Hermann Scherer

Hermann Scherer is a positioning expert, consultant, best-selling author and experienced speaker.

About Hermann Shearer

Hermann Scherer

Hermann Scherer is one of the most sought-after speakers in the German-speaking world. He has given over 3,000 lectures, published more than 50 books and founded over 30 successful companies. A success that can be seen! His goal is to turn people into brands so that they become the market leader in their industry. Or to put it another way: Hermann Scherer is one of the best-known and most renowned experts for Positioning and success in German-speaking countries.

Hermann shares his knowledge on the big stage with very much Charm and humor. He tells funny anecdotes with which he makes complex issues understandable to every listener in the simplest way. In this way, Hermann always succeeds in captivating the listener. One thing is for sure: After a lecture by Hermann Scherer, you are guaranteed to step into life full of motivation and develop your full potential. 

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Hermann Scherer on the Greator stage

Let go, use your potential

Thoughts are like trains - they have to keep moving. With all their might. Instead, however, regret sometimes sets in. Have I thought long enough? Is this the right decision? I have already invested so much. Regretting something is such an unpleasant feeling that resembles chaos and makes one's performance look bad. Don't let it bother you. Use this situation, develop a strategy, become a lateral thinker! Use the skills of problem solving, of letting go - and find your passion. Every continuing education can take you further. Discover your true potential!

Developing potential: How to become successful!

Hermann Scherer reveals in the video how you can develop your full potential! You doubt your talent or your potential? Then you should throw all negative thoughts overboard right now! In this video, Hermann Scherer shows you how you can prove your competence with the help of a clever staging.

Use your full potential - the path to success

Hermann Scherer is certain: Every person must find his excellence, his potential. He does not want to be provocative. He is saying quite pragmatically that everyone must discover his or her specialization and talent and see and use this as an opportunity. Since the beginning of his career, the author, speaker and entrepreneur has always been hardworking, supporting, accompanying and inspiring people on their way to success. Achieving his goals, goal by goal, was existential for Hermann Scherer. Today, the speaker is primarily concerned with motivation and happiness - without being completely happy. What's behind it, as well as his motivations and background, Hermann Scherer reveals in an interview with GEDANKENtanken CEO Alexander Müller. In addition to all the performance and a tight daily routine, Hermann Scherer has lost neither humor nor fun in his work - even though he especially likes to travel, preferably to New York 😉

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