Executive Coaching: Reaching even higher as a manager

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If you want to be successful as a manager, you have to keep working on yourself and learning new things. The world turns incredibly fast and only those who are up to date can sustainably be at the forefront. And that is exactly what Executive Coaching is all about.

It helps you to better meet all the demands placed on you as a manager. You and your employees will benefit from this in equal measure. What exactly executive coaching is, how it works and what its goals are, is explained below.

What is Executive Coaching?

The term "executive coaching" translates roughly as "manager coaching". This is about bringing your management skills up to speed. As a coachee, you repeatedly have detailed discussions with your executive coach, who gives you important tools with which you can solve your problems yourself.

He gives you the right direction, but you yourself are the person who has to follow the path. You develop your own solutions and are not given them by your executive coach. This is a very important part of the learning process.

The executive coaching is gladly combined with the Executive coaching Both terms describe something completely different. Executive coaching is about coaching someone to be a supervisor. Executive coaching, on the other hand, involves coaching people who are already managers - people like you. You have already gained a lot of leadership experience in your position, which is why you need less support from your coach when it comes to the elementary basics.

Why is executive coaching so important?

You think in a leadership position you just give a few instructions and that's pretty much it? It's not that simple these days. A lot is expected of you. You are not only a supervisor, but also a supporter, mediator and motivator. You solve conflicts, help your employees advance professionally, are empathetic, communicative, and work through your own tasks along the way.

Your role as a leader couldn't be more diverse. Every day, you help others grow. But what about you? You simply fall by the wayside, even though you would like to reach even higher. To prevent this from becoming a permanent state of affairs, you need a partner who promotes your further development, and this is exactly where the Executive Coach makes his grand entrance.

He sees eye-to-eye with you and understands exactly what it's like to be a manager these days. He knows the day-to-day business and can understand the problems that come with it. The executive coach enables you to critically examine all the issues that concern you.

executive coaching online

How does executive coaching work?

A good executive coach is superior to his coachee - clearly, how else can he teach you anything? In the first step you have to do exactly that accept. There will always be someone who is a little better than you in a certain area. And fortunately that's the case, because otherwise you would never be able to learn anything. Your executive coach and you build a trusting relationship and create an atmosphere where you can talk openly.

Your coach believes in you and your Potential and concentrates on that. The focus is therefore not on your specific problems, but rather on the means by which you can eliminate them or circumvent them from the outset. In executive coaching, your awareness of your own potential and your responsibility to finally take things into your own hands is strengthened. To this end, your coach uses targeted questions, actively listens to you and uses specific coaching frameworks, such as the GROW model.

GROW in portrait

GROW stands for Goal, Reality, Options and Wrap Up. So at the beginning is the goal. You first agree on a topic that you want to discuss together and then determine what you want to achieve with it.

Then it's time for the reality check. You assess yourself and get feedback from outside. The next step is to determine which options are open to you based on your current status, so that you can achieve one's aim can. Here you can make your own suggestions and let your coach guide you along the right path. Before you finally take action, you formulate the individual steps that will lead you to your goal and define when you want to have completed which section.

You commit to continuing to receive support from your executive coach until you finally reach your goal. You also consider what obstacles may arise and plan how best to overcome them.

What are the goals of executive coaching?

Higher, faster, further - that actually describes the goals of Executive Coaching quite well. Broadly speaking, it's about you managing to rise even further - even if you're already an executive. But the further you climb, the lonely it will - maybe you can even confirm that.

There is a lack of like-minded people with whom you can exchange ideas. Who in turn open up other perspectives for you and help you to reflect on your own actions and to identify errors in thinking. Executive coaching gives you all of this. Finally, you get the feedback you need to make it high and last. successful to be. To this end, the Coaching multiple targets.

Analyze the current state

The first goal you pursue in executive coaching is to determine together with your coach what role you currently play in your company and what your status is. "I am clearly the executive, why do I need an analysis?", you ask yourself now? That doesn't mean that you are perceived as such.

Do your employees take you seriously as their boss or do you give the impression that you still have to grow into your leadership role? Self-perception and perception by others are often two different pairs of shoes and this often leads to problems. Your coach will get an overview of your current situation and also of what goals you are actually pursuing.

Another goal at this stage of executive coaching is to filter out exactly where your strengths and weaknesses lie. They form the basis for everything that happens in coaching. Where does your potential lie? Where can we tickle more out of you? Where do hidden talents lurk that can help you advance? Your coach captures all of this.

The path to the overall goal

The exact goals you want to achieve with executive coaching are, of course, entirely up to you. One of the goals of the coaching process is to work out how you can get there. Together with your coach, you will identify ways and means that will move you forward most effectively. If you have already set out on the path toward your goal, you check with your coach again and again to see whether the measures are really effective. If this is not the case, you tweak them until they are perfect - another goal of executive coaching.

The more successful you are in this step, the better it will affect your self-confidence. Your employees will also notice this and appreciate you even more. Your superiors will also notice your change. At best, they will recognize the same potential in you as your coach and open the doors to the top for you.

How to become an executive coach?

You have learned an incredible amount from your executive coach and would now like to help other executives to rise further? Then simply become a coach yourself!

These are the qualities you need

In order to be able to offer your coachees real added value, you should of course have tangible experience yourself. You should be or have been a successful manager yourself, who knows exactly what is important in this position. If you have never faced the challenges your coachees face, you will not be able to help them. Shared experiences form the basis for communication at eye level and, above all, the Acceptance of your coachee.

But not only experience in the job, but also in life in general is required. If you already have a certain amount of life experience, it is much easier for you to understand the different situations your coachees find themselves in. You can also better understand the crises they may be going through.

Competent and sympathetic

Knowledge in the field of Methodological competence are of course essential if you want to become an executive coach. Acquired knowledge about certain behavioral patterns provides a solid foundation, but that alone won't get you far. You must be able to effectively communicate to your coachees how they can finally make it to the top. Only if you succeed in doing this will they be able to sustainably implement what they have learned from you, even after the coaching has already ended.

Sympathy also plays an important role here. No matter how competent you are, if you have an unsympathetic demeanor, it will be difficult for you to find common ground on which to build. This doesn't make it easier for you to empathize with your coachee and he/she will have problems opening up to you. This will make it difficult for both of you to move forward.

Your career as an Executive Coach

Your path to becoming an executive coach begins in the executive suite, where you gain valuable experience. Later, you will start a training program and learn all the important skills with which you can show your coachees how they can finally make it to the top. You then have the option of being hired by a large company or working as a self-employed or freelance coach.

No matter which way you decide to go: It is important that you always stay up to date. The demands on managers change and you have to adapt to them. Continuously improving your know-how is the be-all and end-all of any coaching job.

Job and salary of executive coaches

As a coach in general, you can work both full-time and part-time. If you decide on a main job, your salary will generally range between €40,000 and €57,000 gross per year, depending on the region. If you decide to pursue a career as an executive coach, the figures rise even higher.

The reason for this is that you already have many years of professional experience as a manager. You have worked hard for this position, and that is rewarded. That's why your gross salary as an executive coach can easily exceed €80,000 per year.

Your path to becoming an Executive Coach

As an executive coach, you help other executives make it even further up the career ladder. You are the conversation partner they are missing and push them forward. Together, you'll analyze where your coachee is right now and find the best ways to effectively get them to their goals and sustain their successes over the long term.

To ensure that you can offer your clients particularly high-quality coaching, you will complete our Business Coach Training. Here you will learn skills to help your coachees achieve visible success.

In our Greator business coach In the first part of the training we will familiarize you with all the basic coaching tools. In the first part of the training, the focus is on working through your own life issues. We support your learning process each week with high-quality coaching videos, workbooks and Meditations. This self-awareness helps you to support your future clients even better. Our Greator Business Coach training is based on the latest neuroscientific and economic findings. 

Simple coaching method

Top-class experts such as the neuroscientist and behavioral philosopher Dr. Frederik Hümmeke have contributed to the development of the training. You will learn a comprehensive and simple method that you can apply in a wide variety of coaching situations. Frederik introduces you to the most effective communication and coaching skills. In the Greator Business Coach Training you can acquire the basic knowledge and skills you need. This applies regardless of whether you are a manager or whether you want to work as an independent coach later on.

You are still hesitant because you are completely busy in your professional or family life? That is not an obstacle at all: our Business Coach Training takes place 100 % online. This guarantees you maximum flexibility in terms of time and location. Your digital workbook helps you to consolidate the content you have learned.

At the end of the training you will write an exam, after which you can call yourself a certified Greator Business Coach. Seize the opportunity for your future and apply today free of charge and without obligation.

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