Celebrate success together with team coaching

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Ability to work in a team is nowadays one of the key qualifications in the working world. Every member of a team is individual. Everyone has their own opinion, a different view on things and different ideas on how to act in certain situations. Then find a common denominator, is not always easy. For this very purpose comes the Team coaching to use. But let's start from the beginning. 

Imagine you are sitting in a room with ten other people and there is a common problem to be solved. Everyone faces the issue differently, everyone has a different approach to the solution, everyone wants to be heard. Possibly also collide totally conflicting opinions and conflicts arise.

But somehow, as a team, you're gonna have to manage find a common solutionno matter how different you may be. After all, you are all pursuing the same objective. But to be successful as a team, you must first come together as one. This purpose is fulfilled by the Teambuilding.

Team coaching and team building: Here are the differences

The aim of team building is to all members of a group get to know each other first. This does not necessarily have to be related to the work context. By solving certain tasks together, the participants should come together and the feeling of belonging is strengthened. In this way, a group becomes a team.

A team is characterised by the fact that shared vision exist. All members have a certain amount of trust in each other and dare to openly talk about things that move them. Of course, there is also a common goal, which does not necessarily have to be the case with a group.

Not until these conditions have been met, is where team coaching can come in. Coaching a group of people with individual interests and without an overriding goal is neither intended nor possible.

The core tasks of team coaching

With team coaching the Focus on improving joint performance - and no longer on getting to know each other, as is the case with team building. The reference to the work context is much more present. Now it's about the tasks that you and your team face every day at work, to master better together.

In a nutshell, team coaching helps you and your team members, to move forward through conversation and reflection, achieve common goals more quickly and thus to work more efficiently.

Team coaching is suitable for new and existing teams and helps to improve cooperation

Why should you and your team participate in coaching? All about reasons and goals

You have been working in a team for years and think that team coaching is completely superfluous? Far from it! The coaching is suitable for newly assembled and existing teams equally. After all, something can always be improved, can't it? Even after months or even years of working together, you can new problems suddenly appear.

The human being is always evolving, also with regard to its Personality and thought patterns ...in terms of the way we work together. This, in turn, can lead to a team that used to work wonderfully together, suddenly can't find common ground. Cooperation becomes more difficult. The reason for this can be, for example, that the original distribution of roles is doubted and everyone has different expectations regarding the fulfilment of certain tasks. It is also possible that the distribution of work is perceived as unfair or that concrete conflicts have arisen between team members.

Team spirit can also be lost at some point if not enough attention is paid to what is shared. You are an employer and ask yourself how you can keep the Restore Spirit can? Then read our article on the topic Team building. Valuable is a coaching for already existing teams especially when there was a change in personnel in parts.

Regular team coaching as a helpful companion

Team coaching can also be an accompanying measure. It is therefore not only used when there are already clear problems and it is already five to twelve, as the saying goes. Coaching becomes an integral part of a longer-term team development strategy. This ensures that all team members work together efficiently and in a solution-oriented manner. This prevents the emergence of dysfunctional pattern come.

How is this different from group coaching?

What distinguishes a group from a team has already been briefly touched upon. This difference is also related to the terms "Team Coaching" and "Group Coaching". transferable. The latter refers to the coaching of people who work together but do not have a common goal. Each group member has his or her own visions and tasks, but nonetheless finds support in coaching on the way to the goal.

Team coaching vs. facilitation: Here's how to differentiate the two

An important part of team coaching is the Communication. What do the team members expect from each other? What should the cooperation look like? Does everyone feel they belong to the team? If not, why is that?

There are so many questions that can be addressed during coaching. During discussions and conversations in general quickly comes the Term "moderation" into play. But what exactly is it all about and how is it different from team coaching? Facilitation is basically about getting the team members to actively participate in the conversations and to do that as much as possible. targeted. For example, the path to the solution can be can be simplified and accelerated with the help of targeted questions.

The moderation thus controls Conversational situations in a certain direction and provides clarity. It is often recommended that two persons take over the moderation. This is especially helpful in conflict situations. Then one moderator pays attention to the way in which what is said is produced. The other in turn pays attention to the existing interpersonal relationships.

A brief overview of the types of moderation

The moderation can be in three categories can be divided: Conversation, process and conflict moderation. Moderating the conversation helps participants focus on the key points and not digress too far from the topic at hand. The Process Facilitation on the other hand, is used when certain processes need to be structured. It supports all parties involved in finding an agreement regarding essential points of action.

If there are certain points of contention that are preventing the team from moving forward, it is the turn of conflict moderation to sort them out. If conflicts have already escalatedmediation is the better choice.

When is team coaching needed and when is facilitation needed?

In certain situations. moderation is very similar to team coachingbecause both have a common task: connect the participants. Nevertheless, the term coaching means accompaniment rather than control.

The team coach does not steer the conversation in a certain direction, but is eager to get everyone involved, get yourself there. He therefore releases the necessary forces in the team members and does not exercise them himself. The team coach merely helps them to set the necessary levers in motion. In short, the task of facilitation is to clarify certain issues. The task of the team coaching is to Improve the quality of cooperation.

Team coaching is not completed in one hour, it extends over several sessions and can even last several months.

This is how team coaching works

Team coaching is not completed in one hour. As a rule it extends multi-unit and can thus even last several months. After all, the whole thing is not a simple question-and-answer game, but a all-embracing processwhich is intended to advance the quality of teamwork. In order to achieve sustainable success, various steps must be worked through step by step.

Let's start with the Get to know. The team coach, the manager or HR manager and all team members introduce themselves. Then follows a Analysis of the actual state. How would everyone involved describe the current situation? Does the team work well together or are there points for improvement?

Of course, we also record what is going well at the moment. After all, not only Negative Mention. It is definitely room for praise. The next step is to set the goals. The participants talk about what should be different after the coaching and also lay down criteriaThese are good indicators of whether team coaching has served its purpose.

Theory becomes practice

Now are all aware of thiswhat the starting situation looks like and where the journey should go. But how does the team get there? A course of action must be developed. This is not only about the Clarification of certain methods and techniques. It is also discussed who will take on which tasks and how long the process should last.

The theory is in place, now the practice must follow. Everything that has been discussed so far is finally being actively implemented. This starts the actual coaching process. Coaching sessions are held at a predetermined interval, in which also Flexible response to current events can be made. The previously prepared plan can be adjusted accordingly if certain circumstances have suddenly changed.

This is how you and your team will benefit from team coaching in the long term

At the end of this coaching process documented exactly what has changed. Thus, agreements made are noted so that the Results are also lasting. If necessary, further agreements will be made to ensure the long-term success ensure. It is important to record all this so that the whole team can remember the results again and again before eyes can lead.

Last but not least, under the guidance of the team coach, all participants conduct an evaluation by. Were all at the beginning set goals achieved? If not, what was the reason? This evaluation is important to reveal deficits and to work on them.

The functions of team coaching

Team coaching comes in three aspects therefore: motivational, advisory and educational. Motivational team coaching is about helping team members to develop their full potential to the full. To do this, the coach triggers reflection processes and the team recognises where there is still room for improvement. He motivated they to continue to develop their own skills.

A small push in the right direction

Consultative team coaching also aims at helping people to help themselves. Unlike in motivational coaching, the coach does not only ask unintentional questions, but also formulates them partly quite purposefully. He may also prescribe an answer or two to steer the process in the right direction.

For more awareness of certain things

Whenever there is a certain thing to be conveyed, a educational team coaching in demand. It is often also called didactic-pedagogical coaching. This is used, for example, when the awareness of the strengths of the team is to be awakened.

There are numerous methods, exercises and games that are used in team coaching

Team coaching: An insight into different methods and exercises

Team coaching has many faces. Numerous methods, exercises and games can be used and support the actual coaching process. However, these should really only be used as supplements and not be seen as the measure of all things. The coach orients himself to the current situation and selects on the basis of which a suitable method out. We would like to present a few examples here.

The so-called "Team Composition" not only strengthens the togetherness, but also shows who spontaneously takes on which role. There are various musical instruments available that everyone can use, regardless of whether they are musical or not. These can be, for example, rattles, woodblocks, triangles or small drums. All team members choose an instrument and now have half an hour to think up a little piece of music together. The team must therefore be able to, to solve a task, which they did not know before, in the shortest possible time.

The better all parties involved respond to each other, the you master this challenge more successfully of course, too. The goal-oriented acting in the team is trained here. At the same time, it becomes apparent who spontaneously takes the reins. Also, who tends to stay in the background and who takes over the task of the mediator, when it comes to disagreements. Afterwards, this is one of the things that is discussed. Do the team members take on the roles they were assigned in the work here as well, or does it perhaps make sense to make changes?

A look at the strengths and into the daily work routine

Positive reinforcement is important in every situation in life, including, of course, when working in a team. The regular asking for the highlights of the last weeks is a tried and tested method, so that all parties involved always be able to reflect on positive thingseven if there is a difficult phase ahead. In small groups, the team members discuss what has gone particularly well recently and what was the key to success in each case. These are precisely the points on which the team can reflect again and again and thus actively build on strengths.

Of course, if problems arise when working together as a team, it is not always clear what exactly is causing them. Also a Team coach is not a clairvoyant. Then he can use a method called "Coaching on the Job" apply. He accompanies the team for one to two days, if necessary even longer, in their daily work and gets a comprehensive picture of the overall situation. He then discusses everything he observes with the entire team and provides the necessary food for thought so that the team understands where the problem lies. possible reasons for the difficulties lie.

Join the team of Greator coaches!

You've experienced firsthand how important it is to have team works closely together and achieves the common goal so effectively? You also want to help other teams build on their collective strengths and realize their full potential. Potential to the fullest? Then let yourself go to the Greator Life Coach train! With this you lay the foundation stone for your own successful Coaching career. The training to become a Greator coach shows you the first basic methods and supports you in further developing your skills.

At the same time you find out if team coaching is really something for you or if you might want to want to orientate in another direction. Our Greator Life Coach training can each compete. Whether you have previous coaching experience or are a complete newbie, it doesn't matter. In total the course lasts Training nine months. The first third is mainly about around you.

You get to know yourself completely newby going deep inside yourself and intensely dealing with your emotions and your thinking with each other. After all, if you want to help others make personal progress, you should first really get to know yourself. You also learn important Instruments and methods which you can later make use of as a coach. In the last six months you will learn how to successfully put what you have learned into practice. You finally finish the training as a certified Greator Coach and nothing stands in the way of starting your new future!

Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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