Again, something didn't work out - someone snatches the last parking space from you, the bread has become expensive: How can you stay optimistic? Positive sayings for every day will help you to deal better with the usual problems. Take them seriously and strengthen your confidence and motivation. This is how you build a positive mindset and go through life relaxed.
20 Positive sayings to think about
There are always problems in your private and professional life. But positive sayings encourage you and bring you through difficult phases. For bad times and also for quiet hours there are positive sayings that make you think. They make you aware of what belongs to an optimistic attitude - how you can here experience. Sometimes they also give you new ideas and solutions to problems.
"Optimistic is that worldview which places being higher than nothingness and thus affirms the world and life as something intrinsically valuable." (Albert Schweitzer)
"Positive deeds require a positive attitude." (Dalai Lama)
"Even from stones placed in one's path, one can build beautiful things." (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
"The true optimists are not convinced that everything will go right. But they are convinced that not everything will go wrong." (Friedrich Schiller)
"Give every day a chance to be the best day of your life." (Mark Twain)
"Be yourself the change you wish to see in this world." (Mahatma Gandhi)
"What you think, you are. What you are, you radiate. What you radiate, you attract." (Buddha)
"Complete carelessness and an unshakable confidence are the essentials of a happy life." (Thomas Aquinas)
"The true art of living is to see the miraculous in the mundane." (Pearl S. Buck)
"The happiness of your life depends on the nature of your thoughts." (Marcus Aurelius)
"Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power." (William James)
"I have not failed - I have discovered 10,000 ways that have not worked." (Thomas Alva Edison)
"There are flowers everywhere for those who want to see them." (Henri Matisse)
"There are two ways to live your life: Either as if nothing were a miracle, or as if everything were." (Albert Einstein)
"Hopelessness is already the anticipated defeat." (Karl Jaspers)
"You have a head start in life who tackles where others first talk." (John F. Kennedy)
"An optimist is a person who thinks everything is half as bad or twice as good." (Heinz Rühmann)
"Death smiles at us all, the only thing to do is smile back!" (Marcus Aurelius)
"Don't be afraid to walk slowly, just be afraid to stop." (Chinese wisdom)
"When you grow up. happy want to be. For the time being, you don't think about it, and that's precisely why you are now." (José Saramago)
20 Positive sayings for a happy life
Many positive sayings are small encouragements. They help you ward off negative thoughts. "I won't make it anyway" and other pessimistic sayings belong to the past from now on. Past on. Do not be discouraged, but awaken your optimism. There are many positive sayings for a happy life. Here you can find a nice Collection:
"He who smiles instead of raving is always the strongest." (Proverb)
"The optimist is no less often wrong than the pessimist, but he lives more joyfully." (Charlie Rivel)
"Who dares nothing, may hope nothing." (Friedrich Schiller)
"Problems are possibilities in disguise." (John Adams)
"Trust only yourself when others doubt you, but do not resent their doubts." (Joseph Rudyard Kipling)
"I still hope to leave the world a little better than I found it." (Jim Henson)
"Let us try for once to place ourselves decidedly on the side of the positive, in every matter." (Christian Morgenstern)
"Turn your face to the sun, and you cannot see the shadow." (Helen Keller)
"It's stupid to get angry at the world. It doesn't care." (Marcus Aurelius)
"If someone says, "You can't do that," remember: those are their limits, not yours." (Unknown)
"Never start stopping. Never stop starting." (Cicero)
And a few more unknown positive sayings:
"Know your weaknesses, but focus more on your strengths."
"You can be scared - but you can't depend on it."
"If you're going to shy away from something, this is a good opportunity to show courage."
"The wind comes from the front: that's good, then your hair doesn't fly in front of your eyes."
"To be happy, all you need is yourself and your positive outlook on life." (Unknown)
"You can make your own life, just start doing it."
"Have the courage to be happy - even if happiness doesn't last forever."
"There is nothing that can destroy happiness you have already experienced."
"Get ready for happiness and seize the opportunity when it presents itself."
20 Positive sayings for the day
Encouraging words get you through everyday life well. If the positive sayings are short, they are particularly well suited as a Life motto. They put you on a good path. Sometimes a motto fits exactly to your current situation or to your character. What is your positive life motto?
"Being completely yourself can take some courage." (Sophia Loren)
"A pound of courage is worth more than a ton of luck." (James Abram Garfield)
"He who dares to think for himself will also act for himself." (Bettina von Arnim)
"Never and in no way should we be discouraged." (Adelbert von Chamisso)
"Courage and fear have something in common: they are contagious." (Proverb)
"What would life be if we didn't have the courage to take risks?" (Vincent van Gogh)
"Courage grows with starting." (Georg Moser)
"Existence is delicious, you just have to have the courage to live your own life." (Peter Rosegger)
"It often takes more courage to change one's mind than to remain true to it." (Friedrich Hebbel)
"He who admits that he is a coward has courage." (Fernandel)
"When the wind blows stronger, some build walls, others build sailing ships." (Chinese wisdom)
"Whoever stops wanting to become better, stops being good." (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)
"Those who are confident in themselves will surpass others." (Chinese wisdom)
"Do not lament what cannot be changed, but change what is to be lamented." (Shakespeare)
"Three things help to bear the troubles of life: the Hope, sleep and laughter." (Immanuel Kant)
"Turn toward the sun, and the shadow will fall behind you." (Proverb from Africa)
"It is better to enjoy and regret than to regret not having enjoyed." (Giovanni Boccaccio)
"Even from stones placed in one's path, one can build beautiful things." (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
"Go your way and let people talk!" (Dante Alighieri)
"Happiness is self-sufficiency." (Aristotle)
20 Positive sayings for the soul
How are you feeling deep inside? When your soul suffers, do you feel like you are unhappy. Against these negative impulses you need a positive force. You can find it in sayings and quotations that will help you Courage and drive away the pessimism. There are some positive sayings that really substantial are.
Unknown positive sayings:
"Change can be scary, but it is necessary for something new to emerge."
"Remain calmwhen a storm comes. Calm times will come again."
"Bad events are often a sign that you need to make a change."
"Stay calm and give your environment time to regroup."
"Don't be afraid of a fresh start. This time you're not starting from scratch, you're starting with experience."
"Send out the energy you want to attract yourself."
"The law of attraction should be taken with a grain of salt."
"Be kind to yourself and you will become your best friend."
"Do something good for your soul: it is your greatest treasure."
"If your insides are suffering, you need good help."
"Let them help you - there are people who want to do you good."
"Stay true to yourself and don't bend."
"Be who you want to be."
Famous sayings and quotes:
"Those who want to, find ways. Those who don't will find reasons." (Götz W. Werner)
"He who loves, lives." (German proverb)
"Relax, let go of the wheel. Trudle through the world, it is so beautiful." Kurt Tucholsky
"To live a creative life, we must lose the fear of making mistakes." Joseph Chilton Pearce
"Criticize your ego, but do not despair of it." Epictetus
"Courage is at the beginning of action, happiness at the end." Democritus
"You must think that life has not forgotten you, that it holds you in the palm of its hand. It will not let you fall." (Rainer Maria Rilke)
20 Positive Quotes
Positive Life Quotes and sayings come from different sources. Some can be found in the Bible, others in philosophers and writers. Most of the time, positive sayings work even if you take them out of context. Some are pure encouragement, others ward off negative impulses with wit.
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:21)
"Everything, therefore, that you expect of others, do also to them!" (Matthew 7:12)
"He who is to perish becomes proud beforehand; and pride comes before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18)
"Let love rule you in all that you do." (1 Corinthians 16:14)
"Do not grow weary in doing good. There will come a time when you will reap a rich harvest. Just don't give up before then!" (Galatians 6:9)
"That's life: Sometimes you lose, sometimes they win." (Proverb)
"Always look on the bright side of life." (Monty Python)
"There is something precious in everyone that is not in anyone else." (Martin Buber)
"I wake up every morning with the Faith on that today will be better than yesterday." (Will Smith)
"Whatever life throws at me - I take it and am grateful for it." (Tom Felton)
"Sunshine is delicious, rain refreshing, wind challenging, snow making merry: basically there is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather." (John Ruskin)
"An optimist is no less often wrong than a pessimist, but he lives more joyfully." (Charlie Rivel)
"Don't worry about failure, worry about the opportunities you'll miss if you don't even try." (Jack Canfield)
"It is never too late to become what you might have been." (George Eliot)
"Now are the good old days we'll long for back in ten years." (Peter Ustinov)
"Even skyscrapers once started at the bottom." (Hanno Nühm)
"It is not too little time that we have, but it is too much time that we do not use." (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)
"It is the encounters with people that make life worth living." (Guy de Maupassant)
"The true secret of success is enthusiasm." (Walter Percy Chrysler)
"There is a driving force far more powerful than steam, electricity and atomic energy: willpower." (Albert Einstein)
Conclusion - sayings for all walks of life
Are you a positive person? You will find that with the Personality test from Greator out. Motivating, positive sayings bring you forward - in your private life and also professionally. Choose a life motto that will boost your mood and don't let it drag you down!
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