Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD for short, is associated with impatience, impulsivity and physical restlessness. As a result, you find it difficult to integrate at school or at work and often feel overwhelmed. You have difficulty concentrating and lack motivation. Despite a high level of intelligence, many affected individuals are unable to Potential to make full use of their potential. They fall behind in their personal, academic and professional lives, which only exacerbates the problem. In this article you will learn how to improve the quality of life with the help of an ADHD coach.
In the idiosyncrasy colloquially known as fidget syndrome, those affected suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In rarer cases, hypoactivity is present, so that the apparent restlessness is absent, but patients suffer from the same problems of decreased attention. In this case, there is often just talk of ADHD, attention deficit disorder.
In attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, you feel an excessive urge to move, you have difficulty concentrating, and you tend to act rashly. You appear chaotic and nervous to other people. You find it difficult to structure your everyday life. At some point you no longer feel comfortable in your own disorder and frighten your social environment.
If you suffer from ADHD, your genes play a major role. The tendency to hyperactivity is probably inherited. In addition, the environment influences your behavior to a small extent. Excessive media consumption, a deficient Nutrition and incorrect parenting patterns can have an unfavorable influence on ADHD, but they are not the actual trigger.
Scientists suspect that the brain functions differently in people with ADHD. Certain brain regions, including the frontal lobes and various areas in the cerebellum, as well as areas of the basal ganglia responsible for coordinated movement, experience lower activity. The Concentration of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin is too low, which leads to a disturbance in communication between the nerve cells.
Generally known is ADHD in children. The students perform poorly and get more and more sidelined. At the same time, they attract negative attention due to their impulsive behavior. ADHD in adults also manifests itself in a strong lack of concentration. You often fail to keep appointments and organize your daily life. The diagnosis is made by a specialist, among other things with the help of questionnaires.
ADHD is one of the most common mental disorders in childhood. Those affected often suffer from their symptoms for the rest of their lives. That is why early treatment is important. This is done in some cases with medication. In addition, psychotherapy with ADHD coaching plays a major role.
The ADHD Coach helps you if you yourself suffer from the disorder, but also the parents of affected children. There is also a special coaching for teachers that supports teachers in dealing with students with ADHD. The coach shows you ADHD strategies that help you to better deal with your mental peculiarity or the problems of your children or students. You learn to better understand and manage the disorder.
The ADHD coach offers support tailored to individual needs by finding the right strategies and clearly defining the goals. Through direct contact with the coach, it is possible for you to ask specific questions and receive practical tips for the appropriate ADHD strategy.
With the help of the ADHD coach, you can manage your everyday life and improve your quality of life or learn how to offer effective ADHD support to those affected in your environment. You will help to avoid conflict situations in your private, school and professional life. The goal is more Satisfaction and success. In addition to those affected, their relatives also benefit from ADHD coaching.
To help you cope with ADHD, the coach uses different techniques. These differ depending on whether you are affected yourself or are using ADHD coaching as a relative or teacher.
ADHD coaching for parents and teachers is often based on videos. These show difficult parenting situations. The ADHD Coach offers instructions on how to deal with them correctly, based on the film examples. A detailed analysis of the reactions of the persons involved is carried out. Exercises and checklists round off the ADHD Coaching.
The ADHD Coach is dedicated to various topics. These include, for example, going to bed, media consumption, destruction of other people's property, argumentativeness and conflict resolution, problems with homework, lying and stealing. The special ADHD coaching for teachers goes into more detail about school difficulties. The case studies refer on the daily school routine and the pedagogical work.
If you yourself need ADHD support, the ADHD coach will take your personal situation into account and base his work on it. The aim is not only to identify and eliminate the problem, but also to improve your ADHD skills. Discover potential and to promote them. People with ADHD often have special talents and strengths that they unfortunately cannot use effectively. The ADHD coach helps you with self-discovery and chooses the best path together with you.
In general, the Coaching is to control and reduce the typical ADHD symptomatology with its negative accompanying symptoms. This significantly improves the psychosocial performance level. Since every person is different, the stresses associated with ADHD vary. Certain symptoms do not always have a negative impact on the way of life. Sometimes they are even beneficial, for example in professions where you have to deal with changing topics again and again, for example as a journalist.
Coaching is based on eight pillars. At the beginning is the orientation phase. The ADHD coach clarifies your concerns and identifies your problem areas. This is followed by the identification of your resources. The clarification of the ACTUAL state is about the problem analysis. The clarification of the TARGET state focuses on the determination of the goal.
In the structuring and planning phase, the ADHD coach develops measures so that you can Reach goal. After implementation, you successfully complete the project and stabilize your success.
The ADHD coach supports you specifically so that you can better structure, organize and also keep appointments and tasks. In order to be able to consistently pursue your own goals, he applies individual strategies and methods. The ADHD coach analyzes your potential and develops a strategy together with you so that your abilities can be promoted and used in a targeted manner. This enables you to effectively use your creativity, individuality, diversity and energy.
ADHD coaching strengthens your self-confidence and resilience. You are better able to adapt and react to the situation. This also brings you further professionally. The ADHD coach also helps you to release inner blocks and to develop a positive self-image. You will get to know yourself better and be able to improve your strengths and weaknesses more realistically.
The coaching modules are dedicated to various relevant topics. These include, for example, behavior in private and professional situations, but also increasing stamina and the Motivation. A good Time Management is also very important. Scheduling has a stabilizing effect and gives you a foothold. In addition, you learn to control your emotions and control impulses.
Many ADHD coaches hold a certificate from a professional academy. To complete the training, you usually need proof that you have sufficient experience in the field. Many good ADHD coaches have previous professional training in the social, educational or medical fields. These are, for example, occupational therapists, social pedagogues, Alternative practitioner for psychotherapy and special education teachers. Be well informed about the qualifications before you book the coaching.
You find it difficult to structure your everyday life and keep things in order. With the help of the ADHD coach, you learn how to create daily plans and make a to-do list. You schedule fixed times for recurring activities, such as cleaning up the kitchen, and stick to them. To remind yourself of important matters, you use notes as an aid to memory. After just a few weeks, your behavior changes and your apartment is clean again.
Can't stay on top of one thing for long periods of time and are constantly distracted? The ADHD Coach shows you how to take care of only one project instead of working in parallel. Only when you have successfully completed one project, you move on to the next one. You also divide your project into easily manageable sub-steps, making it easier for you.
The ADHD Coach starts where most ADHD sufferers have problems and helps them to finally manage their time and organize themselves. You will succeed in structuring your daily routine and sticking to it. Routines to get used to. You learn, Set priorities and discipline yourself. The increased attention will allow you to concentrate on your work and also help you manage your finances.
In short, the ADHD coach supports, advises and accompanies you on your way to a well-ordered life. He shows understanding for your situation and encourages you to achieve your goals. To protect you from being overwhelmed, he always keeps an eye on the feasibility. From him you will learn where your limits and possibilities lie and can finally fully exploit your potential.