What does a learning coach do and when is it useful to use one?

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The topic of learning accompanies us throughout our lives. However, this is particularly intensive during school, training and studies. Since every person is individual, not all learning methods work equally well for everyone. This applies equally to children and adults. In order to find the right best learning methods to determine the best approach, the use of a learning coach can be useful.

What is a learning coach?

As the name suggests, a learning coach is someone who supports you (or your child) in learning. Therefore, mainly pupils, trainees and students make use of the services of a learning coach. Learning coaching is based on a holistic approach that takes into account the individuality of each client. The concept is not to be equated with classical "tutoring".

While a tutor deals with individual school subjects, learning coaching is about learning more effectively overall. A professional learning coach recognizes learning deficits and Learning Disabilities. Once the underlying problem has been analyzed - whether motivational difficulties, general Overload or bullying - he proposes professional solutions. In the case of children and adolescents, this includes professional counseling for the entire family.

Basically, a learning coach provides help for self-help. This means that he does not simply prescribe strict learning methods, but encourages his client to take responsibility for his own learning. In the long term, the goal is to ensure that the skills acquired in the Coaching methods developed can be applied independently. For this purpose it is important to Strengthen the self-confidence of the client.

How children learn successfullyThis is the subject of a long-term study conducted by the University of Siegen.

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Your child doesn't feel like doing homework? Learning expert Markus Hofmann tells you how you can motivate your child to do schoolwork all by themselves, how it even has fun in the process and personally outgrows itself!

Topics and tasks of a learning coach

A learning coach is able to identify learning deficits and support the student accordingly using appropriate methods.

The most common learning and developmental disabilities include:

How students with Learning Disabilities This is what the University of Wuppertal has been working on.

Apart from the above-mentioned problematic issues, also Test anxiety a common reason to consult a learning coach. The coach supports these clients in finding strategies to deal with the anxiety. These include, for example, repeated mental confrontation with the exam situation, but also relaxation methods and optimal preparation of the content of the exam.

Let's briefly summarize the four most important tasks of a learning coach again:

  1. Recognize learning deficits and learning disorders.
  2. Elaboration of individual solution strategies.
  3. Promote a sense of responsibility and independent work.
  4. Practical implementation of modern learning theory.
learning coach salary

What topics does a learning coach NOT cover?

As already mentioned, a learning coach is not a tutor. If you only want professional support in a specific school or exam subject, but otherwise have no learning problems, the latter is the more suitable contact. However, if you want to optimize your learning strategies holistically, you should consult a learning coach.

How to find a good learning coach?

In general, the job title "coach" is not a protected term. This means that, in theory, anyone can call themselves a coach. For this reason, it is all the more important to specifically question the qualifications of the respective learning coach. The proof can be, for example, a corresponding pedagogical professional training, a completed study or at least a certified further education - as the Greator Learning Coach Training is certified.

Just like any coach, a learning coach should also offer a free get-to-know-you meeting. After all, you first need to find out if you even harmonize with each other or if your child feels comfortable with the coach. During this conversation, you can ask the following questions:

  • What are the qualifications?
  • What is the resume of the learning coach?
  • Where did he / she work and for how long?
  • Which (learning) coaching methods are used?
  • What is the learning coach's general understanding of learning support?
  • Is the pricing transparent and comprehensible?

Furthermore, a serious learning coach only accepts assignments that actually fall within the scope of learning coaching. He does not ascribe any therapeutic competences to himself and does not give any diagnoses. If the learning coach is of the opinion that, in addition to learning support, psychological treatment is also necessary, he will refer to a trained psychotherapist.

A learning coach meets his clients at eye level and strengthens their self-confidence. You should exclude any behavior that is overbearing or lecturing in a negative way. In any case, take your time before you hire a learning coach. Do not decide on the basis of first impressions, but weigh your decision thoroughly (if necessary, together with your child).

What does a learning coach earn?

So far, we've taken the perspective of a client looking for a learning coach for themselves or for their child. However, you may be reading this article because you are thinking about becoming a coach yourself. If this is the case, the issue of salary is of course an important one.

How much you earn as a learning coach depends on several factors. Basically, the more relevant professional experience and qualifications you have, the higher you can set your fee. If you have just completed your coaching training, you will not (yet) earn large sums. However, this can change over the course of your professional years.

As a learning coach, you have two options: Freelancing or being an employee. An employed learning coach earns on average about 2400,00 € per month. As a freelancer you can expect an hourly fee between 80,00 € and 140,00 €. In addition, there is of course the unpaid time for the acquisition of orders and the preparation for your coaching sessions.

Learning coaching for children: 3 steps to more learning fun & success
Your child doesn't feel like doing homework? Learning expert Markus Hofmann tells you how you can motivate your child to do schoolwork all by themselves, how it even has fun in the process and personally outgrows itself!

Become a learning coach: What requirements do you have to meet?

The training and further education to the learning coach addresses on the one hand persons, who can already present a basic training in the educational and/or social range. This includes, for example, the following professional groups:

  • Teacher
  • Social Worker
  • Social Pedagogues
  • Trainer
  • Pedagogical professionals of all kinds
  • Psychotherapists
  • Educator

Especially for parents is suitable Learning coach training. But there are also special training programs for career changers. Of course, these should then be all the more well-founded. Whether previous professional training is necessary depends on the training provider. The same applies to other possible criteria such as a minimum age. Basically, it can be said that anyone interested will find a suitable training opportunity.

In addition to any professional requirements that may be required, you should intensively consider the question of whether you are up to the challenge of interpersonal skills before you start your training. As a learning coach, you should have strong communication skills and enjoy working with people. If this is not the case, it can be difficult.

How do you find the right learning coach training?

In search of a Learning coach training you will quickly notice that there are numerous training opportunities at different institutions. This diversity does not necessarily make the decision easier. Before you make your choice for a provider, you should compare several offers with each other. There are sometimes serious differences in terms of content, duration and costs.

The training to become a learning coach can be completed both online and in person. The former is particularly practical if you work full-time and / or do not want to travel. The advantage of a face-to-face course is that you get to know other participants and you can exchange ideas in person. However, you can only decide for yourself what is the right option for you.

Greator Learning Coach Training
That's how you show kids that learning is fun!
You want children to be individuals with their Strengths and weaknesses are perceived and promoted? In the learning coach training, you will learn how to help children enjoy learning again. Are you in?

How long does the learning coach training take?

The duration of training varies - depending on whether you choose full-time or part-time training. The Greator Learning Coach Training goes over three months. In other words, you receive content over 12 weeks and decide for yourself in which period you would like to work on it. We cover the following aspects with you:

  • the ability to concentrate and intrinsic motivation of children
  • Keep differences of opinion and arguments with children to a minimum
  • Learning Blocks solve and make learning fun
  • Establish structures and strategies for study and homework time.
  • Support children optimally in their self-development

At the end of the training you should pass an exam (theory and practice) and then receive a certificate. This is your first reference for your professional future as a learning coach. For example, we are recognized as an educational institute and will issue you with a certificate at the end of your learning coach training.

What content is covered in the learning coach training?

The areas of responsibility of a learning coach are diverse, which is also reflected in the training content. In the basic training, you will first be familiarized with modern learning theories. These include:

  • cognitive learning theory
  • current findings of brain research
  • Behaviorism

The theoretical part of the training is of great importance, as it shows how the topic of learning ability is treated from a scientific perspective. Based on the latest findings, the modern learning coaching is designed.

Now let's move on to the individual learning methods and techniques you will encounter in your training:

  • Designing a productive learning environment
  • Time management / work organization
  • Reading and spelling techniques
  • Increasing memory performance with the help of memo techniques
  • Language learning method (Birkenbihl method)
  • Work with mind maps
  • Design of productive group work
  • Application of flashcards
  • Reading learning strategy according to the SQ3R method (= Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review).
  • individual learning techniques

As you can see, such a learning workload cannot be completed in just a few days. This also applies to people with previous professional training. The exact training content can of course differ slightly depending on the provider, but the rough guideline should be recognizable as described above.

In the Training as a learning coach at Greator we want children to enjoy learning again. We want them to develop, gain ease and change their mindset.

How much does a learning coach training cost?

As you have probably already guessed, it is not possible to make a general statement about the costs. At this point, we would like to remind you once again that a comparison of providers is definitely worthwhile! However, the costs should of course not be the decisive criterion for the choice of your training. Rather, it depends on the content.

Tip: In some cases, the training costs can also be fully or at least partially deducted from taxes.

What are your career prospects as an employed learning coach?

As discussed earlier, both freelancing and permanent employment options are available to you as a learning coach. Both options have their specific advantages and disadvantages.

Let us first deal with the option of employment. In this context, the first question is: Which institutions hire learning coaches at all? First and foremost, learning coaches are employed at schools. This does not only mean primary and secondary schools, but also vocational schools or training centers. Some universities also employ learning coaches.

Another professional field is social institutions for children and young people, e.g. assisted living groups, after-school care or similar. Since the children here often come from difficult backgrounds, special skills are required of you as a learning coach. These include above all Patience and empathy, a firm personality of their own, and the necessary degree of authority.

Learning coach for children

However, a learning coach is by no means only suitable for children who come from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. He is also there for those who suffer from pressure at school or have difficulty understanding the learning material. So - here it is not so much about a health limitation, but about mental deficits.

Learning coaching is personality development for children. Working with them is especially about teaching the kids values. So the coach will focus on MindfulnessThe coach will focus on the child's strengths and weaknesses, self-worth or motivational work. As a team, coach and child will work out goals, set a focus and build or strengthen self-confidence with beautiful exercises.

The focus of the learning coach's work is to make learning fun again for children. And to find out how - and under what conditions - your child can learn best. But also what the right environment for perfect learning should look like. Because that is individual for everyone. The learning coach also develops strategies with the child on how to deal with poor grades deals with. Learning coaching is solution-oriented - preliminary help so that no more tutoring is needed afterwards.

If you prefer to work with adults as a learning coach, there are also many opportunities. These include adult education at adult education centers and the areas of literacy and integration.

Your perspectives as a freelancer

The freelance offers numerous advantages at first glance: You are your own boss and can therefore freely arrange your working hours. With a stable order situation, the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages. However, it can take quite a while before you make a name for yourself. Establishing yourself as a freelance learning coach requires patience, hard work and comes at a cost.

At the beginning of your freelancing, no one knows you yet. This means that you have to invest in self-marketing without already having any income. Establishing contacts in the industry is therefore your primary goal in the early days. You have to pay for your social security completely yourself. These costs should not be underestimated! Health insurance in particular is immensely expensive for freelancers.

Employment offers greater financial security, but your personal freedom is limited. As an employee, you also do not have to worry about the payment of social benefits and your coverage in case of illness.

However, these arguments should in no way discourage you from taking the step into freelancing! We just want to sensitize you for a well thought-out preparation.

Securely into freelancing as a learning coach: How to succeed

Many self-employed learning coaches started out "on two tracks". This means that they initially kept their bread and butter job and built up their self-employment on the side. This way it might take a little longer, but you keep the financial risk low.

It is advisable to make contacts while you are still in training. You may even find a mentor who is already working as a successful freelance learning coach and can support you on your way. Also, think about what you want to focus on as a learning coach early on: What kind of clients do you want to serve? Your later marketing will be based on this.

As a learning coach, there are numerous opportunities open to you. With a solid education, you can optimize your career opportunities and develop your Realize professionally.


The 10 best tips for 
Fun and success in learning

In our free e-book you get 10 tried and tested tipsthat will help you to support your child in learning in the best possible way.
Reviewed by Dr. med. Stefan Frädrich

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