a future!

Does the perfect time even exist?

It's never too late to try something new. If your job no longer makes you happy, then summon up all your courage and reorient yourself! It is often assumed that a change of career only makes sense if you are still as young as possible. But this is not always the case. Qualified personnel is needed in every industry and that has nothing to do with age.

If you have been working for a long time, this can even be an advantage. You'll have experience in a wide range of areas, which you may even be able to transfer to your new job. If you've already collected a number of work references over the years that confirm what great achievements you've made day after day, you'll be able to impress your new potential boss right away. You see, age is not always a hurdle, but often even an advantage!

coaching professional reorientation

Professional reorientation from 40 - Is that really possible?

Almost everyone asks himself at least once in life the question whether this is really happy and fulfilled and should remain the same. Yes, from a certain age, life is usually more consolidated than, for example, with a fresh 20 years. But that doesn't mean that everything has to stay the same. Change industries again at 40 and dare to do something new? Why not?

At this age, it is not uncommon to experience a mid-career crisis, in which people ask themselves whether they really want to stay in this job for another 20 years or more. Even if the answer is clearly "no," most people decide against a change because they believe it is simply too late now. But can it ever be too late to be happy? It's not at all far-fetched to wish for another change after turning 40; after all, people question their own lifestyles more and more often as they get older. Many also develop a Feeling of standing still and simply want to go even higher.

Nevertheless, a career change should be well considered. After all, you're giving up a lot that you've earned in your industry so far - maybe even a permanent position for a temporary contract. So don't act rashly, but ask yourself openly and honestly: "Am I only doing this for the time being? dissatisfied with my job or has my frustration been dragging on for some time? Can I only imagine a happy future in another profession?" Listen to yourself and don't make your decision overnight. Maybe it will also help you to talk to close friends or colleagues.

How do I find out what I want to do for a living?

What is the perfect job for me? This question haunts us not only through our school years, but also for years afterwards. Finding an answer to it is not that easy, no matter how old you are. We have summarized a few points for you that can help you find the job that really makes you happy!

1. what do you like about your current job and what do you wish was different?
2. what are your strengths and which of them can you use to make a valuable contribution?
3. what special cross-industry skills can you score with?
4. what experience have you already gained and in which industries would it help you?
5. what topics do you want to deal with after your new start?
6. how do you imagine your new professional environment?
What risks might you have to take? Is it worth it to you?
8. do you think that the new job you have in mind can still make you happy in ten years?

How do you create a new professional orientation?

Are you determined to change your career? You have already taken the first important step. You have summoned up all your will and courage. But what is the best way to start your professional reorientation? It's simple: step by step!

1. define the actual state

Where do you currently stand? What do you have to offer? Make a list of all your qualifications, special skills and achievements. That's what you're building on. This list will be incredibly helpful later when things get concrete.

2. the reason for your reorientation

What don't you like about your day-to-day work right now? What absolutely has to change in order for you to enjoy your job? Concrete requirements for your new job are needed here.

Do you wish for more flexibility, maybe even the possibility to work in a home office? Would you like to finally turn your hobby into a profession? Or are financial aspects the real reason for your reorientation?

3. your personal goal

You now have a clear idea of what should be different in the future. Now it's time to define a goal. Sure, your overall goal is to get a foothold in a new industry. But go a little deeper. For example, how about:

- "I want to live out my passion every day."
- "Going to work every morning - that's what I want to look forward to again."
- "I want to provide a life for my family without financial worries."

4. the right way

The groundwork is now done. Now it's time to finally get on the road to your goal. Let's start with your qualifications. Are there any further training courses you need in order to gain a foothold in your desired industry? Then they are part of your plan for now.

Not to forget, of course, the contacts. Do you perhaps already know someone in the company where you would like to work? Then maybe that person can help you get an interview and put in a good word for you.

Social media channels are not to be forgotten these days. You can present yourself professionally on special business platforms and make your first valuable business contacts. Maybe your new employer is waiting for you there?

5. your starting signal

The plan is in place, now it can finally start! Go the way to your successful Change step by step and do not lose your orientation. Don't be afraid to ask for support. Maybe there is someone in your circle of acquaintances who has already gone this way and can support you.

Professional reorientation and associated worries and fears

Just dare and get started - that is often easy to say but the implementation is then not so simple. Fears and Worries are spreading and already more and more doubts arise as to whether the professional reorientation is really the right decision. Often, however, these worries are completely unfounded. Don't stand in your own way!

A new professional orientation is a courageous step, which in some cases also involves a certain amount of risk, no question about it. But you are optimally prepared and have carefully planned every step. So don't let self-doubt stop you! Almost everyone goes through this phase. What helps is to write down your doubts and fears. It's best to formulate them as questions and answer them right after, e.g. like this:

  • Am I too old for a career change? - Absolutely not, it's never too late!
  • Do I want to quit my old job where I have already achieved so much? - Yes, because despite all the achievements I am unhappy!
  • Will I perhaps get into financial trouble after all? - No, because I am covered!
reorientation profession

8 tips for a successful professional reorientation

With your professional reorientation, you are demonstrating a good deal of courage, which many will surely envy you for. But it's not just courage that's behind it, it's also work, commitment and stamina. To help you persevere and successfully implement your professional reorientation, we have put together eight tips for you here!

1. inform yourself well in advance

Decisions are sometimes made quickly, but have you considered everything that lies behind them? Do you perhaps first need to retrain or attend courses for further education? Then you should of course know in advance where you can do it and when it is possible. Research all the options open to you well so that you can find the path that suits you perfectly.

2. keep your strengths in mind

The analysis of your strengths gives you a very good picture of your own abilities. And they are precisely the basis for your professional reorientation. Focus on the things you are particularly good at and use them to your advantage. The better you know about your own skills, the brighter you can shine in job interviews. They give you self-confidence and that is welcome everywhere.

3. go through your contacts

Do you already know someone who works in the industry you want to enter? Then get in touch with them more intensively. I'm sure that person can give you valuable tips that will help you get ahead!

4. plan carefully

First of all, drawing up a rough plan of where you want to go can be helpful at the beginning. But don't forget to work out this plan. The more thorough you are, the more security it will give you. At the same time, you will always have a clear idea in mind and will be able to better assess which resources are necessary for which step.

5. think realistically

You want to reach for the sky? That's great! Nevertheless, you should set yourself realistic goals. Don't risk your success, but take a path that you can actually master. The danger of frustration is too great, which will cause you to abandon your new path. And then it was all for nothing.

6. gather all your courage

At some point in your career, you will have reached a point where you will have to quit your old job so that you can enter a new industry. Even if you are optimally prepared, this is often a sticking point that once again raises one or two doubts. But all your efforts up to this point should not be in vain! So summon up all your courage once again and take the next step!

7. never lose motivation

Sometimes you just doubt, especially when you're walking on new paths. But that is quite normal. Don't let it discourage you! Keep reminding yourself why you are doing all this. Learn to keep motivating yourself and hang in there!

8. stay on the ball

If you have given up your old job and are already deep in your reorientation, then stand by it. Don't be unsettled by others who could never muster your courage. You made this decision for you and no one else. So stay committed and soon you can reap the laurels for your diligence.

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