You've been toying with the idea of a Personality Test to do? You are certainly not alone in wondering which is the best personality test! In fact, this question is not so easy to answer. Which personality test is the best for you depends, among other things, on the goal with which you actually want to take the test. However, we are happy to give you an overview and of course also explain to you when which test is useful.
To find out which Personality Test is "the best" for you, it must first be clarified with regard to which criteria the corresponding test should offer you support.
A good, scientific personality test should meet the following criteria:
A good personality test should therefore meet these scientific quality criteria. But depending on the question you want to answer, a completely different test can be useful for you. For example, there are models that measure things other than the classic personality traits.
In the following, we have put together a small overview of well-known models. This will make it easier for you to find out which is the best personality test for you and your needs.
The DISC model dates back to the 1940s and was originally developed by Walter Clark. The name of the model comes from the four personality traits that the test captures: Dominance, Initiative, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness.
This DISG-Personality Test includes several questions in which the respondent is given a number of adjectives to choose from. For each question, the respondent chooses the adjective that suits him best and the one that suits him least. Thus, the DISG is intended to provide a simple principle that is uncomplicated to answer in a fairly short time.
The various possible combinations of the individual answers result in numerous possible profiles. This is because a person's character cannot normally be assigned to one of the four Personality styles but there are mixed types.
The DISG personality test is used primarily in personnel development. The test evaluation also provides concrete instructions for teamwork, leadership, communication and self-management.
The cost of this test depends on the size of the questionnaire and the context. In the meantime, free versions of the DISG are also available online.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or MBTI for shortalso dates back to the 1940s and was developed by Katherine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabell Myers. The personality test is based on a model developed by Carl Gustav Jung. In dealing with his patients, the Swiss psychiatrist noticed that many people deal with the world very differently from himself. Based on this, Carl Gustav Jung developed four categories with two different poles:
In the model, all functions are present in every person. But each person prefers different functions.
The MBTI personality test is thus intended to capture preferred functions and typical behavioural patterns. The questionnaire comprises a series of questions to be answered with "yes" or "no". The evaluation results in an assignment to a type of altogether 16 personality types. According to MBTI guidelines, a correction should then be made by the subject: If the person actually knows himself differently in corresponding situations, an adjustment of the results is made.
The MBTI is still widely used in the USA today and is also offered in Europe.
The Big Five are considered one of the standard models in personality psychology. The model has been continuously developed since the 1930s and has shown in numerous studies that it provides good results with regard to the quality criteria. The five basic dimensions of personalitythat the model assumes also appear to be stable, at least across most cultures. Namely, these factors are:
In German-speaking countries, the most common personality test for the Big Five is the NEO-PI-R. This test is very comprehensive with 240 questions, but has shown in numerous studies that it is very reliable, valid and objective. Because the rights for the NEO-PI-R in Germany are held by the Hogrefe publishing house, this test is not freely accessible.
In the meantime, however, there are also freely available online versions of questionnaires on the Big Five with varying degrees of coverage. However, it cannot be assumed that these tests fulfil the quality criteria as well as the NEO-PI-R. So be careful: Just because a personality test wants to measure a very well-studied model does not necessarily mean that it really does so.
At Model of the Enneagram each personality structure has a certain worldview that explains why the respective person reacts in his or her own way in a situation. For this purpose, the Enneagram distinguishes nine personality patterns that are related to each other. Namely these are nine types the reformer, the helper, the doer, the romantic, the thinker, the skeptic, the optimist, the fighter and the harmonizer.
Depending on the source, some names are also somewhat modified. According to the teachings of the Enneagram, each person can be assigned to one of the nine types by the basic tone of their personality patterns.
To find out how your own patterns are structured, there are various questionnaires. Free versions are also available online. The result should help to understand oneself better and thus to be able to solve interpersonal conflicts better. Since the different types also describe the extent to which the patterns change depending on the situation, the model is also intended to show possibilities for personal development.
Experts suggest that personality tests should be used for personnel development rather than for the selection of suitable applicants. However, many companies now carry out personality tests as part of recruitment tests. Particularly in the American region, personality-related tests are now common practice at many renowned companies.
And in Europe, too, the number of companies using personality tests to check the suitability of applicants is increasing. Common personality tests in this context are, for example, the DISG or the MBTI. It has been statistically proven that professional success can be predicted very validly by the Big Five dimensions of conscientiousness and neuroticism.
In order to determine which profession suits one's own personality, there are numerous different tests. Depending on the version, interests, motivation and aspects of the personality are recorded in order to find a suitable profession. The more you know about yourself, the fulfilled you live. And that is exactly the goal of Greator.
Our free personality test helps you to understand your personal behavior - and to fully live out your strengths. The test is scientifically based. Just take three minutes to do it right now.
As you've probably noticed, personality tests are also beneficial if you want to develop a deeper understanding of yourself. This is because they also give you information about where your Dissatisfaction and frustrations.
In order for a personality test to offer you ideas for further development, it is best to choose a test in which the model behind it particularly appeals to you. If you can't really identify with the theory behind a test, you're unlikely to get a result that inspires you to pursue development opportunities. So for your personal development, the best test is the one whose theory picks you up and gives you insight into the aspects that interest you most.
The DISG, for example, is a good tool for personal development. Based on the test result, you can assess which of the four types you belong to or what your personal mixed type is made up of. This knowledge gives you clues as to why you react the way you do in certain situations. It can be very helpful to understand the motivations behind this, especially if you have behaviors that you would like to work on. And on the other hand, you benefit from the knowledge about your Personality profile: By making the most of your character's strengths!
It is true that free personality tests available online are extremely convenient. But some of them should be taken with a grain of salt. As mentioned with the Big Five, the free versions are not always as good as they seem. Many providers adorn themselves here a bit with other feathers and use names of recognized test procedures, which are then, however, only strongly shortened or even modified available.
Whether such a modified test then meets the quality criteria or measures what it claims to measure has never been verified. Of course you can do such tests for fun or interest, but you should always keep in mind that the result may not reflect reality.
At Greator you will find a free version of the DISG personality test, which is based on the scientific findings of the model. If you are interested in a free offer that meets scientific standards, this is one of the best personality tests currently available.
The best personality test for every person and every situation may not exist. Which test is best for you depends on the questions you want to ask on a personality test.
The DISG-Test on the other hand, which we provide free of chargeis based on the scientific findings of the model. In order to achieve personal growth, you must understand what drives you internally and what still prevents you from developing your full potential. And to find this out, Prof. Dr. John G. Geier developed the DISG behavioral model, on which our free personality test is based. Start now the free test!